Source code for qiskit_metal.renderers.renderer_ansys_pyaedt.hfss_renderer_eigenmode_aedt

from ast import parse
from qiskit_metal.renderers.renderer_ansys_pyaedt.hfss_renderer_aedt import QHFSSPyaedt
from qiskit_metal import Dict
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import pandas as pd
import pyEPR as epr

[docs] class QHFSSEigenmodePyaedt(QHFSSPyaedt): """Subclass of pyaedt HFSS renderer for methods unique to driven-modal solutions within HFSS. QPyaedt Default Options: """ name = 'aedt_hfss_eigenmode' default_setup = Dict( name="QHFSSEigenmodePyaedt_setup", MinimumFrequency="5.0", # GHz NumModes="1", MaxDeltaFreq="0.5", MaximumPasses="10", MinimumPasses="1", MinimumConvergedPasses="1", PercentRefinement="30", BasisOrder="1") """aedt HFSS Options""" default_pyepr_options = Dict( ansys=Dict(dielectric_layers=[3],), hamiltonian=Dict(cos_trunc=7, fock_trunc=8, numeric=True), print_result=True, ) """pyEPR options""" def __init__(self, multilayer_design: 'MultiPlanar', project_name: Union[str, None] = None, design_name: Union[str, None] = None, initiate=False, options: Dict = None): """Create a QRenderer for HFSS simulations using pyaedt and multiplanar design. QHFSSPyaedt is subclassed from QPyaedt, subclassed from QRendererAnalysis and subclassed from QRenderer. The default_setup options are expected to be defined by child class of QHFSSPyaedt for driven-modal and eigenmode solution types. Args: multilayer_design (MultiPlanar): Use QGeometry within MultiPlanar to obtain elements for Ansys. project_name (Union[str, None], optional): Give a name, or one will be made based on class name of renderer. Defaults to None. design_name (Union[str, None], optional): Give a name, or one will be made based on class name of renderer. Defaults to None. initiate (bool, optional): True to initiate the renderer. Defaults to False. options (Dict, optional): Used to override all options. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(multilayer_design, renderer_type='HFSS_EM', project_name=project_name, design_name=design_name, initiate=initiate, options=options) #make a class to read in pandas table. self.tables = None
[docs] def add_hfss_em_setup( self, name: str = None, MinimumFrequency: float = None, # GHz NumModes: int = None, MaxDeltaFreq: float = None, MaximumPasses: int = None, MinimumPasses: int = None, MinimumConvergedPasses: int = None, PercentRefinement: int = None, BasisOrder: int = None): """Create a solution setup in Ansys HFSS Driven-Modal solution type. If user does not provide arguments, they will be obtained from QHFSSDrivenmodalPyaedt.default_setup dict. Args: name (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to None. MinimumFrequency (float, optional): Minimum frequency in GHz. Defaults to self.default_setup. NumModes (int, optional): Number of modes. Defaults to self.default_setup. MaxDeltaFreq (float, optional): Maximum difference in freq between consecutive passes. Defaults to self.default_setup. MaximumPasses (int, optional): Maximum number of passes. Defaults to self.default_setup. MinimumPasses (int, optional): Minimum number of passes.Defaults to self.default_setup. MinimumConvergedPasses (int, optional): Minimum number of converged passes. Defaults to self.default_setup. PercentRefinement (int, optional): Percent refinement. Defaults to self.default_setup. BasisOrder (int, optional): Basis order. Defaults to self.default_setup. Returns: new_setup (pyaedt.modules.SolveSetup.SetupHFSS): pyAEDT simulation setup object. """ self.activate_user_project_design() esu = self.default_setup if not name: name = self.parse_value(esu['name']) if name in self.current_app.setup_names: self.logger.warning( f'The setup name already exists within ' f'project:{self.project_name} design: {self.design_name}. ' f'So a new setup with name={name} was NOT added to design.') return if not MinimumFrequency: MinimumFrequency = float(self.parse_value(esu['MinimumFrequency'])) if not NumModes: NumModes = int(self.parse_value(esu['NumModes'])) if not MaxDeltaFreq: MaxDeltaFreq = float(self.parse_value(esu['MaxDeltaFreq'])) if not MaximumPasses: MaximumPasses = int(self.parse_value(esu['MaximumPasses'])) if not