Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb

# This code is part of Qiskit.
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Standard RB Experiment class.
import functools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from numbers import Integral
from typing import Union, Iterable, Optional, List, Sequence, Dict, Any

import numpy as np
import rustworkx as rx
from numpy.random import Generator, default_rng
from numpy.random.bit_generator import BitGenerator, SeedSequence

from qiskit.circuit import CircuitInstruction, QuantumCircuit, Instruction, Barrier, Gate
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.providers import BackendV2Converter
from qiskit.providers.backend import Backend, BackendV1, BackendV2
from qiskit.pulse.instruction_schedule_map import CalibrationPublisher
from qiskit.quantum_info import Clifford
from qiskit.quantum_info.random import random_clifford
from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
from qiskit_experiments.framework import BaseExperiment, Options
from qiskit_experiments.framework.restless_mixin import RestlessMixin
from .clifford_utils import (
from .rb_analysis import RBAnalysis

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SequenceElementType = Union[Clifford, Integral, QuantumCircuit]

[docs] class StandardRB(BaseExperiment, RestlessMixin): """An experiment to characterize the error rate of a gate set on a device. # section: overview Randomized Benchmarking (RB) is an efficient and robust method for estimating the average error rate of a set of quantum gate operations. See `Qiskit Textbook <>`_ for an explanation on the RB method. A standard RB experiment generates sequences of random Cliffords such that the unitary computed by the sequences is the identity. After running the sequences on a backend, it calculates the probabilities to get back to the ground state, fits an exponentially decaying curve, and estimates the Error Per Clifford (EPC), as described in Refs. [1, 2]. .. note:: In 0.5.0, the default value of ``optimization_level`` in ``transpile_options`` changed from ``0`` to ``1`` for RB experiments. That may result in shorter RB circuits hence slower decay curves than before. # section: analysis_ref :class:`RBAnalysis` # section: manual :doc:`/manuals/verification/randomized_benchmarking` # section: reference .. ref_arxiv:: 1 1009.3639 .. ref_arxiv:: 2 1109.6887 """ def __init__( self, physical_qubits: Sequence[int], lengths: Iterable[int], backend: Optional[Backend] = None, num_samples: int = 3, seed: Optional[Union[int, SeedSequence, BitGenerator, Generator]] = None, full_sampling: Optional[bool] = False, ): """Initialize a standard randomized benchmarking experiment. Args: physical_qubits: List of physical qubits for the experiment. lengths: A list of RB sequences lengths. backend: The backend to run the experiment on. num_samples: Number of samples to generate for each sequence length. seed: Optional, seed used to initialize ``numpy.random.default_rng``. when generating circuits. The ``default_rng`` will be initialized with this seed value every time :meth:`circuits` is called. full_sampling: If True all Cliffords are independently sampled for all lengths. If False for sample of lengths longer sequences are constructed by appending additional samples to shorter sequences. The default is False. Raises: QiskitError: If any invalid argument is supplied. """ # Initialize base experiment super().__init__(physical_qubits, analysis=RBAnalysis(), backend=backend) # Verify parameters if any(length <= 0 for length in lengths): raise QiskitError( f"The lengths list {lengths} should only contain " "positive elements." ) if len(set(lengths)) != len(lengths): raise QiskitError( f"The lengths list {lengths} should not contain " "duplicate elements." ) if num_samples <= 0: raise QiskitError(f"The number of samples {num_samples} should " "be positive.") # Set configurable options self.set_experiment_options( lengths=sorted(lengths), num_samples=num_samples, seed=seed, full_sampling=full_sampling ) self.analysis.set_options(outcome="0" * self.num_qubits) @classmethod def _default_experiment_options(cls) -> Options: """Default experiment options. Experiment Options: lengths (List[int]): A list of RB sequences lengths. num_samples (int): Number of samples to generate for each sequence length. seed (None or int or SeedSequence or BitGenerator or Generator): A seed used to initialize ``numpy.random.default_rng`` when generating circuits. The ``default_rng`` will be initialized with this seed value every time :meth:`circuits` is called. full_sampling (bool): If True all Cliffords are independently sampled for all lengths. If False for sample of lengths longer sequences are constructed by appending additional Clifford samples to shorter sequences. clifford_synthesis_method (str): The name of the Clifford synthesis plugin to use for building circuits of RB sequences. """ options = super()._default_experiment_options() options.update_options( lengths=None, num_samples=None, seed=None, full_sampling=None, clifford_synthesis_method=DEFAULT_SYNTHESIS_METHOD, ) return options @classmethod def _default_transpile_options(cls) -> Options: """Default transpiler options for transpiling RB circuits.""" return Options(optimization_level=1) def _set_backend(self, backend: Backend): """Set the backend V2 for RB experiments since RB experiments only support BackendV2 except for simulators. If BackendV1 is provided, it is converted to V2 and stored. """ if isinstance(backend, BackendV1) and "simulator" not in super()._set_backend(BackendV2Converter(backend, add_delay=True)) else: super()._set_backend(backend)
