Source code for qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis.visualization.base_drawer

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"""Curve drawer abstract class."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence

from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func

from qiskit_experiments.framework import Options

[docs] class BaseCurveDrawer(ABC): """Abstract class for the serializable Qiskit Experiments curve drawer. A curve drawer may be implemented by different drawing backends such as matplotlib or plotly. Sub-classes that wrap these backends by subclassing `BaseCurveDrawer` must implement the following abstract methods. initialize_canvas This method should implement a protocol to initialize a drawing canvas with user input ``axis`` object. Note that curve analysis drawer supports visualization of experiment results in multiple canvases tiled into N (row) x M (column) inset grids, which is specified in the option ``subplots``. By default, this is N=1, M=1 and thus no inset grid will be initialized. The data points to draw might be provided with a canvas number defined in :attr:`SeriesDef.canvas` which defaults to ``None``, i.e. no-inset grids. This method should first check the drawing options for the axis object and initialize the axis only when it is not provided by the options. Once axis is initialized, this is set to the instance member ``self._axis``. format_canvas This method should implement a protocol to format the appearance of canvas. Typically, it updates axis and tick labels. Note that the axis SI unit may be specified in the drawing options. In this case, axis numbers should be auto-scaled with the unit prefix. draw_raw_data This method is called after data processing is completed. This method draws raw experiment data points on the canvas. draw_formatted_data This method is called after data formatting is completed. The formatted data might be averaged over the same x values, or smoothed by a filtering algorithm, depending on how analysis class is implemented. This method is called with error bars of y values and the name of the curve. draw_fit_line This method is called after fitting is completed and when there is valid fit outcome. This method is called with the interpolated x and y values. draw_confidence_interval This method is called after fitting is completed and when there is valid fit outcome. This method is called with the interpolated x and a pair of y values that represent the upper and lower bound within certain confidence interval. This might be called multiple times with different interval sizes. draw_fit_report This method is called after fitting is completed and when there is valid fit outcome. This method is called with the list of analysis results and the reduced chi-squared values. The fit report should be generated to show this information on the canvas. """ @deprecate_func( since="0.5", additional_msg="Plotting and drawing functionality has been moved to the new " "`qiskit_experiments.visualization` module.", removal_timeline="after 0.6", package_name="qiskit-experiments", ) def __init__(self): self._options = self._default_options() self._set_options = set() self._axis = None self._curves = [] @property def options(self) -> Options: """Return the drawing options.""" return self._options @classmethod def _default_options(cls) -> Options: """Return default draw options. Draw Options: axis (Any): Arbitrary object that can be used as a drawing canvas. subplots (Tuple[int, int]): Number of rows and columns when the experimental result is drawn in the multiple windows. xlabel (Union[str, List[str]]): X-axis label string of the output figure. If there are multiple columns in the canvas, this could be a list of labels. ylabel (Union[str, List[str]]): Y-axis label string of the output figure. If there are multiple rows in the canvas, this could be a list of labels. xlim (Tuple[float, float]): Min and max value of the horizontal axis. If not provided, it is automatically scaled based on the input data points. ylim (Tuple[float, float]): Min and max value of the vertical axis. If not provided, it is automatically scaled based on the input data points. xval_unit (str): SI unit of x values. No prefix is needed here. For example, when the x values represent time, this option will be just "s" rather than "ms". In the output figure, the prefix is automatically selected based on the maximum value in this axis. If your x values are in [1e-3, 1e-4], they are displayed as [1 ms, 10 ms]. This option is likely provided by the analysis class rather than end-users. However, users can still override if they need different unit notation. By default, this option is set to ``None``, and no scaling is applied. If nothing is provided, the axis numbers will be displayed in the scientific notation. yval_unit (str): Unit of y values. See ``xval_unit`` for details. figsize (Tuple[int, int]): A tuple