Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.driven_freq_tuning.ramsey_amp_scan

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
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"""Stark Ramsey experiment directly scanning Stark amplitude."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence

import numpy as np
from qiskit import pulse
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, Gate, ParameterExpression, Parameter
from qiskit.providers.backend import Backend
from qiskit.utils import optionals as _optional

from qiskit_experiments.framework import BaseExperiment, Options, BackendTiming
from .ramsey_amp_scan_analysis import StarkRamseyXYAmpScanAnalysis

if _optional.HAS_SYMENGINE:
    import symengine as sym
    import sympy as sym

[docs] class StarkRamseyXYAmpScan(BaseExperiment): r"""A fast characterization of Stark frequency shift by varying Stark tone amplitude. # section: overview This experiment scans Stark tone amplitude at a fixed tone duration. The experimental circuits are identical to the :class:`.StarkRamseyXY` experiment except that the Stark pulse amplitude is the scanned parameter rather than the pulse width. .. parsed-literal:: (Ramsey X) The pulse before measurement rotates by pi-half around the X axis ┌────┐┌───────────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────────┐┌────────┐┌────┐┌─┐ q: ┤ √X ├┤ StarkV(stark_amp) ├┤ X ├┤ StarkU(stark_amp) ├┤ Rz(-π) ├┤ √X ├┤M├ └────┘└───────────────────┘└───┘└───────────────────┘└────────┘└────┘└╥┘ c: 1/══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═ 0 (Ramsey Y) The pulse before measurement rotates by pi-half around the Y axis ┌────┐┌───────────────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────────┐┌───────────┐┌────┐┌─┐ q: ┤ √X ├┤ StarkV(stark_amp) ├┤ X ├┤ StarkU(stark_amp) ├┤ Rz(-3π/2) ├┤ √X ├┤M├ └────┘└───────────────────┘└───┘└───────────────────┘└───────────┘└────┘└╥┘ c: 1/═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═ 0 The AC Stark effect can be used to shift the frequency of a qubit with a microwave drive. To calibrate a specific frequency shift, the :class:`.StarkRamseyXY` experiment can be run to scan the Stark pulse duration at every amplitude, but such a two dimensional scan of the tone duration and amplitude may require many circuit executions. To avoid this overhead, the :class:`.StarkRamseyXYAmpScan` experiment fixes the tone duration and scans only amplitude. Recall that an observed Ramsey oscillation in each quadrature may be represented by .. math:: {\cal E}_X(\Omega, t_S) = A e^{-t_S/\tau} \cos \left( 2\pi f_S(\Omega) t_S \right), \\ {\cal E}_Y(\Omega, t_S) = A e^{-t_S/\tau} \sin \left( 2\pi f_S(\Omega) t_S \right), where :math:`f_S(\Omega)` denotes the amount of Stark shift at a constant tone amplitude :math:`\Omega`, and :math:`t_S` is the duration of the applied tone. For a fixed tone duration, one can still observe the Ramsey oscillation by scanning the tone amplitude. However, since :math:`f_S` is usually a higher order polynomial of :math:`\Omega`, one must manage to fit the y-data for trigonometric functions with phase which non-linearly changes with the x-data. The :class:`.StarkRamseyXYAmpScan` experiment thus drastically reduces the number of circuits to run in return for greater complexity in the fitting model. # section: analysis_ref :class:`qiskit_experiments.library.driven_freq_tuning.StarkRamseyXYAmpScanAnalysis` # section: see_also :class:`qiskit_experiments.library.driven_freq_tuning.ramsey.StarkRamseyXY` :class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.ramsey_xy.RamseyXY` # section: manual :doc:`/manuals/characterization/stark_experiment` """ def __init__( self, physical_qubits: Sequence[int], backend: Backend | None = None, **experiment_options, ): """Create new experiment. Args: physical_qubits: Sequence with the index of the physical qubit. backend: Optional, the backend to run the experiment on. experiment_options: Experiment options. See the class documentation or ``self._default_experiment_options`` for descriptions. """ self._timing = None super().__init__( physical_qubits=physical_qubits, analysis=StarkRamseyXYAmpScanAnalysis(), backend=backend, ) self.set_experiment_options(**experiment_options) @classmethod def _default_experiment_options(cls) -> Options: """Default experiment options. Experiment Options: stark_channel (PulseChannel): Pulse channel on which to apply Stark tones. If not provided, the same channel with the qubit drive is used. See :ref:`stark_channel_consideration` for details. stark_freq_offset (float): Offset of Stark tone frequency from the qubit frequency. This offset should be sufficiently large so that the Stark pulse does not Rabi drive the qubit. See :ref:`stark_frequency_consideration` for details. stark_sigma (float): Gaussian sigma of the rising and falling edges of the Stark tone, in seconds. stark_risefall (float): Ratio of sigma to the duration of the rising