MinimumPasses: MinimumPasses = int(self.parse_value(esu['MinimumPasses'])) if not MinimumConvergedPasses: MinimumConvergedPasses = int( self.parse_value(esu['MinimumConvergedPasses'])) if not PercentRefinement: PercentRefinement = int(self.parse_value(esu['PercentRefinement'])) if not BasisOrder: BasisOrder = int(self.parse_value(esu['BasisOrder'])) new_setup = self.current_app.create_setup(name) new_setup.props['MinimumFrequency'] = f'{MinimumFrequency}GHz' new_setup.props['NumModes'] = NumModes new_setup.props['MaxDeltaFreq'] = MaxDeltaFreq new_setup.props['MaximumPasses'] = MaximumPasses new_setup.props['MinimumPasses'] = MinimumPasses new_setup.props['MinimumConvergedPasses'] = MinimumConvergedPasses new_setup.props['PercentRefinement'] = PercentRefinement new_setup.props['BasisOrder'] = BasisOrder new_setup.update() return new_setup
[docs] def analyze_setup(self, setup_name: str) -> bool: """Run a specific solution setup in Ansys HFSS DrivenModal. Args: setup_name (str): Name of setup. Returns: bool: Value returned from pyaedt.analyze_setup(). """ # Activate project_name and design_name before anything else self.activate_user_project_design() if setup_name not in self.current_app.setup_names: self.logger.warning( f'Since the setup_name is not in the project/design which was used to start HFSS DrivenModal, ' f'a new setup will be added to design with default settings for HFSS DrivenModal.' ) self.add_hfss_dm_setup(setup_name) return self.current_app.analyze_setup(setup_name)
[docs] def render_design(self, selection: Union[list, None] = None, open_pins: Union[list, None] = None, port_list: Union[list, None] = None, jj_to_port: Union[list, None] = None, ignored_jjs: Union[list, None] = None, box_plus_buffer: bool = True): """ This render_design will add additional logic for just eigenmode design within project. Initiate rendering of components in design contained in selection, assuming they're valid. Components are rendered before the chips they reside on, and subtraction of negative shapes is performed at the very end. First obtain a list of IDs of components to render and a corresponding case, denoted by self.qcomp_ids and, respectively. If == 1, all components in QDesign are to be rendered. If == 0, a strict subset of components in QDesign are to be rendered. Otherwise, if == 2, one or more component names in selection cannot be found in QDesign. Chip_subtract_dict consists of component names (keys) and a set of all elements within each component that will eventually be subtracted from the ground plane. Add objects that are perfect conductors and/or have meshing to self.assign_perfE and self.assign_mesh, respectively; both are initialized as empty lists. Note that these objects are "refreshed" each time render_design is called (as opposed to in the init function) to clear QAnsysRenderer of any leftover items from the last call to render_design. Among the components selected for export, there may or may not be unused (unconnected) pins. The second parameter, open_pins, contains tuples of the form (component_name, pin_name) that specify exactly which pins should be open rather than shorted during the simulation. Both the component and pin name must be specified because the latter could be shared by multiple components. All pins in this list are rendered with an additional endcap in the form of a rectangular cutout, to be subtracted from its respective plane. The final parameter, box_plus_buffer, determines how the chip is drawn. When set to True, it takes the minimum rectangular bounding box of all rendered components and adds a buffer of x_buffer_width_mm and y_buffer_width_mm horizontally and vertically, respectively, to the chip size. The center of the chip lies at the midpoint x/y coordinates of the minimum rectangular bounding box and may change depending on which components are rendered and how they're positioned. If box generated with box_plus_buffer passes the chip size, the box will be cropped to chip size. If box_plus_buffer is False, however, the chip position and dimensions are taken from the chip info dictionary found in, irrespective of what's being rendered. While this latter option is faster