Solvers (qiskit_dynamics.solvers)#

This module provides classes and functions for solving differential equations.

Table 1 summarizes the standard solver interfaces exposed in this module. It includes a high level class Solver for solving models of quantum systems, as well as low-level functions for solving both ordinary differential equations \(\dot{y}(t) = f(t, y(t))\) and linear matrix differential equations \(\dot{y}(t) = G(t)y(t)\).

Additionally, this module contains more specialized solvers for linear matrix differential equations based on perturbative expansions, described below.

Table 1 Solver interfaces#




High level solver class for both Hamiltonian and Lindblad dynamics. Automatically constructs the relevant model type based on system details, and the solve() method automatically handles qiskit.quantum_info input types.


Low level solver function for ordinary differential equations:

\[\dot{y}(t) = f(t, y(t)),\]

for \(y(t)\) arrays of arbitrary shape and \(f\) specified as an arbitrary callable.


Low level solver function for linear matrix differential equations in standard form:

\[\dot{y}(t) = G(t)y(t),\]

where \(G(t)\) is either a callable or a qiskit_dynamics model type, and \(y(t)\) arrays of suitable shape for the matrix multiplication above.

Perturbative Solvers#

The classes DysonSolver and MagnusSolver implement advanced solvers detailed in [1], with the DysonSolver implementing a variant of the Dysolve algorithm originally introduced in [2].

The solvers are specialized to linear matrix differential equations with \(G(t)\) decomposed as:

\[G(t) = G_0 + \sum_j Re[f_j(t)e^{i2\pi\nu_jt}]G_j,\]

and are fixed step with a pre-defined step size \(\Delta t\). The differential equation is solved by either computing a truncated Dyson series, or taking the exponential of a truncated Magnus expansion.

Add reference to both userguide and perturbation theory module documentation.

Solver classes#

Solver([static_hamiltonian, ...])

Solver class for simulating both Hamiltonian and Lindblad dynamics, with high level type-handling of input states.

DysonSolver(operators, rotating_frame, dt, ...)

Solver for linear matrix differential equations based on the Dyson series.

MagnusSolver(operators, rotating_frame, dt, ...)

Solver for linear matrix differential equations based on the Magnus expansion.

Solver functions#

solve_ode(rhs, t_span, y0[, method, t_eval])

General interface for solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).

solve_lmde(generator, t_span, y0[, method, ...])

General interface for solving Linear Matrix Differential Equations (LMDEs) in standard form.
