Source code for qiskit_experiments.curve_analysis.guess

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
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A library of parameter guess functions.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

import functools
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Callable

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

from qiskit_experiments.exceptions import AnalysisError

[docs] def frequency( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, filter_window: int = 5, filter_dim: int = 2, ) -> float: r"""Get frequency of oscillating signal. First this tries FFT. If the true value is likely below or near the frequency resolution, the function tries low frequency fit with .. math:: f_{\rm est} = \frac{1}{2\pi {\rm max}\left| y \right|} {\rm max} \left| \frac{dy}{dx} \right| given :math:`y = A \cos (2\pi f x + phi)`. In this mode, y data points are smoothed by a Savitzky-Golay filter to protect against outlier points. .. note:: This function returns always positive frequency. This function is sensitive to the DC offset. This function assumes sorted, no-overlapping x values. Args: x: Array of x values. y: Array of y values. filter_window: Window size of Savitzky-Golay filter. This should be odd number. filter_dim: Dimension of Savitzky-Golay filter. Returns: Frequency estimation of oscillation signal. """ # to run FFT x interval should be identical sampling_interval = np.unique(np.round(np.diff(x), decimals=20)) if len(sampling_interval) != 1: # resampling with minimum xdata interval sampling_interval = np.min(sampling_interval) x_ = np.arange(x[0], x[-1], sampling_interval) y_ = np.interp(x_, xp=x, fp=y) else: sampling_interval = sampling_interval[0] x_ = x y_ = y fft_data = np.fft.fft(y_ - np.average(y_)) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(x_), sampling_interval) positive_freqs = freqs[freqs >= 0] positive_fft_data = fft_data[freqs >= 0] freq_guess = positive_freqs[np.argmax(np.abs(positive_fft_data))] if freq_guess < 1.5 / (sampling_interval * len(x_)): # low frequency fit, use this mode when the estimate is near the resolution y_smooth = signal.savgol_filter(y_, window_length=filter_window, polyorder=filter_dim) # no offset is assumed y_amp = max(np.abs(y_smooth)) if np.isclose(y_amp, 0.0): # no oscillation signal return 0.0 freq_guess = max(np.abs(np.diff(y_smooth) / sampling_interval)) / (y_amp * 2 * np.pi) return freq_guess
[docs] def max_height( y: np.ndarray, percentile: Optional[float] = None, absolute: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[float, int]: """Get maximum value of y curve and its index. Args: y: Array of y values. percentile: Return that percentile value if provided, otherwise just return max value. absolute: Use absolute y value. Returns: The maximum y value and index. """ if percentile is not None: return get_height(y, functools.partial(np.percentile, q=percentile), absolute) return get_height(y, np.nanmax, absolute)
[docs] def min_height( y: np.ndarray, percentile: Optional[float] = None, absolute: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[float, int]: """Get minimum value of y curve and its index. Args: y: Array of y values. percentile: Return that percentile value if provided, otherwise just return min value. absolute: Use absolute y value. Returns: The minimum y value and index. """ if percentile is not None: return get_height(y, functools.partial(np.percentile, q=percentile), absolute) return get_height(y, np.nanmin, absolute)
def get_height( y: np.ndarray, find_height: Callable, absolute: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[float, int]: """Get specific value of y curve defined by a callback and its index. Args: y: Array of y values. find_height: A callback to find preferred y value. absolute: Use absolute y value. Returns: The target y value and index. """ if absolute: y_ = np.abs(y) else: y_ = y y_target = find_height(y_) index = int(np.argmin(np.abs(y_ - y_target))) return y_target, index
[docs] def exp_decay(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> float: r"""Get exponential decay parameter from monotonically increasing (decreasing) curve. This assumes following function form. .. math:: y(x) = e^{\alpha x} We can calculate :math:`\alpha` as .. math:: \alpha = \log(y(x)) / x To find this number, the numpy polynomial fit with ``deg=1`` is used. Args: x: Array of x values. y: Array of y values. Returns: Decay rate of signal. """ inds = y > 0 if np.count_nonzero(inds) < 2: return 0 coeffs = np.polyfit(x[inds], np.log(y[inds]), deg=1) return float(coeffs[0])