[docs] def circuits(self) -> List[QuantumCircuit]: """Return a list of RB circuits. Returns: A list of :class:`QuantumCircuit`. """ # Sample random Clifford sequences sequences = self._sample_sequences() # Convert each sequence into circuit and append the inverse to the end. circuits = self._sequences_to_circuits(sequences) # Add metadata for each circuit for circ, seq in zip(circuits, sequences): circ.metadata = { "xval": len(seq), "group": "Clifford", } return circuits
def _sample_sequences(self) -> List[Sequence[SequenceElementType]]: """Sample RB sequences Returns: A list of RB sequences. """ rng = default_rng(seed=self.experiment_options.seed) sequences = [] if self.experiment_options.full_sampling: for _ in range(self.experiment_options.num_samples): for length in self.experiment_options.lengths: sequences.append(self.__sample_sequence(length, rng)) else: for _ in range(self.experiment_options.num_samples): longest_seq = self.__sample_sequence(max(self.experiment_options.lengths), rng) for length in self.experiment_options.lengths: sequences.append(longest_seq[:length]) return sequences def _get_synthesis_options(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[Any]]: """Get options for Clifford synthesis from the backend information as a dictionary. The options include: - "basis_gates": Sorted basis gate names. Return None if no basis gates are supplied via ``backend`` or ``transpile_options``. - "coupling_tuple": Reduced coupling map in the form of tuple of edges in the coupling graph. Return None if no coupling map are supplied via ``backend`` or ``transpile_options``. Returns: Synthesis options as a dictionary. """ basis_gates = self.transpile_options.get("basis_gates", []) coupling_map = self.transpile_options.get("coupling_map", None) if coupling_map: coupling_map = coupling_map.reduce(self.physical_qubits) if not (basis_gates and coupling_map) and self.backend: if isinstance(self.backend, BackendV2) and "simulator" in basis_gates = basis_gates if basis_gates else coupling_map = coupling_map if coupling_map else None elif isinstance(self.backend, BackendV2): gate_ops = [op for op in if isinstance(op, Gate)] backend_basis_gates = [ for op in gate_ops if op.num_qubits != 2] backend_cmap = None for op in gate_ops: if op.num_qubits != 2: continue cmap = if cmap is None: backend_basis_gates.append( else: reduced = cmap.reduce(self.physical_qubits) if rx.is_weakly_connected(reduced.graph): backend_basis_gates.append( backend_cmap = reduced # take the first non-global 2q gate if backend has multiple 2q gates break basis_gates = basis_gates if basis_gates else backend_basis_gates coupling_map = coupling_map if coupling_map else backend_cmap elif isinstance(self.backend, BackendV1): backend_basis_gates = self.backend.configuration().basis_gates backend_cmap = self.backend.configuration().coupling_map if backend_cmap: backend_cmap = CouplingMap(backend_cmap).reduce(self.physical_qubits) basis_gates = basis_gates if basis_gates else backend_basis_gates coupling_map = coupling_map if coupling_map else backend_cmap return { "basis_gates": tuple(sorted(basis_gates)) if basis_gates else None, "coupling_tuple": tuple(sorted(coupling_map.get_edges())) if coupling_map else None, "synthesis_method": self.experiment_options["clifford_synthesis_method"], } def _sequences_to_circuits( self, sequences: List[Sequence[SequenceElementType]] ) -> List[QuantumCircuit]: """Convert an RB sequence into circuit and append the inverse to the end. Returns: A list of RB circuits. """ synthesis_opts = self._get_synthesis_options() # Circuit generation circuits = [] for i, seq in enumerate(sequences): if ( self.experiment_options.full_sampling or i % len(self.experiment_options.lengths) == 0 ): prev_elem, prev_seq = self.__identity_clifford(), [] circ = QuantumCircuit(self.num_qubits) for elem in seq: circ.append(self._to_instruction(elem, synthesis_opts), circ.qubits) circ._append(CircuitInstruction(Barrier(self.num_qubits), circ.qubits)) # Compute inverse, compute only the difference from the previous shorter sequence prev_elem = self.__compose_clifford_seq(prev_elem, seq[len(prev_seq) :]) prev_seq = seq inv = self.