and falling edges of the Stark tone. stark_length (float): Time to accumulate Stark shifted phase in seconds. min_stark_amp (float): Minimum Stark tone amplitude. max_stark_amp (float): Maximum Stark tone amplitude. num_stark_amps (int): Number of Stark tone amplitudes to scan. stark_amps (list[float]): The list of amplitude that will be scanned in the experiment. If not set, then ``num_stark_amps`` evenly spaced amplitudes between ``min_stark_amp`` and ``max_stark_amp`` are used. If ``stark_amps`` is set, these parameters are ignored. """ options = super()._default_experiment_options() options.update_options( stark_channel=None, stark_freq_offset=80e6, stark_sigma=15e-9, stark_risefall=2, stark_length=50e-9, min_stark_amp=-1.0, max_stark_amp=1.0, num_stark_amps=101, stark_amps=None, ) options.set_validator("stark_freq_offset", (0, np.inf)) options.set_validator("stark_channel", pulse.channels.PulseChannel) return options def _set_backend(self, backend: Backend): super()._set_backend(backend) self._timing = BackendTiming(backend)
[docs] def parameters(self) -> np.ndarray: """Stark tone amplitudes to use in circuits. Returns: The list of amplitudes to use for the different circuits based on the experiment options. """ opt = self.experiment_options # alias if opt.stark_amps is None: params = np.linspace(opt.min_stark_amp, opt.max_stark_amp, opt.num_stark_amps) else: params = np.asarray(opt.stark_amps, dtype=float) return params
[docs] def parameterized_circuits(self) -> tuple[QuantumCircuit, ...]: """Create circuits with parameters for Ramsey XY experiment with Stark tone. Returns: Quantum template circuits for Ramsey X and Ramsey Y experiment. """ opt = self.experiment_options # alias param = Parameter("stark_amp") sym_param = param._symbol_expr # Pulse gates stark_v = Gate("StarkV", 1, [param]) stark_u = Gate("StarkU", 1, [param]) # Note that Stark tone yields negative (positive) frequency shift # when the Stark tone frequency is higher (lower) than qubit f01 frequency. # This choice gives positive frequency shift with positive Stark amplitude. qubit_f01 = self._backend_data.drive_freqs[self.physical_qubits[0]] neg_sign_of_amp = ParameterExpression( symbol_map={param: sym_param}, expr=-sym.sign(sym_param), ) abs_of_amp = ParameterExpression( symbol_map={param: sym_param}, expr=sym.Abs(sym_param), ) stark_freq = qubit_f01 + neg_sign_of_amp * opt.stark_freq_offset stark_channel = opt.stark_channel or pulse.DriveChannel(self.physical_qubits[0]) ramps_dt = self._timing.round_pulse(time=2 * opt.stark_risefall * opt.stark_sigma) sigma_dt = ramps_dt / 2 / opt.stark_risefall width_dt = self._timing.round_pulse(time=opt.stark_length) with as stark_v_schedule: pulse.set_frequency(stark_freq, stark_channel) pulse.Gaussian( duration=ramps_dt, amp=abs_of_amp, sigma=sigma_dt, ), stark_channel, ) with as stark_u_schedule: pulse.set_frequency(stark_freq, stark_channel) pulse.GaussianSquare( duration=ramps_dt + width_dt, amp=abs_of_amp, sigma=sigma_dt, risefall_sigma_ratio=opt.stark_risefall, ), stark_channel, ) ram_x = QuantumCircuit(1, 1) ram_x.append(stark_v, [0]) ram_x.x(0) ram_x.append(stark_u, [0]) ram_x.rz(-np.pi, 0) ram_x.measure(0, 0) ram_x.metadata = {"series": "X"} ram_x.add_calibration( gate=stark_v, qubits=self.physical_qubits, schedule=stark_v_schedule, ) ram_x.add_calibration( gate=stark_u, qubits=self.physical_qubits, schedule=stark_u_schedule, ) ram_y = QuantumCircuit(1, 1) ram_y.append(stark_v, [0]) ram_y.x(0) ram_y.append(stark_u, [0]) ram_y.rz(-np.pi * 3 / 2, 0) ram_y.measure(0, 0) ram_y.metadata = {"series": "Y"} ram_y.add_calibration( gate=stark_v, qubits=self.physical_qubits, schedule=stark_v_schedule, ) ram_y.add_calibration( gate=stark_u, qubits=self.physical_qubits, schedule=stark_u_schedule, ) return ram_x, ram_y
[docs] def circuits(self) -> list[QuantumCircuit]: """Create circuits. Returns: A list of circuits with a variable Stark tone amplitudes. """ ramx_circ, ramy_circ = self.parameterized_circuits() param = next(iter(ramx_circ.parameters)) circs = [] for amp in self.parameters(): # Add metadata "direction" to ease the filtering of the data # by curve analysis. Indeed, the fit parameters are amplitude sign dependent. ramx_circ_assigned = ramx_circ.assign_parameters({param: amp}, inplace=False) ramx_circ_assigned.metadata["xval"] = amp ramx_circ_assigned.metadata["direction"] = "pos" if amp > 0 else "neg" ramy_circ_assigned = ramy_circ.assign_parameters({param: amp}, inplace=False) ramy_circ_assigned.metadata["xval"] = amp ramy_circ_assigned.metadata["direction"] = "pos" if amp > 0 else "neg" circs.extend([ramx_circ_assigned, ramy_circ_assigned]) return circs
def _metadata(self) -> dict[str, any]: """Return experiment metadata for ExperimentData.""" metadata = super()._metadata() metadata["stark_length"] = self._timing.pulse_time( time=self.experiment_options.stark_length ) metadata["stark_freq_offset"] = self.experiment_options.stark_freq_offset return metadata