of two numbers representing the size of the output figure (width, height). Note that this is applicable only when ``axis`` object is not provided. If any canvas object is provided, the figure size associated with the axis is preferentially applied. legend_loc (str): Vertical and horizontal location of the curve legend window in a single string separated by a space. This defaults to ``center right``. Vertical position can be ``upper``, ``center``, ``lower``. Horizontal position can be ``right``, ``center``, ``left``. tick_label_size (int): Size of text representing the axis tick numbers. axis_label_size (int): Size of text representing the axis label. fit_report_rpos (Tuple[int, int]): A tuple of numbers showing the location of the fit report window. These numbers are horizontal and vertical position of the top left corner of the window in the relative coordinate on the output figure, i.e. ``[0, 1]``. The fit report window shows the selected fit parameters and the reduced chi-squared value. fit_report_text_size (int): Size of text in the fit report window. plot_sigma (List[Tuple[float, float]]): A list of two number tuples showing the configuration to write confidence intervals for the fit curve. The first argument is the relative sigma (n_sigma), and the second argument is the transparency of the interval plot in ``[0, 1]``. Multiple n_sigma intervals can be drawn for the single curve. plot_options (Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]): A dictionary of plot options for each curve. This is keyed on the model name for each curve. Sub-dictionary is expected to have following three configurations, "canvas", "color", and "symbol"; "canvas" is the integer index of axis (when multi-canvas plot is set), "color" is the color of the curve, and "symbol" is the marker style of the curve for scatter plots. figure_title (str): Title of the figure. Defaults to None, i.e. nothing is shown. """ return Options( axis=None, subplots=(1, 1), xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, xval_unit=None, yval_unit=None, figsize=(8, 5), legend_loc="center right", tick_label_size=14, axis_label_size=16, fit_report_rpos=(0.6, 0.95), fit_report_text_size=14, plot_sigma=[(1.0, 0.7), (3.0, 0.3)], plot_options={}, figure_title=None, )
[docs] def set_options(self, **fields): """Set the drawing options. Args: fields: The fields to update the options """ self._options.update_options(**fields) self._set_options = self._set_options.union(fields)
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialize_canvas(self): """Initialize the drawing canvas."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def format_canvas(self): """Final cleanup for the canvas appearance."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def draw_raw_data( self, x_data: Sequence[float], y_data: Sequence[float], name: Optional[str] = None, **options, ): """Draw raw data. Args: x_data: X values. y_data: Y values. name: Name of this curve. options: Valid options for the drawer backend API. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def draw_formatted_data( self, x_data: Sequence[float], y_data: Sequence[float], y_err_data: Sequence[float], name: Optional[str] = None, **options, ): """Draw the formatted data that is used for fitting. Args: x_data: X values. y_data: Y values. y_err_data: Standard deviation of Y values. name: Name of this curve. options: Valid options for the drawer backend API. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def draw_fit_line( self, x_data: Sequence[float], y_data: Sequence[float], name: Optional[str] = None, **options, ): """Draw fit line. Args: x_data: X values. y_data: Fit Y values. name: Name of this curve. options: Valid options for the drawer backend API. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def draw_confidence_interval( self, x_data: Sequence[float], y_ub: Sequence[float], y_lb: Sequence[float], name: Optional[str] = None, **options, ): """Draw confidence interval. Args: x_data: X values. y_ub: The upper boundary of Y values. y_lb: The lower boundary of Y values. name: Name of this curve. options: Valid options for the drawer backend API. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def draw_fit_report( self, description: str, **options, ): """Draw text box that shows fit reports. Args: description: A string to describe the fiting outcome. options: Valid options for the drawer backend API. """
@property @abstractmethod def figure(self): """Return figure object handler to be saved in the database."""
[docs] def config(self) -> Dict: """Return the config dictionary for this drawing.""" options = dict((key, getattr(self._options, key)) for key in self._set_options) return {"cls": type(self), "options": options}
def __json_encode__(self): return self.config() @classmethod def __json_decode__(cls, value): instance = cls() if "options" in value: instance.set_options(**value["options"]) return instance