Source code for qiskit_algorithms.state_fidelities.base_state_fidelity

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
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Base state fidelity interface

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import MutableMapping
from typing import cast, Sequence, List
import numpy as np

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit import ParameterVector
from qiskit.primitives.utils import _circuit_key

from ..algorithm_job import AlgorithmJob

[docs]class BaseStateFidelity(ABC): r""" An interface to calculate state fidelities (state overlaps) for pairs of (parametrized) quantum circuits. The calculation depends on the particular fidelity method implementation, but can be always defined as the state overlap: .. math:: |\langle\psi(x)|\phi(y)\rangle|^2 where :math:`x` and :math:`y` are optional parametrizations of the states :math:`\psi` and :math:`\phi` prepared by the circuits ``circuit_1`` and ``circuit_2``, respectively. """ def __init__(self) -> None: # use cache for preventing unnecessary circuit compositions self._circuit_cache: MutableMapping[tuple[int, int], QuantumCircuit] = {} @staticmethod def _preprocess_values( circuits: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], values: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, ) -> Sequence[list[float]]: """ Checks whether the passed values match the shape of the parameters of the corresponding circuits and formats values to 2D list. Args: circuits: List of circuits to be checked. values: Parameter values corresponding to the circuits to be checked. Returns: A 2D value list if the values match the circuits, or an empty 2D list if values is None. Raises: ValueError: if the number of parameter values doesn't match the number of circuit parameters TypeError: if the input values are not a sequence. """ if isinstance(circuits, QuantumCircuit): circuits = [circuits] if values is None: for circuit in circuits: if circuit.num_parameters != 0: raise ValueError( f"`values` cannot be `None` because circuit <{}> has " f"{circuit.num_parameters} free parameters." ) return [[]] else: # Support ndarray if isinstance(values, np.ndarray): values = values.tolist() if len(values) > 0 and isinstance(values[0], np.ndarray): values = [v.tolist() for v in values] if not isinstance(values, Sequence): raise TypeError( f"Expected a sequence of numerical parameter values, " f"but got input type {type(values)} instead." ) # ensure 2d if len(values) > 0 and not isinstance(values[0], Sequence) or len(values) == 0: values = [cast(List[float], values)] # we explicitly cast the type here because mypy appears to be unable to understand the # above few lines where we ensure that values are 2d return cast(Sequence[List[float]], values) def _check_qubits_match(self, circuit_1: QuantumCircuit, circuit_2: QuantumCircuit) -> None: """ Checks that the number of qubits of 2 circuits matches. Args: circuit_1: (Parametrized) quantum circuit. circuit_2: (Parametrized) quantum circuit. Raises: ValueError: when ``circuit_1`` and ``circuit_2`` don't have the same number of qubits. """ if circuit_1.num_qubits != circuit_2.num_qubits: raise ValueError( f"The number of qubits for the first circuit ({circuit_1.num_qubits}) " f"and second circuit ({circuit_2.num_qubits}) are not the same." )
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_fidelity_circuit( self, circuit_1: QuantumCircuit, circuit_2: QuantumCircuit ) -> QuantumCircuit: """ Implementation-dependent method to create a fidelity circuit from 2 circuit inputs. Args: circuit_1: (Parametrized) quantum circuit. circuit_2: (Parametrized) quantum circuit. Returns: The fidelity quantum circuit corresponding to ``circuit_1`` and ``circuit_2``. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _construct_circuits( self, circuits_1: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], circuits_2: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], ) -> Sequence[QuantumCircuit]: """ Constructs the list of fidelity circuits to be evaluated. These circuits represent the state overlap between pairs of input circuits, and their construction depends on the fidelity method implementations. Args: circuits_1: (Parametrized) quantum circuits. circuits_2: (Parametrized) quantum circuits. Returns: List of constructed fidelity circuits. Raises: ValueError: if the length of the input circuit lists doesn't match. """ if isinstance(circuits_1, QuantumCircuit): circuits_1 = [circuits_1] if isinstance(circuits_2, QuantumCircuit): circuits_2 = [circuits_2] if len(circuits_1) != len(circuits_2): raise ValueError( f"The length of the first circuit list({len(circuits_1)}) " f"and second circuit list ({len(circuits_2)}) is not the same." ) circuits = [] for (circuit_1, circuit_2) in zip(circuits_1, circuits_2): # Use the same key