Source code for qiskit_experiments.test.mock_iq_helpers

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Probability and phase functions for the mock IQ backend."""

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import warnings
import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator
from qiskit_experiments.framework import BaseExperiment

# Define an IQ point typing class.
IQPoint = Tuple[float, float]

[docs] class MockIQExperimentHelper: """Abstract class for the MockIQ helper classes. Different tests will use experiment specific helper classes which define the pattern of the IQ data that is then analyzed. """ def __init__( self, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): """Create a MockIQBackend helper object to define how the backend functions. :attr:`iq_cluster_centers` and :attr:`iq_cluster_width` define the base IQ cluster centers and standard deviations for each qubit in a :class:`MockIQBackend` instance. These are used by :meth:`iq_clusters` by default. Subclasses can override :meth:`iq_clusters` to return a modified version of :attr:`iq_cluster_centers` and :attr:`iq_cluster_width`. :attr:`iq_cluster_centers` is a list of tuples. For a given qubit ``i_qbt`` and computational state ``i_state`` (either `0` or `1`), the centers of the IQ clusters are found by indexing :attr:`iq_cluster_centers` as follows: .. code-block:: python iq_center = helper.iq_cluster_centers[i_qbt][i_state] center_inphase = iq_center[0] center_quadrature = iq_center[1] :attr:`iq_cluster_width` is indexed similarly except that there is only one width per qubit: i.e., the standard deviation of the IQ cluster for qubit ``i_qbt`` is .. code-block:: python iq_width = helper.iq_cluster_width[i_qbt] Subclasses must call ``super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers,iq_cluster_width)`` so that these properties are stored appropriately. Args: iq_cluster_centers: A list of tuples containing the clusters' centers in the IQ plane. There are different centers for different logical values of the qubit. Defaults to a single qubit with clusters in quadrants 1 and 3. iq_cluster_width: A list of standard deviation values for the sampling of each qubit. Defaults to widths of 1.0 for each qubit in :attr:`iq_cluster_centers`. """ self._iq_cluster_centers = ( iq_cluster_centers if iq_cluster_centers is not None else [((-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0))] ) self._iq_cluster_width = ( iq_cluster_width if iq_cluster_width is not None else [1.0] * len(self._iq_cluster_centers) ) @property def iq_cluster_centers(self) -> List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]: """The base cluster centers in the IQ plane.""" return self._iq_cluster_centers @iq_cluster_centers.setter def iq_cluster_centers(self, iq_cluster_centers: List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]): """Set the base cluster centers in the IQ plane.""" self._iq_cluster_centers = iq_cluster_centers @property def iq_cluster_width(self) -> List[float]: """The base cluster widths in the IQ plane.""" return self._iq_cluster_width @iq_cluster_width.setter def iq_cluster_width(self, iq_cluster_width: List[float]): """Set the base cluster widths.""" self._iq_cluster_width = iq_cluster_width
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ A function provided by the user which is used to determine the probability of each output of the circuit. The function returns a list of dictionaries, each containing output binary strings and their probabilities. Examples: **1 qubit circuit - excited state** In this experiment, we want to bring a qubit to its excited state and measure it. The circuit: .. parsed-literal:: ┌───┐┌─┐ q: ┤ X ├┤M├ └───┘└╥┘ c: 1/══════╩═ 0 The function that calculates the probability for this circuit doesn't need any calculation parameters: .. code-block:: @staticmethod def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {"1": 1.0, "0": 0.0} output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list **3 qubit circuit** In this experiment, we prepare a Bell state with the first and second qubit. In addition, we will bring the third qubit to its excited state. The circuit: .. parsed-literal:: ┌───┐ ┌─┐ q_0: ┤ H ├──■──┤M├─── └───┘┌─┴─┐└╥┘┌─┐ q_1: ─────┤ X ├─╫─┤M├ ┌───┐└┬─┬┘ ║ └╥┘ q_2: ┤ X ├─┤M├──╫──╫─ └───┘ └╥┘ ║ ║ c: 3/═══════╩═══╩══╩═ 2 0 1 When an output string isn't in the probability dictionary, the backend will assume its probability is 0. .. code-block:: @staticmethod def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} probability_output_dict["001"] = 0.5 probability_output_dict["111"] = 0.5 output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list """
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def iq_phase(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[float]: """Sub-classes can override this method to introduce a phase in the IQ plane. This is needed, to test the resonator spectroscopy where the point in the IQ plane has a frequency-dependent phase rotation. """ return [0.0] * len(circuits)