__adjoint_clifford(prev_elem) circ.append(self._to_instruction(inv, synthesis_opts), circ.qubits) circ.measure_all() # includes insertion of the barrier before measurement circuits.append(circ) return circuits def __sample_sequence(self, length: int, rng: Generator) -> Sequence[SequenceElementType]: # Sample an RB sequence with the given length. # Return integer instead of Clifford object for 1 or 2 qubits case for speed if self.num_qubits == 1: return rng.integers(CliffordUtils.NUM_CLIFFORD_1_QUBIT, size=length) if self.num_qubits == 2: return rng.integers(CliffordUtils.NUM_CLIFFORD_2_QUBIT, size=length) # Return Clifford object for 3 or more qubits case return [random_clifford(self.num_qubits, rng) for _ in range(length)] def _to_instruction( self, elem: SequenceElementType, synthesis_options: Dict[str, Optional[Any]], ) -> Instruction: """Return the instruction of a Clifford element. The resulting instruction contains a circuit definition with ``basis_gates`` and it complies with ``coupling_tuple``, which is specified in ``synthesis_options``. Args: elem: a Clifford element to be converted synthesis_options: options for synthesizing the Clifford element Returns: Converted instruction """ # Switching for speed up if isinstance(elem, Integral): if self.num_qubits == 1: return _clifford_1q_int_to_instruction( elem, basis_gates=synthesis_options["basis_gates"], synthesis_method=synthesis_options["synthesis_method"], ) if self.num_qubits == 2: return _clifford_2q_int_to_instruction(elem, **synthesis_options) return _clifford_to_instruction(elem, **synthesis_options) def __identity_clifford(self) -> SequenceElementType: if self.num_qubits <= 2: return 0 return Clifford(np.eye(2 * self.num_qubits)) def __compose_clifford_seq( self, base_elem: SequenceElementType, elements: Sequence[SequenceElementType] ) -> SequenceElementType: if self.num_qubits <= 2: return functools.reduce( compose_1q if self.num_qubits == 1 else compose_2q, elements, base_elem ) # 3 or more qubits res = base_elem for elem in elements: res = res.compose(elem) return res def __adjoint_clifford(self, op: SequenceElementType) -> SequenceElementType: if self.num_qubits == 1: return inverse_1q(op) if self.num_qubits == 2: return inverse_2q(op) if isinstance(op, QuantumCircuit): return Clifford.from_circuit(op).adjoint() return op.adjoint() def _transpiled_circuits(self) -> List[QuantumCircuit]: """Return a list of experiment circuits, transpiled.""" has_custom_transpile_option = ( not set(vars(self.transpile_options)).issubset( {"basis_gates", "coupling_map", "optimization_level"} ) or self.transpile_options.get("optimization_level", 1) != 1 ) if has_custom_transpile_option: transpiled = super()._transpiled_circuits() else: transpiled = [ _transpile_clifford_circuit(circ, physical_qubits=self.physical_qubits) for circ in self.circuits() ] # Set custom calibrations provided in backend (excluding simulators) if isinstance(self.backend, BackendV2) and "simulator" not in qargs_patterns = [self.physical_qubits] # for 1q or 3q+ case if self.num_qubits == 2: qargs_patterns = [ (self.physical_qubits[0],), (self.physical_qubits[1],), self.physical_qubits, (self.physical_qubits[1], self.physical_qubits[0]), ] qargs_supported = instructions = [] # (op_name, qargs) for each element where qargs means qubit tuple for qargs in qargs_patterns: if qargs in qargs_supported: for op_name in instructions.append((op_name, qargs)) common_calibrations = defaultdict(dict) for op_name, qargs in instructions: inst_prop =[op_name].get(qargs, None) if inst_prop is None: continue schedule = inst_prop.calibration if schedule is None: continue publisher = schedule.metadata.get("publisher", CalibrationPublisher.QISKIT) if publisher != CalibrationPublisher.BACKEND_PROVIDER: common_calibrations[op_name][(qargs, tuple())] = schedule for circ in transpiled: # This logic is inefficient in terms of payload size and backend compilation # because this binds every custom pulse to a circuit regardless of # its existence. It works but redundant calibration must be removed -- NK. circ.calibrations = common_calibrations if self.analysis.options.get("gate_error_ratio", None) is None: # Gate errors are not computed, then counting ops is not necessary. return transpiled # Compute average basis gate numbers per Clifford operation # This is probably main source of performance regression. # This should be integrated into transpile pass in future. qubit_indices = {bit: index for index, bit in enumerate(transpiled[0].qubits)} for circ in transpiled: count_ops_result = defaultdict(int) # This is physical circuits, i.e. qargs is physical index for inst, qargs, _ in if in ("measure", "reset", "delay", "barrier", "snapshot"): continue qinds = [qubit_indices[q] for q in qargs] if not set(self.physical_qubits).issuperset(qinds): continue # Not aware of multi-qubit gate direction formatted_key = tuple(sorted(qinds)), count_ops_result[formatted_key] += 1 circ.metadata["count_ops"] = tuple(count_ops_result.items()) return transpiled def _metadata(self): metadata = super()._metadata() # Store measurement level and meas return if they have been # set for the experiment for run_opt in ["meas_level", "meas_return"]: if hasattr(self.run_options, run_opt): metadata[run_opt] = getattr(self.run_options, run_opt) return metadata