Source code for qiskit_experiments.library.driven_freq_tuning.ramsey

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"""Stark Ramsey experiment."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Sequence

import numpy as np
from qiskit import pulse
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, Gate, Parameter
from qiskit.providers.backend import Backend
from qiskit.utils import optionals as _optional

from qiskit_experiments.framework import BaseExperiment, Options, BackendTiming
from qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.analysis import RamseyXYAnalysis

if _optional.HAS_SYMENGINE:

[docs] class StarkRamseyXY(BaseExperiment): """A sign-sensitive experiment to measure the frequency of a qubit under a pulsed Stark tone. # section: overview This experiment is a variant of :class:`.RamseyXY` with a pulsed Stark tone and consists of the following two circuits: .. parsed-literal:: (Ramsey X) The pulse before measurement rotates by pi-half around the X axis ┌────┐┌────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐┌────────┐┌────┐┌─┐ q: ┤ √X ├┤ StarkV ├┤ X ├┤ StarkU(delay) ├┤ Rz(-π) ├┤ √X ├┤M├ └────┘└────────┘└───┘└───────────────┘└────────┘└────┘└╥┘ c: 1/═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═ 0 (Ramsey Y) The pulse before measurement rotates by pi-half around the Y axis ┌────┐┌────────┐┌───┐┌───────────────┐┌───────────┐┌────┐┌─┐ q: ┤ √X ├┤ StarkV ├┤ X ├┤ StarkU(delay) ├┤ Rz(-3π/2) ├┤ √X ├┤M├ └────┘└────────┘└───┘└───────────────┘└───────────┘└────┘└╥┘ c: 1/══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩═ 0 In principle, the sequence is a variant of :class:`.RamseyXY` circuit. However, the delay in between √X gates is replaced with an off-resonant drive. This off-resonant drive shifts the qubit frequency due to the Stark effect and causes it to accumulate phase during the Ramsey sequence. This frequency shift is a function of the offset of the Stark tone frequency from the qubit frequency and of the magnitude of the tone. Note that the Stark tone pulse (StarkU) takes the form of a flat-topped Gaussian envelope. The magnitude of the pulse varies in time during its rising and falling edges. It is difficult to characterize the net phase accumulation of the qubit during the edges of the pulse when the frequency shift is varying with the pulse amplitude. In order to simplify the analysis, an additional pulse (StarkV) involving only the edges of StarkU is added to the sequence. The sign of the phase accumulation is inverted for StarkV relative to that of StarkU by inserting an X gate in between the two pulses. This technique allows the experiment to accumulate only the net phase during the flat-top part of the StarkU pulse with constant magnitude. # section: analysis_ref :class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.RamseyXYAnalysis` # section: see_also :class:`qiskit_experiments.library.characterization.ramsey_xy.RamseyXY` # section: manual :doc:`/manuals/characterization/stark_experiment` """ def __init__( self, physical_qubits: Sequence[int], backend: Backend | None = None, **experiment_options, ): """Create new experiment. Args: physical_qubits: Index of physical qubit. backend: Optional, the backend to run the experiment on. experiment_options: Experiment options. See the class documentation or ``self._default_experiment_options`` for descriptions. """ self._timing = None super().