Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.tomography.mit_tomography_analysis

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Readout error mitigated tomography analysis

from qiskit_experiments.framework import CompositeAnalysis
from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization import LocalReadoutErrorAnalysis
from .tomography_analysis import TomographyAnalysis
from .basis.pauli_basis import PauliMeasurementBasis

[docs] class MitigatedTomographyAnalysis(CompositeAnalysis): """Analysis for readout error mitigated tomography experiments. Analysis is performed as a :class:`.CompositeAnalysis` consisting of :class:`.LocalReadoutErrorAnalysis` to determine the local assignment matrices describing single qubit Z-basis readout errors, and then these matrices are used to automatically construct a noisy :class:`~.PauliMeasurementBasis` for use during tomographic fitting with the tomography analysis. """ def __init__(self, roerror_analysis="default", tomography_analysis="default"): """Initialize mitigated tomography analysis""" if roerror_analysis == "default": roerror_analysis = LocalReadoutErrorAnalysis() if tomography_analysis == "default": tomography_analysis = TomographyAnalysis() super().__init__([roerror_analysis, tomography_analysis], flatten_results=True) @classmethod def _default_options(cls): """Default analysis options Analysis Options: fitter (str or Callable): The fitter function to use for reconstruction. This can be a string to select one of the built-in fitters, or a callable to supply a custom fitter function. See the `Fitter Functions` section for additional information. fitter_options (dict): Any addition kwarg options to be supplied to the fitter function. For documentation of available kwargs refer to the fitter function documentation. rescale_positive (bool): If True rescale the state returned by the fitter to be positive-semidefinite. See the `PSD Rescaling` section for additional information (Default: True). rescale_trace (bool): If True rescale the state returned by the fitter have either trace 1 for :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.DensityMatrix`, or trace dim for :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Choi` matrices (Default: True). measurement_qubits (Sequence[int]): Optional, the physical qubits with tomographic measurements. If not specified will be set to ``[0, ..., N-1]`` for N-qubit tomographic measurements. preparation_qubits (Sequence[int]): Optional, the physical qubits with tomographic preparations. If not specified will be set to ``[0, ..., N-1]`` for N-qubit tomographic preparations. unmitigated_fit (bool): If True also run tomography fit without readout error mitigation and include both mitigated and unmitigated analysis results. If False only compute mitigated results (Default: False) target (Any): Optional, target object for fidelity comparison of the fit (Default: None). """ # Override options to be tomography options minus bases options = super()._default_options() options.fitter = "linear_inversion" options.fitter_options = {} options.rescale_positive = True options.rescale_trace = True options.measurement_qubits = None options.preparation_qubits = None options.unmitigated_fit = False = None return options
[docs] def set_options(self, **fields): # filter fields self_fields = {key: val for key, val in fields.items() if hasattr(self.options, key)} super().set_options(**self_fields) tomo_fields = { key: val for key, val in fields.items() if hasattr(self._analyses[1].options, key) } self._analyses[1].set_options(**tomo_fields)
def _run_analysis(self, experiment_data): # Return list of experiment data containers for each component experiment # containing the marginalized data from the composite experiment roerror_analysis, tomo_analysis = self._analyses roerror_data, tomo_data = self._component_experiment_data(experiment_data) # Run readout error analysis, replace_results=True).block_for_results() # Construct noisy measurement basis mitigator = roerror_data.analysis_results("Local Readout Mitigator").value # Run mitigated tomography analysis with noisy mitigated basis # Tomo analysis instance is internally copied by setting option with run. tomo_data, replace_results=True, measurement_basis=PauliMeasurementBasis(mitigator=mitigator), extra={"mitigated": True}, ).block_for_results() # Combine results so that tomography results are ordered first combined_data = [tomo_data, roerror_data] # Run unmitigated tomography analysis if self.options.unmitigated_fit: nomit_data = tomo_data, replace_results=False, measurement_basis=PauliMeasurementBasis(), extra={"mitigated": False}, ).block_for_results() combined_data.append(nomit_data) if self._flatten_results: return self._combine_results(combined_data) return [], []