[docs] def iq_clusters( self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit], ) -> List[Tuple[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]], List[float]]]: """Returns circuit-specific IQ cluster centers and widths in the IQ plane. Subclasses can override this function to modify the centers and widths of IQ clusters based on the circuits being simulated by a :class:`MockIQBackend`. The base centers and widths are stored internally within the helper object, and can be set in :meth:`__init__` or by modifying :attr:`iq_cluster_centers` and :attr:`iq_cluster_width`. The default behavior for :meth:`iq_clusters` is to return the centers and widths unmodified for each circuit in ``circuits``. Subclasses may return different centers and widths based on the circuits provided. The returned list contains a tuple per circuit. Each tuple contains the IQ centers and widths in the same format as :attr:`iq_cluster_centers` and :attr:`iq_cluster_width`, passed as arguments to :meth:`__init__`. The format of the centers and widths lists, in the argument list and in the returned tuples, must match the format of :attr:`iq_cluster_centers` and :attr:`iq_cluster_width` in :func:`qiskit_experiments.test.MockIQExperimentHelper.__init__`. Args: circuits: The quantum circuits for which the clusters should be modified. Returns: List: A list of tuples containing the circuit-specific IQ centers and widths for the provided circuits. """ return [(self.iq_cluster_centers, self.iq_cluster_width)] * len(circuits)
[docs] class MockIQParallelExperimentHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Helper for Parallel experiment.""" def __init__( self, exp_list: List[BaseExperiment], exp_helper_list: List[MockIQExperimentHelper], ): """ Parallel Experiment Helper initializer. The class assumes `exp_helper_list` is ordered to match the corresponding experiment in `exp_list`. Note that :meth:`__init__` does not have :attr:`iq_cluster_centers` and :attr:`iq_cluster_width` as in :func:`MockIQExperimentHelper.__init__`. This is because the centers and widths for :class:`MockIQParallelBackend` are stored in multiple experiment helpers in the list `exp_helper_list`. Args: exp_list(List): List of experiments. exp_helper_list(List): Ordered list of :class:`.MockIQExperimentHelper` corresponding to the experiments in `exp_list`. Nested parallel experiment aren't supported currently. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the list are empty or if they don't have the same length. QiskitError: Raised if `exp_helper_list` contains an object of type ``MockIQParallelExperimentHelper``, because the parallel mock backend currently does not support parallel sub-experiments.`. Examples: **Parallel experiment for Resonator Spectroscopy** To run a parallel experiment of Resonator Spectroscopy on two qubits we will create two instances of `SpectroscopyHelper` objects (for each experiment) and an instance of `ParallelExperimentHelper` with them. .. code-block:: iq_cluster_centers = [ ((-1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0)), ((0.0, -1.0), (0.0, 1.0)), ((3.0, 0.0), (5.0, 0.0)), ] parallel_backend = MockIQParallelBackend( experiment_helper=None, rng_seed=0, ) parallel_backend._configuration.basis_gates = ["x"] parallel_backend._configuration.timing_constraints = {"granularity": 16} # experiment parameters qubit1 = 0 qubit2 = 1 freq01 = parallel_backend.defaults().qubit_freq_est[qubit1] freq02 = parallel_backend.defaults().qubit_freq_est[qubit2] # experiments initialization frequencies1 = np.linspace(freq01 - 10.0e6, freq01 + 10.0e6, 23) frequencies2 = np.linspace(freq02 - 10.0e6, freq02 + 10.0e6, 21) exp_list = [ QubitSpectroscopy(qubit1, frequencies1), QubitSpectroscopy(qubit2, frequencies2), ] exp_helper_list = [ SpectroscopyHelper(iq_cluster_centers=iq_cluster_centers,), SpectroscopyHelper(iq_cluster_centers=iq_cluster_centers,), ] parallel_helper = ParallelExperimentHelper(exp_list, exp_helper_list) parallel_backend.experiment_helper = parallel_helper # initializing the parallel experiment par_experiment = ParallelExperiment(exp_list, backend=parallel_backend) par_experiment.set_run_options(meas_level=MeasLevel.KERNELED, meas_return="single") par_data = """ # Set ParallelExperimentHelper iq_cluster_[centers,widths] to None as exp_helper_list contains # the necessary IQ cluster information. super().__init__(None, None) # check parameters self._verify_parameters(exp_list, exp_helper_list) self.exp_helper_list = exp_helper_list self.exp_list = exp_list