__init__( physical_qubits=physical_qubits, analysis=RamseyXYAnalysis(), backend=backend, ) self.set_experiment_options(**experiment_options) @classmethod def _default_experiment_options(cls) -> Options: """Default experiment options. Experiment Options: stark_amp (float): A single float parameter to represent the magnitude of Stark tone and the sign of expected Stark shift. See :ref:`stark_tone_implementation` for details. stark_channel (PulseChannel): Pulse channel to apply Stark tones. If not provided, the same channel with the qubit drive is used. See :ref:`stark_channel_consideration` for details. stark_freq_offset (float): Offset of Stark tone frequency from the qubit frequency. This offset should be sufficiently large so that the Stark pulse does not Rabi drive the qubit. See :ref:`stark_frequency_consideration` for details. stark_sigma (float): Gaussian sigma of the rising and falling edges of the Stark tone, in seconds. stark_risefall (float): Ratio of sigma to the duration of the rising and falling edges of the Stark tone. min_freq (float): Minimum frequency that this experiment is guaranteed to resolve. Note that fitter algorithm :class:`.RamseyXYAnalysis` of this experiment is still capable of fitting experiment data with lower frequency. max_freq (float): Maximum frequency that this experiment can resolve. delays (list[float]): The list of delays if set that will be scanned in the experiment. If not set, then evenly spaced delays with interval computed from ``min_freq`` and ``max_freq`` are used. See :meth:`StarkRamseyXY.delays` for details. """ options = super()._default_experiment_options() options.update_options( stark_amp=0.0, stark_channel=None, stark_freq_offset=80e6, stark_sigma=15e-9, stark_risefall=2, min_freq=5e6, max_freq=100e6, delays=None, ) options.set_validator("stark_freq_offset", (0, np.inf)) options.set_validator("stark_channel", pulse.channels.PulseChannel) return options def _set_backend(self, backend: Backend): super()._set_backend(backend) self._timing = BackendTiming(backend)
[docs] def set_experiment_options(self, **fields): _warning_circuit_length = 300 # Do validation for circuit number min_freq = fields.get("min_freq", None) max_freq = fields.get("max_freq", None) delays = fields.get("delays", None) if min_freq is not None and max_freq is not None: if delays: warnings.warn( "Experiment option 'min_freq' and 'max_freq' are ignored " "when 'delays' are explicitly specified.", UserWarning, ) else: n_expr_circs = 2 * int(2 * max_freq / min_freq) # delays * (x, y) max_circs_per_job = None if self._backend_data: max_circs_per_job = self._backend_data.max_circuits() if n_expr_circs > (max_circs_per_job or _warning_circuit_length): warnings.warn( f"Provided configuration generates {n_expr_circs} circuits. " "You can set smaller 'max_freq' or larger 'min_freq' to reduce this number. " "This experiment is still executable but your execution may consume " "unnecessary long quantum device time, and result may suffer " "device parameter drift in consequence of the long execution time.", UserWarning, ) # Do validation for spectrum overlap to avoid real excitation stark_freq_offset = fields.get("stark_freq_offset", None) stark_sigma = fields.get("stark_sigma", None) if stark_freq_offset is not None and stark_sigma is not None: if stark_freq_offset < 1 / stark_sigma: warnings.warn( "Provided configuration may induce coherent state exchange between qubit levels " "because of the potential spectrum overlap. You can avoid this by " "increasing the 'stark_sigma' or 'stark_freq_offset'. " "Note that this experiment is still executable.", UserWarning, ) pass super().set_experiment_options(**fields)