because it doesn't require calculating a bounding box, it runs the risk of rendered components being too close to the edge of the chip or even falling outside its boundaries. Args: selection (Union[list, None], optional): List of components to render. Defaults to None. open_pins (Union[list, None], optional): List of tuples of pins that are open. Defaults to None. box_plus_buffer (bool, optional): Either calculate a bounding box based on the location of rendered geometries or use chip size from design class. """ # self.fill_info will hold the name of newly generated box, # along with information from layer stack self.fill_info = # Draw in fill = True pieces. based on either full chip or box_plus # They are reset for each time render_design happens. # jj_to_port SHOULD not bew in eigenmode solution type. So will give error if jj_to_port or port_list: f'In eigenmode solution, there should NOT be any values for jj_to_port or port_list.' ) return super().render_design(selection, open_pins, port_list, jj_to_port, ignored_jjs, box_plus_buffer) if == 2: self.logger.warning( 'Unable to proceed with rendering. Please check selection.') return self.activate_user_project_design() # Ansys default units is 'mm'?????, but metal using 'meter'. # pyaedt.generic.constants.SI_UNITS.Length is meter. # self.add_mesh() # self.assign_thin_conductor() # self.assign_nets() self.add_mesh() return
[docs] def add_mesh(self): a = 5
[docs] def should_render_junction(self, qgeom: pd.Series, port_list: Union[list, None], jj_to_port: Union[list, None], ignored_jjs: Union[list, None]) -> bool: """Logic Just for eigenmode Args: qgeom (pd.Series): One row of the junction table. port_list (Union[list, None]): Use definition from render_design. jj_to_port (Union[list, None]): Use definition from render_design. ignored_jjs (Union[list, None]): Use definition from render_design. Returns: bool: If the junction should be rendered based on row from junction table and ignored_jjs. """ if ignored_jjs: search_junction = ([qgeom["component"]].name, qgeom['name']) if search_junction in ignored_jjs: return False return True
[docs] def run_epr(self, dielectric_layers=None, cos_trunc: int = None, fock_trunc: int = None, numeric: bool = None, print_result: bool = None): ''' Runs EPR analysis Interpreting Results: f_0 [MHz] : Eigenmode frequencies computed by HFSS; i.e., linear freq returned in GHz f_1 [MHz] : Dressed mode frequencies (by the non-linearity; e.g., Lamb shift, etc. ). If numerical diagonalizaiton is run, then we return the numerically diagonalizaed frequencies, otherwise, use 1st order pertuirbation theory on the 4th order expansion of the cosine. f_ND [MHz] : Numerical diagonalizaiton chi_O1 [MHz] : Analytic expression for the chis based on a cos trunc to 4th order, and using 1st order perturbation theory. Diag is anharmonicity, off diag is full cross-Kerr. chi_ND [MHz] : Numerically diagonalized chi matrix. Diag is anharmonicity, off diag is full cross-Kerr. Args: dielectric_layers (list, optional): Specify which layers are dielectrics. Layers are specified in `LayerStackHandler.ls_df['layer']`. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options cos_trunc (int, optional): Truncation of the cosine. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options. fock_trunc (int, optional): Truncation of the fock. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options. numeric (bool, optional): Use numerical diagonalization. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options. print_result (bool, optional): Print results of EPR analysis. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options. Returns: (dict): all results of EPR analysis ''' if (print_result == None): print_result = self.default_pyepr_options.print_result # Sets ANSYS to project associated with self.activate_user_project_design() # Connect EPR to ANSYS self.pinfo = epr.ProjectInfo() # Tells pyEPR where Johsephson Junctions are located in ANSYS self.setup_jjs_for_epr() # Tells pyEPR which components have dissipative elements self.setup_dielectric_for_epr(dielectric_layers) # Executes the EPR analysis self.epr_distributed_analysis = epr.DistributedAnalysis(self.pinfo) self.epr_distributed_analysis.do_EPR_analysis() # Find observable quantities from energy-partipation ratios self.epr_spectrum_analysis(cos_trunc=cos_trunc, fock_trunc=fock_trunc, print_result=print_result) # Print results? if print_result: self.epr_quantum_analysis.report_results(numeric=numeric) # Release ANSYS from pyEPR script self.pinfo.disconnect() return
