
Source code for mthree.utils

# This code is part of Mthree.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
Utility functions

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/


import numpy as np

from qiskit.result import marginal_distribution as marg_dist
from mthree.exceptions import M3Error
from mthree.classes import (QuasiDistribution, ProbDistribution,
                            QuasiCollection, ProbCollection)

[docs]def final_measurement_mapping(circuit): """Return the final measurement mapping for the circuit. Dict keys label measured qubits, whereas the values indicate the classical bit onto which that qubits measurement result is stored. Parameters: circuit (QuantumCircuit or list): Input Qiskit QuantumCircuit or circuits. Returns: dict or list: Mapping of classical bits to qubits for final measurements. """ given_list = False if isinstance(circuit, (list, np.ndarray)): given_list = True if not given_list: circuit = [circuit] maps_out = [_final_measurement_mapping(circ) for circ in circuit] if not given_list: return maps_out[0] return maps_out
[docs]def marginal_distribution(dist, indices, mapping=None): """Grab the marginal counts from a given distribution. If an operator is passed for the `indices` then the position of the non-identity elements in the string will be used to set the indices to marginalize over. The mapping passed will be marginalized so that it can be directly used in applying the correction. The type of mapping at output is the same as that input. Parameters: dist (dict): Input distribution indices (array_like or str): Indices (qubits) to keep or operator string mapping (dict or array_like): Optional, final measurement mapping. Returns: dict: Marginal distribution list or dict: The reduced mapping if an optional mapping (list or dict) is given Raises: M3Error: Operator length does not equal bit-string length M3Error: One or more indices is out of bounds """ key_len = len(next(iter(dist))) if isinstance(indices, str): indices = indices.upper() if len(indices) != key_len: raise M3Error('Operator length does not equal distribution bit-string length.') indices = [(key_len-kk-1) for kk in range(key_len-1, -1, -1) if indices[kk] != 'I'] out_dist = marg_dist(dist, indices) if mapping: if isinstance(mapping, list): out_mapping = [mapping[kk] for kk in indices] else: # mapping is a dict out_mapping = {} for idx, ind in enumerate(indices): out_mapping[idx] = mapping[ind] return out_dist, out_mapping return out_dist
def _final_measurement_mapping(circuit): """Return the measurement mapping for the circuit. Dict keys label classical bits, whereas the values indicate the physical qubits that are measured to produce those bit values. Parameters: circuit (QuantumCircuit): Input Qiskit QuantumCircuit. Returns: dict: Mapping of classical bits to qubits for final measurements. """ active_qubits = list(range(circuit.num_qubits)) active_cbits = list(range(circuit.num_clbits)) # Map registers to ints qint_map = {} for idx, qq in enumerate(circuit.qubits): qint_map[qq] = idx cint_map = {} for idx, qq in enumerate(circuit.clbits): cint_map[qq] = idx # Find final measurements starting in back qmap = [] cmap = [] for item in circuit._data[::-1]: if item[0].name == "measure": cbit = cint_map[item[2][0]] qbit = qint_map[item[1][0]] if cbit in active_cbits and qbit in active_qubits: qmap.append(qbit) cmap.append(cbit) active_cbits.remove(cbit) if not active_cbits or not active_qubits: break mapping = {} if cmap and qmap: for idx, qubit in enumerate(qmap): mapping[cmap[idx]] = qubit # Sort so that classical bits are in numeric order low->high. mapping = dict(sorted(mapping.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])) return mapping def _expval_std(items, exp_ops='', method=0): """Compute expectation values from distributions. Parameters: items (list or dict or Counts or ProbDistribution or QuasiDistribution): Input distributions. exp_ops (str or dict or list): String or dict representation of diagonal qubit operators used in computing the expectation value. method (int): 0=expvals, 1=stddev, 2=expval and stddev. Returns: float : Expectation value. tuple: Expectation value and stddev. ndarray: Array of expectation values or stddev list: List of expvals and stddev tuples. Raises: M3Error: Not a valid method. """ if method not in [0, 1, 2]: raise M3Error('Invalid method int {} passed.'.format(method)) got_list = False if isinstance(items, list): got_list = True else: items = [items] if isinstance(exp_ops, list): if not len(exp_ops) == len(items): raise M3Error(('exp_ops length ({}) does not match number ' + 'of items passed ({}).').format(len(exp_ops), len(items))) else: exp_ops = [exp_ops]*len(items) if isinstance(items[0], (ProbCollection, QuasiCollection)): if method == 0: out = items.expval(exp_ops) elif method == 1: out = items.stddev() else: out = items.expval_and_stddev(exp_ops) elif not isinstance(items[0], (ProbDistribution, QuasiDistribution)): out = [] if method == 0: for idx, it in enumerate(items): out.append(ProbDistribution(it).expval(exp_ops[idx])) out = np.asarray(out, dtype=float) elif method == 1: for _, it in enumerate(items): out.append(ProbDistribution(it).stddev()) out = np.asarray(out, dtype=float) else: for idx, it in enumerate(items): out.append(ProbDistribution(it).expval_and_stddev(exp_ops[idx])) else: out = [] if method == 0: for idx, it in enumerate(items): out.append(it.expval(exp_ops[idx])) out = np.asarray(out, dtype=float) elif method == 1: for _, it in enumerate(items): out.append(it.stddev()) out = np.asarray(out, dtype=float) else: for idx, it in enumerate(items): out.append(it.expval_and_stddev(exp_ops[idx])) if not got_list: return out[0] return out
[docs]def expval(items, exp_ops=''): """Compute expectation values from distributions. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 Parameters: items (list or dict or Counts or ProbDistribution or QuasiDistribution): Input distributions. exp_ops (str or dict or list): String or dict representation of diagonal qubit operators used in computing the expectation value. Returns: float : Expectation value. ndarray: Array of expectation values Notes: Cannot mix Counts and dicts with M3 Distributions in the same call. The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ return _expval_std(items, exp_ops=exp_ops, method=0)
[docs]def stddev(items): """Compute expectation values from distributions. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 Parameters: items (list or dict or Counts or ProbDistribution or QuasiDistribution): Input distributions. Returns: float : Expectation value. ndarray: Array of expectation values Notes: Cannot mix Counts and dicts with M3 Distributions in the same call. """ return _expval_std(items, method=1)
[docs]def expval_and_stddev(items, exp_ops=''): """Compute expectation values from distributions. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 Parameters: items (list or dict or Counts or ProbDistribution or QuasiDistribution): Input distributions. exp_ops (str or dict or list): String or dict representation of diagonal qubit operators used in computing the expectation value. Returns: float : Expectation value. ndarray: Array of expectation values Notes: Cannot mix Counts and dicts with M3 Distributions in the same call. The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ return _expval_std(items, exp_ops=exp_ops, method=2)
def counts_to_vector(counts): """ Return probability vector from counts dict. Parameters: counts (dict): Input dict of counts. Returns: ndarray: 1D array of probabilities. """ num_bitstrings = len(counts) shots = sum(counts.values()) vec = np.zeros(num_bitstrings, dtype=float) idx = 0 for val in counts.values(): vec[idx] = val / shots idx += 1 return vec def vector_to_quasiprobs(vec, counts): """ Return dict of quasi-probabilities. Parameters: vec (ndarray): 1d vector of quasi-probabilites. counts (dict): Dict of counts Returns: QuasiDistribution: dict of quasi-probabilities """ out_counts = {} idx = 0 for key in counts: out_counts[key] = vec[idx] idx += 1 return QuasiDistribution(out_counts)