Source code for qiskit_experiments.framework.restless_mixin

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"""Restless mixin class."""

import logging
from typing import Callable, Sequence, Optional
from qiskit.qobj.utils import MeasLevel, MeasReturnType

from qiskit.providers import Backend
from qiskit_experiments.framework import Options
from qiskit_experiments.data_processing.data_processor import DataProcessor
from qiskit_experiments.data_processing.exceptions import DataProcessorError
from qiskit_experiments.data_processing.nodes import ProjectorType
from qiskit_experiments.data_processing import nodes
from qiskit_experiments.data_processing.processor_library import get_kerneled_processor
from qiskit_experiments.framework.base_analysis import BaseAnalysis

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RestlessMixin: """A mixin to facilitate restless experiments. This class defines the following methods: - :meth:`~.RestlessMixin.enable_restless` - :meth:`~.RestlessMixin._get_restless_processor` - :meth:`~.RestlessMixin._t1_check` A restless enabled experiment is an experiment that can be run in a restless measurement setting. In restless measurements, the qubit is not reset after each measurement. Instead, the outcome of the previous quantum non-demolition measurement is the initial state for the current circuit. Restless measurements therefore require special data processing which is provided by sub-classes of the :class:`.RestlessNode`. Restless experiments are a fast alternative for several calibration and characterization tasks, for details see This class makes it possible for users to enter a restless run mode without having to manually set all the required run options and the data processor. The required options are ``rep_delay``, ``init_qubits``, ``memory``, and ``meas_level``. Furthermore, subclasses can override the :meth:`_get_restless_processor` method if they require more complex restless data processing such as two-qubit calibrations. In addition, this class makes it easy to determine if restless measurements are supported for a given experiment. User Manual :doc:`/manuals/measurement/restless_measurements` """ analysis: BaseAnalysis _default_run_options: Options() set_run_options: Callable _backend: Backend _physical_qubits: Sequence[int] _num_qubits: int
[docs] def enable_restless( self, rep_delay: Optional[float] = None, override_processor_by_restless: bool = True, suppress_t1_error: bool = False, ): """Enables a restless experiment by setting the restless run options and the restless data processor. Args: rep_delay: The repetition delay. This is the delay between a measurement and the subsequent quantum circuit. Since the backends have dynamic repetition rates, the repetition delay can be set to a small value which is required for restless experiments. Typical values are 1 us or less. override_processor_by_restless: If False, a data processor that is specified in the analysis options of the experiment is not overridden by the restless data processor. The default is True. suppress_t1_error: If True, the default is False, then no error will be raised when ``rep_delay`` is larger than the T1 times of the qubits. Instead, a warning will be logged as restless measurements may have a large amount of noise. Raises: DataProcessorError: If the attribute rep_delay_range is not defined for the backend. DataProcessorError: If a data processor has already been set but override_processor_by_restless is True. DataProcessorError: If the experiment analysis does not have the data_processor option. DataProcessorError: If the rep_delay is equal to or greater than the T1 time of one of the physical qubits in the experiment and the flag ``ignore_t1_check`` is False. """ try: if not rep_delay: # BackendV1 only; BackendV2 does not support this rep_delay = self._backend.configuration().rep_delay_range[0] except AttributeError as error: raise DataProcessorError( "The restless experiment can not be enabled because " "the attribute rep_delay_range is not defined for this backend " "and a minimum rep_delay can not be set." ) from error # Check the rep_delay compared to the T1 time. if not self._t1_check(rep_delay): msg = ( f"The specified repetition delay {rep_delay} is equal to or greater " f"than the T1 time of one of the physical qubits" f"{self._physical_qubits} in the experiment. Consider choosing " f"a smaller repetition delay for the restless experiment." ) if suppress_t1_error: LOG.warning(msg) else: raise DataProcessorError(msg) # The excited state promotion readout analysis option is set to # False because it is not compatible with a restless experiment. meas_level = self._default_run_options().get("meas_level", MeasLevel.CLASSIFIED) meas_return = self._default_run_options().get("meas_return", MeasReturnType.SINGLE) if not self.analysis.options.get("data_processor", None): self.set_run_options( rep_delay=rep_delay, init_qubits=False, memory=True, meas_level=meas_level, meas_return=meas_return, use_measure_esp=False, ) if hasattr(self.analysis.options, "data_processor"): self.analysis.set_options( data_processor=self._get_restless_processor(meas_level=meas_level) ) else: raise DataProcessorError( "The restless data processor can not be set since the experiment analysis" "does not have the data_processor option." ) else: if not override_processor_by_restless: self.set_run_options( rep_delay=rep_delay, init_qubits=False, memory=True, meas_level=meas_level, meas_return=meas_return, use_measure_esp=False, ) else: raise DataProcessorError( "Cannot enable restless. Data processor has already been set and " "override_processor_by_restless is True." )
def _get_restless_processor(self, meas_level: int = MeasLevel.CLASSIFIED) -> DataProcessor: """Returns the restless experiments data processor. Notes: Sub-classes can override this method if they need more complex data processing. """ outcome = self.analysis.options.get("outcome", "1" * self._num_qubits) meas_return = self.analysis.options.get("meas_return", MeasReturnType.SINGLE) normalize = self.analysis.options.get("normalization", True) dimensionality_reduction = self.analysis.options.get( "dimensionality_reduction", ProjectorType.SVD ) if meas_level == MeasLevel.KERNELED: return get_kerneled_processor( dimensionality_reduction, meas_return, normalize, [nodes.RestlessToIQ()] ) else: return DataProcessor( "memory", [ nodes.RestlessToCounts(self._num_qubits), nodes.Probability(outcome), ], ) def _t1_check(self, rep_delay: float) -> bool: """Check that repetition delay < T1 of the physical qubits in the experiment. Args: rep_delay: The repetition delay. This is the delay between a measurement and the subsequent quantum circuit. Returns: True if the repetition delay is smaller than the qubit T1 times. Raises: DataProcessorError: If the T1 values are not defined for the qubits of the used backend. """ try: t1_values = [ self._backend_data.qubit_t1(physical_qubit) for physical_qubit in self._physical_qubits ] if all(rep_delay / t1_value < 1.0 for t1_value in t1_values): return True except AttributeError as error: raise DataProcessorError( "The restless experiment can not be enabled since " "T1 values are not defined for the qubits of the used backend." ) from error return False