[docs] def oscillation_exp_decay( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, filter_window: int = 5, filter_dim: int = 2, freq_guess: Optional[float] = None, ) -> float: r"""Get exponential decay parameter from oscillating signal. This assumes following function form. .. math:: y(x) = e^{\alpha x} F(x), where :math:`F(x)` is arbitrary oscillation function oscillating at ``freq_guess``. This function first applies a Savitzky-Golay filter to y value, then run scipy peak search to extract peak positions. If ``freq_guess`` is provided, the search function will be robust to fake peaks due to noise. This function calls :func:`exp_decay` function for extracted x and y values at peaks. .. note:: y values should contain more than one cycle of oscillation to use this guess approach. Args: x: Array of x values. y: Array of y values. filter_window: Window size of Savitzky-Golay filter. This should be odd number. filter_dim: Dimension of Savitzky-Golay filter. freq_guess: Optional. Initial frequency guess of :math:`F(x)`. Returns: Decay rate of signal. """ y_smoothed = signal.savgol_filter(y, window_length=filter_window, polyorder=filter_dim) if freq_guess is not None and np.abs(freq_guess) > 0: period = 1 / np.abs(freq_guess) dt = np.mean(np.diff(x)) width_samples = int(np.round(0.8 * period / dt)) else: width_samples = 1 peak_pos, _ = signal.find_peaks(y_smoothed, distance=width_samples) if len(peak_pos) < 2: return 0.0 x_peaks = x[peak_pos] y_peaks = y_smoothed[peak_pos] return exp_decay(x_peaks, y_peaks)
[docs] def full_width_half_max( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, peak_index: int, ) -> float: """Get full width half maximum value of the peak. Offset of y should be removed. Args: x: Array of x values. y: Array of y values. peak_index: Index of peak. Returns: FWHM of the peak. Raises: AnalysisError: When peak is too broad and line width is not found. """ y_ = np.abs(y) peak_height = y_[peak_index] halfmax_removed = np.sign(y_ - 0.5 * peak_height) try: r_bound = np.min(x[(halfmax_removed == -1) & (x > x[peak_index])]) except ValueError: r_bound = None try: l_bound = np.max(x[(halfmax_removed == -1) & (x < x[peak_index])]) except ValueError: l_bound = None if r_bound and l_bound: return r_bound - l_bound elif r_bound: return 2 * (r_bound - x[peak_index]) elif l_bound: return 2 * (x[peak_index] - l_bound) raise AnalysisError("FWHM of input curve was not found. Perhaps scanning range is too narrow.")
[docs] def constant_spectral_offset( y: np.ndarray, filter_window: int = 5, filter_dim: int = 2, ratio: float = 0.1 ) -> float: """Get constant offset of spectral baseline. This function searches constant offset by finding a region where 1st and 2nd order differentiation are close to zero. A return value is an average y value of that region. To suppress the noise contribution to derivatives, this function also applies a Savitzky-Golay filter to y value. This method is more robust to offset error than just taking median or average of y values especially when a peak width is wider compared to the scan range. Args: y: Array of y values. filter_window: Window size of Savitzky-Golay filter. This should be odd number. filter_dim: Dimension of Savitzky-Golay filter. ratio: Threshold value to decide flat region. This value represent a ratio to the maximum derivative value. Returns: Offset value. """ y_smoothed = signal.savgol_filter(y, window_length=filter_window, polyorder=filter_dim) ydiff1 = np.abs(np.diff(y_smoothed, 1, append=np.nan)) ydiff2 = np.abs(np.diff(y_smoothed, 2, append=np.nan, prepend=np.nan)) non_peaks = y_smoothed[ (ydiff1 < ratio * np.nanmax(ydiff1)) & (ydiff2 < ratio * np.nanmax(ydiff2)) ] if len(non_peaks) == 0: return float(np.median(y)) return np.average(non_peaks)
[docs] def constant_sinusoidal_offset(y: np.ndarray) -> float: """Get constant offset of sinusoidal signal. This function finds 95 and 5 percentile y values and take an average of them. This method is robust to the dependency on sampling window, i.e. if we sample sinusoidal signal for 2/3 of its period, simple averaging may induce a drift towards positive or negative direction depending on the phase offset. Args: y: Array of y values. Returns: Offset value. """ maxv, _ = max_height(y, percentile=95) minv, _ = min_height(y, percentile=5) return 0.5 * (maxv + minv)
[docs] def rb_decay( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, b: float = 0.5, ) -> float: r"""Get base of exponential decay function which is assumed to be close to 1. This assumes following model: .. math:: y(x) = a \alpha^x + b. To estimate the base of decay function :math:`\alpha`, we consider .. math:: y'(x) = y(x) - b = a \alpha^x, and thus, .. math:: y'(x+dx) = a \alpha^x \alpha^dx. By considering the ratio of y values at :math:`x+dx` to :math:`x`, .. math:: ry = \frac{a \alpha^x \alpha^dx}{a \alpha^x} = \alpha^dx. From this relationship, we can estimate :math:`\alpha` as .. math:: \alpha = ry^\frac{1}{dx}. Args: x: Array of x values. y: Array of y values. b: Asymptote of decay function. Returns: Base of decay function. """ valid_inds = y > b # Remove y values below b y = y[valid_inds] x = x[valid_inds] if len(x) == 0: return 0 if len(x) == 1: # If number of element is 1, assume y(0) = 1.0 and directly compute alpha. a = 1.0 - b return ((y[0] - b) / a) ** (1 / x[0]) ry = (y[1:] - b) / (y[:-1] - b) dx = np.diff(x) return np.average(ry ** (1 / dx))