[docs] def compute_probabilities( self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit], ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Run the compute_probabilities for each helper. Args: circuits: The quantum circuits for which the probabilities should be computed. Returns: List: A list of dictionaries containing computed probabilities and data for the given circuits. """ # checking for legal parameters before computing output. self._verify_parameters(self.exp_list, self.exp_helper_list) # Splitting the circuit parallel_circ_list = self._parallel_exp_circ_splitter(circuits) number_of_experiments = len(self.exp_helper_list) prob_help_list = [{} for _ in range(number_of_experiments)] for idx, (exp_helper, experiment, experiment_circuits) in enumerate( zip(self.exp_helper_list, self.exp_list, parallel_circ_list) ): # Get centers and widths for experiment_circuits and split into centers and widths lists. centers_and_widths = exp_helper.iq_clusters(experiment_circuits) exp_centers = [c_and_w[0] for c_and_w in centers_and_widths] exp_widths = [c_and_w[1] for c_and_w in centers_and_widths] prob_help_list[idx] = { "physical_qubits": experiment.physical_qubits, "prob": exp_helper.compute_probabilities(experiment_circuits), "phase": exp_helper.iq_phase(experiment_circuits), "centers": exp_centers, "widths": exp_widths, "num_circuits": len(experiment_circuits), } return prob_help_list
def _verify_parameters( self, exp_list: List[BaseExperiment] = None, exp_helper_list: List[MockIQExperimentHelper] = None, ): """Check parameters before computing probability""" if exp_helper_list is None: raise ValueError("Please set the experiment helper list.") if exp_list is None: raise ValueError("Please set the experiment list.") number_of_experiments = len(exp_list) number_of_helpers = len(exp_helper_list) if number_of_experiments == 0: raise ValueError("The experiment list cannot be empty.") if number_of_helpers == 0: raise ValueError("The experiment helper list cannot be empty.") if number_of_experiments != number_of_helpers: raise ValueError( f"The number of helpers {number_of_experiments} and the number of " f"experiment {number_of_helpers} don't match." ) for helper in exp_helper_list: # checking there is no nested parallel experiment. if isinstance(helper, MockIQParallelExperimentHelper): raise QiskitError("Nested parallel experiments aren't currently supported.") def _parallel_exp_circ_splitter(self, qc_list: List[QuantumCircuit]): """ Splits quantum circuits to their parallel components. Args: qc_list: The list of quantum circuits the backend gets as input. Returns: List: A list for each experiment. Each entry is a list of quantum circuits corresponding to that experiment. Raises: QiskitError: If an instruction is applied with qubits that don't belong to the same experiment. TypeError: The data type provided doesn't match the expected type (`tuple` or `int`). """ exp_circuits_list = [[] for _ in self.exp_list] qubits_expid_map = {exp.physical_qubits: i for i, exp in enumerate(self.exp_list)} for qc in qc_list: # initialize quantum circuit for each experiment for this instance of circuit to fill # with instructions. for i in range(len(self.exp_list)): # we copy the circuit to ensure that the circuit properties (e.g. calibrations and qubit # frequencies) are the same in the new circuit. empty_qc = qc.copy_empty_like() empty_qc.metadata.clear() exp_circuits_list[i].append(empty_qc) # fixing metadata for exp_idx, sub_metadata in zip( qc.metadata["composite_index"], qc.metadata["composite_metadata"], ): exp_circuits_list[exp_idx][-1].metadata = sub_metadata.copy() # sorting instructions by qubits indexes and inserting them into a circuit of the relevant # experiment for inst, qarg, carg in qubit_indices = set(qc.find_bit(qr).index for qr in qarg) for qubits, exp_idx in qubits_expid_map.items(): if qubit_indices.issubset(qubits): exp_circuits_list[exp_idx][-1].append(inst, qarg, carg) break else: raise QiskitError( "A gate operates on two qubits that don't belong to the same experiment." ) # deleting empty circuits for exp_circuits in exp_circuits_list: # 'exp_circuits' is a list of circuits of a specific experiment if not exp_circuits[-1].data: exp_circuits.pop() return exp_circuits_list
class MockIQDragHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for test_drag""" def __init__( self, gate_name: str = "Rp", ideal_beta: float = 2.0, frequency: float = 0.02, max_probability: float = 1.0, offset_probability: float = 0.0, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): """ Args: gate_name: name of the gate to count when determining the number of gate repetitions, i.e., positive rotation followed by negative rotation, in the circuit. ideal_beta: the beta where the minimum of the Drag patterns will be. frequency: controls the frequency of the oscillation in the measured Drag pattern. max_probability: a factor to scale the maximum probability of measuring an excited state to allow tests to factor in non-ideal situations. offset_probability: a constant offset applied to all probabilities to reflect non-ideal measurement situations. iq_cluster_centers: A list of tuples containing the clusters' centers in the IQ plane. There are different centers for different logical values of the qubit. iq_cluster_width: A list of standard deviation values for the sampling of each qubit. Raises: ValueError: If probability value is not valid. """ super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) if max_probability + offset_probability > 1: raise ValueError("Probabilities need to be between 0 and 1.") self.gate_name = gate_name self.ideal_beta = ideal_beta self.frequency = frequency self.max_probability = max_probability self.offset_probability = offset_probability def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Returns the probability based on the beta, number of gates, and leakage.""" gate_name = self.gate_name ideal_beta = self.ideal_beta freq = self.frequency max_prob = self.max_probability offset_prob = self.offset_probability if max_prob + offset_prob > 1: raise ValueError("Probabilities need to be between 0 and 1.") output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} n_gates = circuit.count_ops()[gate_name] beta = next(iter(circuit.calibrations[gate_name].keys()))[1][0] # Dictionary of output string vectors and their probability prob = np.sin(2 * np.pi * n_gates * freq * (beta - ideal_beta) / 4) ** 2 probability_output_dict["1"] = max_prob * prob + offset_prob probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list class MockIQFineDragHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for Fine Drag Experiment""" def __init__( self, error: float = 0.03, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) self.error = error def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Returns the probability based on error per gate.""" error = self.error output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} n_gates = circuit.count_ops().get("rz", 0) // 2 # Dictionary of output string vectors and their probability probability_output_dict["1"] = 0.5 * np.sin(n_gates * error) + 0.5 probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list class MockIQRabiHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for Rabi experiment on mock IQ backend""" def __init__( self, amplitude_to_angle: float = np.pi, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): """ Args: amplitude_to_angle: maps a pulse amplitude to a rotation angle. """ warnings.warn( "MockIQRabiHelper has been deprecated. It will be removed " "in Qiskit Experiments 0.5.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) self.amplitude_to_angle = amplitude_to_angle def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Returns the probability based on the rotation angle and amplitude_to_angle.""" amplitude_to_angle = self.amplitude_to_angle output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} amp = next(iter(circuit.calibrations["Rabi"].keys()))[1][0] # Dictionary of output string vectors and their probability probability_output_dict["1"] = np.sin(amplitude_to_angle * amp) ** 2 probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list def rabi_rate(self) -> float: """Returns the rabi rate.""" return self.amplitude_to_angle / np.pi class MockIQFineFreqHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for Fine Frequency experiment on mock IQ backend""" def __init__( self, sx_duration: float = 160, freq_shift: float = 0, dt: float = 1e-9, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): """ Args: sx_duration: duration of the single-qubit sx gate. freq_shift: the detuning from the ideal frequency that this mock backend will mimic. dt: duration of a sample. """ super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) self.sx_duration = sx_duration self.freq_shift = freq_shift self.dt = dt def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Return the probability of being in the excited state.""" sx_duration = self.sx_duration freq_shift = self.freq_shift dt = self.dt simulator = AerSimulator(method="automatic") output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} delay = None for instruction in if instruction[0].name == "delay": delay = instruction[0].duration if delay is None: probability_output_dict = {"1": 1, "0": 0} else: reps = delay // sx_duration qc = QuantumCircuit(1) qc.rz(np.pi * reps / 2 + 2 * np.pi * freq_shift * delay * dt, 0) qc.measure_all() counts =, seed_simulator=1).result().get_counts(0) probability_output_dict["1"] = counts.get("1", 0) / sum(counts.values()) probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list class MockIQFineAmpHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for Fine Amplitude experiment on mock IQ backend""" def __init__( self, angle_error: float = 0, angle_per_gate: float = 0, gate_name: str = "x", iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): """ Args: angle_error: rotation angle error per gate. angle_per_gate: the intended rotation angle per gate. gate_name: name of the gate that will be counted to determine the total rotation. """ super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) self.angle_error = angle_error self.angle_per_gate = angle_per_gate self.gate_name = gate_name def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Return the probability of being in the excited state.""" angle_error = self.angle_error angle_per_gate = self.angle_per_gate gate_name = self.gate_name output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} n_ops = circuit.count_ops().get(gate_name, 0) angle = n_ops * (angle_per_gate + angle_error) if gate_name != "sx": angle += np.pi / 2 * circuit.count_ops().get("sx", 0) if gate_name != "x": angle += np.pi * circuit.count_ops().get("x", 0) # Dictionary of output