Source code for qiskit_experiments.framework.status

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
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"""Status of experiment execution."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import enum
from threading import Event
from typing import Optional

[docs] class ExperimentStatus(enum.Enum): """Class for experiment status enumerated type.""" EMPTY = "experiment data is empty" INITIALIZING = "experiment jobs are being initialized" VALIDATING = "experiment jobs are validating" QUEUED = "experiment jobs are queued" RUNNING = "experiment jobs is actively running" CANCELLED = "experiment jobs or analysis has been cancelled" POST_PROCESSING = "experiment analysis is actively running" DONE = "experiment jobs and analysis have successfully run" ERROR = "experiment jobs or analysis incurred an error" def __json_encode__(self): return @classmethod def __json_decode__(cls, value): return cls.__members__[value] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
[docs] class AnalysisStatus(enum.Enum): """Class for analysis callback status enumerated type.""" QUEUED = "analysis callback is queued" RUNNING = "analysis callback is actively running" CANCELLED = "analysis callback has been cancelled" DONE = "analysis callback has successfully run" ERROR = "analysis callback incurred an error" def __json_encode__(self): return @classmethod def __json_decode__(cls, value): return cls.__members__[value] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
@dataclasses.dataclass class AnalysisCallback: """Dataclass for analysis callback status""" name: str = "" callback_id: str = "" status: AnalysisStatus = AnalysisStatus.QUEUED error_msg: Optional[str] = None event: Event = dataclasses.field(default_factory=Event) def __getstate__(self): # We need to remove the Event object from state when pickling # since events are not pickleable state = self.__dict__ state["event"] = None return state def __json_encode__(self): return self.__getstate__()