Source code for qiskit_metal.analyses.core.simulation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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from abc import abstractmethod
from qiskit_metal.designs import QDesign  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from qiskit_metal import Dict
from qiskit_metal import config

from . import QAnalysis
import importlib

[docs] class QSimulation(QAnalysis): """A subclass of `QAnalysis`, intended to standardize across all Analysis classes select and name renderers. Default Setup: * name (str): Name of simulation setup. Defaults to "Setup". Data Labels: * sim_setup_name (str): Name given to the current setup. """ default_setup = Dict(name="Setup", reuse_selected_design=True, reuse_setup=True) """Default setup""" # supported labels for data generated from the simulation data_labels = ['sim_setup_name'] """Default data labels.""" def __init__(self, design: 'QDesign' = None, renderer_name: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Variables and method needed from all those Analysis types that need a renderer. Args: design (QDesign): The Metal design you are working on. Defaults to None. renderer_name (str): Name of the renderer you intend to use. Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # pointer to find renderers = design if is None: "You did not specify a design, so you will need to provide manual inputs" " for the analysis.") # verify renderer existence self.renderer_name = renderer_name self.renderer = None if self.renderer_name is None: "You did not specify a renderer, so you are expected to manually provide " " the analysis input information.") else: self.renderer = self.select_renderer(renderer_name)
[docs] def select_renderer(self, renderer_name: str): """Makes sure the renderer exists in qiskit-metal. If yes it sets the analysis class variables to be able to reach it easily. Else it throws an error. Args: renderer_name (str): Name of the renderer you intend to use. Returns: (QRenderer): The renderer to be used in the analysis. """ try: if is None: # we want to setup a renderer from scratch # renderer_ref will be {} id renderer_name does not exist renderer_ref = config.renderers_to_load[renderer_name] if not renderer_ref: raise KeyError #needed because this is a Dict, not a dict if not (renderer_ref.path_name and renderer_ref.class_name): self.logger.error( f'The renderer={renderer_name} is not properly configured in' ' config.renderers_to_load. Please add the missing information' ' (Tip: needs to have both a path_name and a class_name keys).' ) return None # if the path_name exists, grab the class if importlib.util.find_spec(renderer_ref.path_name): class_renderer = getattr( importlib.import_module(renderer_ref.path_name), renderer_ref.class_name, None) # if the class_name exists, then create the renderer object if class_renderer is not None: renderer = class_renderer(None) else: self.logger.warning( f'Could not find the class={renderer_ref.class_name} ' f'in the renderer={renderer_name}') else: self.logger.warning( f'Could not find the renderer={renderer_name} ' f'at the path={renderer_ref.path_name}.') else: # the renderer would have been already registered within the design object renderer =[renderer_name] if not renderer: f"Cannot find the renderer \"{renderer_name}\" registered with qiskit-metal" ) return None except KeyError: f"Cannot find a renderer {renderer_name} registered with qiskit-metal" ) return None return renderer
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the renderer by executing the routine of the selected renderer. """ self._initialize_renderer()
def _initialize_renderer(self): """Starts the renderer by executing the routine of the selected renderer. """ self.renderer.start() def _render(self, solution_type, vars_to_initialize, **design_selection) -> str: """Renders the design from qiskit metal into the selected renderer. First it decides the tentative name of the design. Then it runs the renderer method that executes the design rendering. It returns the final design name. Args: solution_type (str): The type of simulation solution to apply. Supported so far: eigenmode, capacitive, drivenmodal vars_to_initialize (Dict): The variables to initialize, i.e. Ljx, Cjx. Returns: (str): Final design name that the renderer used. """ if is None: return self.renderer.get_active_design_name() # need a default renderer-design name. Use the name of the metal-design. base_name = # if a renderer-design name was provided as input to run(), use that as a base if "name" in design_selection: if design_selection["name"] is not None: base_name = design_selection["name"] del design_selection["name"] design_name = base_name + "_" + self.renderer_name design_name = self.renderer.execute_design( design_name, solution_type=solution_type, force_redraw=self.setup.reuse_selected_design, vars_to_initialize=vars_to_initialize, **design_selection) return design_name
[docs] def close(self): """Stops the renderer by executing the routine of the selected renderer. """ self._close_renderer()
def _close_renderer(self): """Stops the renderer by executing the routine of the selected renderer. """ self.renderer.stop() @property def renderer_initialized(self): """Reports whether the renderer is initialized or stopped. """ return self.renderer.initialized
[docs] def save_screenshot(self): """Saves the screenshot. Returns: (pathlib.WindowsPath): Path to png formatted screenshot. """ return self.renderer.save_screenshot()
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for run_sim() necessary to implement super-class method, while preventing method name collision when sim and non-sim QAnalysis classes are inherited. """ self.run_sim(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_sim(self, *args, **kwargs): """Abstract method. Must be implemented by the subclass. Write in here the code to launch the simulations. You will be able to execute this with the alias run(). """
@property def sim_setup_name(self) -> str: """Getter Returns: str: Name of the setup being executed. """ return self.get_data('sim_setup_name') @sim_setup_name.setter def sim_setup_name(self, data: str): """Setter Args: data (str): Name of the setup being executed. """ if not isinstance(data, str): self.logger.warning( 'Unsupported type %s. Only accepts str. Please try again.', {type(data)}) return self.set_data('sim_setup_name', data)