[docs] def setup_jjs_for_epr(self): """ Finds all names, inductances, and capacitances of Josephson Junctions rendered into ANSYS. """ # Get all josephson junctions from rendered components table geom_table = self.path_poly_and_junction_with_valid_comps all_jjs = geom_table.loc[geom_table['name'].str.contains('rect_jj')] all_jjs = all_jjs.reset_index(drop=True) for i, row in all_jjs.iterrows(): ### Parsing Data ### component = str(row['component']) name = str(row['name']) inductance = row['aedt_hfss_inductance'] # Lj in Henries capacitance = row['aedt_hfss_capacitance'] # Cj in Farads # Get ANSYS > Model > Sheet corresponding to JJs rect_name = 'JJ_rect_Lj_' + component + '_' + name # Get ANSYS > Model > Lines corresponding to JJs line_name = 'JJ_Lj_' + component + '_' + name + '_' ### Appending data ### # Add global Lj and Cj variables to ANSYS (for EPR analysis) ansys_Lj_name = f'Lj_{i}' ansys_Cj_name = f'Cj_{i}' self.set_variable(ansys_Lj_name, str(inductance * 1E9) + 'nH') self.set_variable(ansys_Cj_name, str(capacitance * 1E15) + 'fF') # Append data in pyEPR.ProjectInfo.junctions data format junction_dict = { 'Lj_variable': ansys_Lj_name, 'rect': rect_name, 'line': line_name, 'length': epr.parse_units('100um'), 'Cj_variable': ansys_Cj_name } self.pinfo.junctions[f'j{i}'] = junction_dict self.pinfo.validate_junction_info()
[docs] def setup_dielectric_for_epr(self, dielectric_layers=None): """ Find name of dielectric layer rendered in ANSYS, then define it as a dissipative dielectric surface for pyEPR. Args: dielectric_layers (list, optional): Specify which layers are dielectrics. Layer specified in `LayerStackHandler.ls_df['layer']`. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options, which is the default silicon layer. """ # Check for default values if (dielectric_layers == None): dielectric_layers = self.default_pyepr_options.ansys.dielectric_layers # Check if layerstack ( is uniquely specified ls_unique = if (ls_unique != True): raise ValueError('Layer data in `MultiPlanar` design is not unique') dielectric_names = [] ls_df = for layer in dielectric_layers: # Find layer names selected_ls_df = ls_df[ls_df['layer'] == layer] datatype = selected_ls_df['datatype'].values[0] dielectric_name = f'layer_{layer}_datatype_{datatype}_plane' dielectric_names.append(dielectric_name) # Define them as dielectrics in pyEPR.ProjectInfo object self.pinfo.dissipative['dielectric_surfaces'] = dielectric_names
[docs] def epr_spectrum_analysis(self, cos_trunc: int = None, fock_trunc: int = None, print_result: bool = None): """Core EPR analysis method. Args: cos_trunc (int, optional): Truncation of the cosine. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options. fock_trunc (int, optional): Truncation of the fock. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options. print (boo, optional): Print results of EPR analysis. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options. """ if (cos_trunc == None): cos_trunc = self.default_pyepr_options.hamiltonian.cos_trunc if (fock_trunc == None): fock_trunc = self.default_pyepr_options.hamiltonian.fock_trunc if (print_result == None): print_result = self.default_pyepr_options.print_result self.epr_quantum_analysis = epr.QuantumAnalysis( self.epr_distributed_analysis.data_filename) self.epr_quantum_analysis.analyze_all_variations( cos_trunc=cos_trunc, fock_trunc=fock_trunc, print_result=print_result)
[docs] def epr_report_hamiltonian(self, numeric=None): """Reports in a markdown friendly table the hamiltonian results. Args: numeric (bool, optional): Use numerical diagonalization. Defaults to self.default_pyepr_options. """ if (numeric == None): numeric = self.default_pyepr_options.hamiltonian.numeric self.epr_quantum_analysis.plot_hamiltonian_results() self.epr_quantum_analysis.report_results(numeric=numeric)