[docs] def parameters(self) -> np.ndarray: """Delay values to use in circuits. .. note:: The delays are computed with the ``min_freq`` and ``max_freq`` experiment options. The maximum point is computed from the ``min_freq`` to guarantee the result contains at least one Ramsey oscillation cycle at this frequency. The interval is computed from the ``max_freq`` to sample with resolution such that the Nyquist frequency is twice ``max_freq``. Returns: The list of delays to use for the different circuits based on the experiment options. Raises: ValueError: When ``min_freq`` is larger than ``max_freq``. """ opt = self.experiment_options # alias if opt.delays is None: if opt.min_freq > opt.max_freq: raise ValueError("Experiment option 'min_freq' must be smaller than 'max_freq'.") # Delay is longer enough to capture 1 cycle of the minimum frequency. # Fitter can still accurately fit samples shorter than 1 cycle. max_period = 1 / opt.min_freq # Inverse of interval should be greater than Nyquist frequency. sampling_freq = 2 * opt.max_freq interval = 1 / sampling_freq return np.arange(0, max_period, interval) return opt.delays
[docs] def parameterized_circuits(self) -> tuple[QuantumCircuit, ...]: """Create circuits with parameters for Ramsey XY experiment with Stark tone. Returns: Quantum template circuits for Ramsey X and Ramsey Y experiment. """ opt = self.experiment_options # alias param = Parameter("delay") # Pulse gates stark_v = Gate("StarkV", 1, []) stark_u = Gate("StarkU", 1, [param]) # Note that Stark tone yields negative (positive) frequency shift # when the Stark tone frequency is higher (lower) than qubit f01 frequency. # This choice gives positive frequency shift with positive Stark amplitude. qubit_f01 = self._backend_data.drive_freqs[self.physical_qubits[0]] stark_freq = qubit_f01 - np.sign(opt.stark_amp) * opt.stark_freq_offset stark_amp = np.abs(opt.stark_amp) stark_channel = opt.stark_channel or pulse.DriveChannel(self.physical_qubits[0]) ramps_dt = self._timing.round_pulse(time=2 * opt.stark_risefall * opt.stark_sigma) sigma_dt = ramps_dt / 2 / opt.stark_risefall with as stark_v_schedule: pulse.set_frequency(stark_freq, stark_channel) pulse.Gaussian( duration=ramps_dt, amp=stark_amp, sigma=sigma_dt, name="StarkV", ), stark_channel, ) with as stark_u_schedule: pulse.set_frequency(stark_freq, stark_channel) pulse.GaussianSquare( duration=ramps_dt + param, amp=stark_amp, sigma=sigma_dt, risefall_sigma_ratio=opt.stark_risefall, name="StarkU", ), stark_channel, ) ram_x = QuantumCircuit(1, 1) ram_x.append(stark_v, [0]) ram_x.x(0) ram_x.append(stark_u, [0]) ram_x.rz(-np.pi, 0) ram_x.measure(0, 0) ram_x.metadata = {"series": "X"} ram_x.add_calibration( gate=stark_v, qubits=self.physical_qubits, schedule=stark_v_schedule, ) ram_x.add_calibration( gate=stark_u, qubits=self.physical_qubits, schedule=stark_u_schedule, ) ram_y = QuantumCircuit(1, 1) ram_y.append(stark_v, [0]) ram_y.x(0) ram_y.append(stark_u, [0]) ram_y.rz(-np.pi * 3 / 2, 0) ram_y.measure(0, 0) ram_y.metadata = {"series": "Y"} ram_y.add_calibration( gate=stark_v, qubits=self.physical_qubits, schedule=stark_v_schedule, ) ram_y.add_calibration( gate=stark_u, qubits=self.physical_qubits, schedule=stark_u_schedule, ) return ram_x, ram_y
[docs] def circuits(self) -> list[QuantumCircuit]: """Create circuits. Returns: A list of circuits with a variable delay. """ timing = BackendTiming(self.backend, min_length=0) ramx_circ, ramy_circ = self.parameterized_circuits() param = next(iter(ramx_circ.parameters)) circs = [] for delay in self.parameters(): valid_delay_dt = timing.round_pulse(time=delay) net_delay_sec = timing.pulse_time(time=delay) ramx_circ_assigned = ramx_circ.assign_parameters({param: valid_delay_dt}, inplace=False) ramx_circ_assigned.metadata["xval"] = net_delay_sec ramy_circ_assigned = ramy_circ.assign_parameters({param: valid_delay_dt}, inplace=False) ramy_circ_assigned.metadata["xval"] = net_delay_sec circs.extend([ramx_circ_assigned, ramy_circ_assigned]) return circs
def _metadata(self) -> dict[str, any]: """Return experiment metadata for ExperimentData.""" metadata = super()._metadata() metadata["stark_amp"] = self.experiment_options.stark_amp metadata["stark_freq_offset"] = self.experiment_options.stark_freq_offset return metadata