string vectors and their probability probability_output_dict["1"] = np.sin(angle / 2) ** 2 probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list class MockIQRamseyXYHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for Ramsey XY experiment on mock IQ backend""" def __init__( self, t2ramsey: float = 100e-6, freq_shift: float = 0, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) self.t2ramsey = t2ramsey self.freq_shift = freq_shift def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Return the probability of being in the excited state.""" t2ramsey = self.t2ramsey freq_shift = self.freq_shift output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} series = circuit.metadata["series"] delay = circuit.metadata["xval"] if series == "X": phase_offset = 0.0 else: phase_offset = np.pi / 2 probability_output_dict["1"] = ( 0.5 * np.exp(-delay / t2ramsey) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * delay * freq_shift - phase_offset) + 0.5 ) probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list class MockIQSpectroscopyHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for Spectroscopy experiment on mock IQ backend""" def __init__( self, gate_name: str = "Spec", freq_offset: float = 0.0, line_width: float = 2e6, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): """ Args: gate_name: the gate name to look for when calculating frequency shift. freq_offset: frequency offset from resonance that this mock backend will mimic. line_width: line width of the resonance of the spectroscopy signal. """ super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) self.freq_offset = freq_offset self.line_width = line_width self.gate_name = gate_name def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Returns the probability based on the parameters provided.""" freq_offset = self.freq_offset line_width = self.line_width output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} if self.gate_name == "measure": freq_shift = ( next(iter(circuit.calibrations[self.gate_name].values())).blocks[0].frequency ) elif self.gate_name == "Spec": freq_shift = next(iter(circuit.calibrations[self.gate_name]))[1][0] else: raise ValueError(f"The gate name {str(self.gate_name)} isn't supported.") delta_freq = freq_shift - freq_offset probability_output_dict["1"] = np.abs(1 / (1 + 2.0j * delta_freq / line_width)) probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list def iq_phase(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[float]: """Add a phase to the IQ point depending on how far we are from the resonance. This will cause the IQ points to rotate around in the IQ plane when we approach the resonance, introducing extra complication that the data processor has to properly handle. """ delta_freq_list = [0.0] * len(circuits) if self.gate_name == "measure": for circ_idx, circ in enumerate(circuits): freq_shift = next(iter(circ.calibrations["measure"].values())).blocks[0].frequency delta_freq_list[circ_idx] = freq_shift - self.freq_offset phase = [delta_freq / self.line_width for delta_freq in delta_freq_list] return phase class MockIQReadoutAngleHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for Readout angle experiment on mock IQ backend""" def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Return the probability of being in the excited state.""" output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {"1": 1 - circuit.metadata["xval"]} probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list class MockIQHalfAngleHelper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for Half Angle experiment on mock IQ backend""" def __init__( self, error: float = 0, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) self.error = error def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Return the probability of being in the excited state.""" error = self.error output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} n_gates = circuit.metadata["xval"] # Dictionary of output string vectors and their probability probability_output_dict["1"] = ( 0.5 * np.sin((-1) ** (n_gates + 1) * n_gates * error) + 0.5 ) probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list class MockIQT1Helper(MockIQExperimentHelper): """Functions needed for T1 experiment on mock IQ backend""" def __init__( self, t1: float = None, iq_cluster_centers: Optional[List[Tuple[IQPoint, IQPoint]]] = None, iq_cluster_width: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): super().__init__(iq_cluster_centers, iq_cluster_width) self._t1 = t1 or 90e-6 def compute_probabilities(self, circuits: List[QuantumCircuit]) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: """Return the probability of being in the excited state.""" output_dict_list = [] for circuit in circuits: probability_output_dict = {} # extracting information from the circuit. delay = circuit.metadata["xval"] # creating a probability dict. probability_output_dict["1"] = np.exp(-delay / self._t1) probability_output_dict["0"] = 1 - probability_output_dict["1"] output_dict_list.append(probability_output_dict) return output_dict_list