Source code for qiskit_algorithms.time_evolvers.variational.variational_principles.real_mc_lachlan_principle

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Class for a Real McLachlan's Variational Principle."""
from __future__ import annotations

import warnings

from import Sequence

import numpy as np
from numpy import real

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit import Parameter
from qiskit.primitives import Estimator
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.base_operator import BaseOperator

from .real_variational_principle import RealVariationalPrinciple

from ....exceptions import AlgorithmError
from ....gradients import (

[docs]class RealMcLachlanPrinciple(RealVariationalPrinciple): """Class for a Real McLachlan's Variational Principle. It aims to minimize the distance between both sides of the Schrödinger equation with a quantum state given as a parametrized trial state. The principle leads to a system of linear equations handled by a linear solver. The real variant means that we consider real time dynamics. """ def __init__( self, qgt: BaseQGT | None = None, gradient: BaseEstimatorGradient | None = None, ) -> None: """ Args: qgt: Instance of a the GQT class used to compute the QFI. If ``None`` provided, ``LinCombQGT`` is used. gradient: Instance of a class used to compute the state gradient. If ``None`` provided, ``LinCombEstimatorGradient`` is used. Raises: AlgorithmError: If the gradient instance does not contain an estimator. """ self._validate_grad_settings(gradient) if gradient is not None: try: estimator = gradient._estimator except Exception as exc: raise AlgorithmError( "The provided gradient instance does not contain an estimator primitive." ) from exc else: estimator = Estimator() gradient = LinCombEstimatorGradient(estimator, derivative_type=DerivativeType.IMAG) if qgt is None: qgt = LinCombQGT(estimator) super().__init__(qgt, gradient)
[docs] def evolution_gradient( self, hamiltonian: BaseOperator, ansatz: QuantumCircuit, param_values: Sequence[float], gradient_params: Sequence[Parameter] | None = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates an evolution gradient according to the rules of this variational principle. Args: hamiltonian: Operator used for Variational Quantum Time Evolution. ansatz: Quantum state in the form of a parametrized quantum circuit. param_values: Values of parameters to be bound. gradient_params: List of parameters with respect to which gradients should be computed. If ``None`` given, gradients w.r.t. all parameters will be computed. Returns: An evolution gradient. Raises: AlgorithmError: If a gradient job fails. """ try: estimator_job =[ansatz], [hamiltonian], [param_values]) energy = estimator_job.result().values[0] except Exception as exc: raise AlgorithmError("The primitive job failed!") from exc modified_hamiltonian = self._construct_modified_hamiltonian(hamiltonian, real(energy)) try: evolution_grad = ( 0.5 * [ansatz], [modified_hamiltonian], parameters=[gradient_params], parameter_values=[param_values], ) .result() .gradients[0] ) except Exception as exc: raise AlgorithmError("The gradient primitive job failed!") from exc # The BaseEstimatorGradient class returns the gradient of the opposite sign than we expect # here (i.e. with a minus sign), hence the correction that cancels it to recover the # real McLachlan's principle equations that do not have a minus sign. evolution_grad = (-1) * evolution_grad return evolution_grad
@staticmethod def _construct_modified_hamiltonian(hamiltonian: BaseOperator, energy: float) -> BaseOperator: """ Modifies a Hamiltonian according to the rules of this variational principle. Args: hamiltonian: Operator used for Variational Quantum Time Evolution. energy: The energy correction value. Returns: A modified Hamiltonian. """ energy_term = SparsePauliOp.from_list( hamiltonian.to_list() + [("I" * hamiltonian.num_qubits, -energy)] ) return energy_term @staticmethod def _validate_grad_settings(gradient): if gradient is not None: if not hasattr(gradient, "_derivative_type"): raise ValueError( "The gradient instance provided does not support calculating imaginary part. " "Please choose a different gradient class." ) if gradient._derivative_type != DerivativeType.IMAG: warnings.warn( "A gradient instance with a setting for calculating real part of the" "gradient was provided. This variational principle requires the" "imaginary part. The setting to imaginary was changed automatically." ) gradient._derivative_type = DerivativeType.IMAG