for circuits as qiskit.primitives use. circuit = self._circuit_cache.get((_circuit_key(circuit_1), _circuit_key(circuit_2))) if circuit is not None: circuits.append(circuit) else: self._check_qubits_match(circuit_1, circuit_2) # re-parametrize input circuits # TODO: make smarter checks to avoid unnecessary re-parametrizations parameters_1 = ParameterVector("x", circuit_1.num_parameters) parametrized_circuit_1 = circuit_1.assign_parameters(parameters_1) parameters_2 = ParameterVector("y", circuit_2.num_parameters) parametrized_circuit_2 = circuit_2.assign_parameters(parameters_2) circuit = self.create_fidelity_circuit( parametrized_circuit_1, parametrized_circuit_2 ) circuits.append(circuit) # update cache self._circuit_cache[_circuit_key(circuit_1), _circuit_key(circuit_2)] = circuit return circuits def _construct_value_list( self, circuits_1: Sequence[QuantumCircuit], circuits_2: Sequence[QuantumCircuit], values_1: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, values_2: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, ) -> list[list[float]]: """ Preprocesses input parameter values to match the fidelity circuit parametrization, and return in list format. Args: circuits_1: (Parametrized) quantum circuits preparing the first list of quantum states. circuits_2: (Parametrized) quantum circuits preparing the second list of quantum states. values_1: Numerical parameters to be bound to the first circuits. values_2: Numerical parameters to be bound to the second circuits. Returns: List of lists of parameter values for fidelity circuit. """ values_1 = self._preprocess_values(circuits_1, values_1) values_2 = self._preprocess_values(circuits_2, values_2) # now, values_1 and values_2 are explicitly made 2d lists values = [] if len(values_2[0]) == 0: values = list(values_1) elif len(values_1[0]) == 0: values = list(values_2) else: for (val_1, val_2) in zip(values_1, values_2): # the `+` operation concatenates the lists # and then this new list gets appended to the values list values.append(val_1 + val_2) # values is guaranteed to be 2d return values @abstractmethod def _run( self, circuits_1: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], circuits_2: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], values_1: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, values_2: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, **options, ) -> AlgorithmJob: r""" Computes the state overlap (fidelity) calculation between two (parametrized) circuits (first and second) for a specific set of parameter values (first and second). Args: circuits_1: (Parametrized) quantum circuits preparing :math:`|\psi\rangle`. circuits_2: (Parametrized) quantum circuits preparing :math:`|\phi\rangle`. values_1: Numerical parameters to be bound to the first set of circuits values_2: Numerical parameters to be bound to the second set of circuits. options: Primitive backend runtime options used for circuit execution. The order of priority is\: options in ``run`` method > fidelity's default options > primitive's default setting. Higher priority setting overrides lower priority setting. Returns: A newly constructed algorithm job instance to get the fidelity result. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def run( self, circuits_1: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], circuits_2: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], values_1: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, values_2: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, **options, ) -> AlgorithmJob: r""" Runs asynchronously the state overlap (fidelity) calculation between two (parametrized) circuits (first and second) for a specific set of parameter values (first and second). This calculation depends on the particular fidelity method implementation. Args: circuits_1: (Parametrized) quantum circuits preparing :math:`|\psi\rangle`. circuits_2: (Parametrized) quantum circuits preparing :math:`|\phi\rangle`. values_1: Numerical parameters to be bound to the first set of circuits. values_2: Numerical parameters to be bound to the second set of circuits. options: Primitive backend runtime options used for circuit execution. The order of priority is\: options in ``run`` method > fidelity's default options > primitive's default setting. Higher priority setting overrides lower priority setting. Returns: Primitive job for the fidelity calculation. The job's result is an instance of :class:`.StateFidelityResult`. """ job = self._run(circuits_1, circuits_2, values_1, values_2, **options) job.submit() return job
@staticmethod def _truncate_fidelities(fidelities: Sequence[float]) -> Sequence[float]: """ Ensures fidelity result in [0,1]. Args: fidelities: Sequence of raw fidelity results. Returns: List of truncated fidelities. """ return np.clip(fidelities, 0, 1).tolist()