qiskit_nature.utils.linalg のソースコード

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Linear algebra utilities."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from qiskit import QuantumRegister
from qiskit.circuit import Gate, Qubit
from qiskit.circuit.library import XGate, XXPlusYYGate

# HACK: Sphinx fails to handle "ellipsis"
# See https://github.com/python/typing/issues/684
    _SliceAtom = Union[int, slice, "ellipsis"]
    _SliceAtom = Union[int, slice, type(Ellipsis)]

_Slice = Union[_SliceAtom, Tuple[_SliceAtom, ...]]

[ドキュメント]def apply_matrix_to_slices( target: np.ndarray, matrix: np.ndarray, slices: Sequence[_Slice] ) -> np.ndarray: """Apply a matrix to slices of a target tensor. Args: target: The tensor containing the slices on which to apply the matrix. matrix: The matrix to apply to slices of the target tensor. slices: The slices of the target tensor on which to apply the matrix. Returns: The tensor resulting from applying the matrix to the slices of the target tensor. """ result = target.copy() for i, slice_i in enumerate(slices): result[slice_i] *= matrix[i, i] for j, slice_j in enumerate(slices): if j != i: result[slice_i] += target[slice_j] * matrix[i, j] return result
[ドキュメント]def givens_matrix(a: complex, b: complex) -> np.ndarray: r"""Compute the Givens rotation to zero out a row entry. Returns a :math:`2 \times 2` unitary matrix G that satisfies .. math:: G \begin{pmatrix} a \\ b \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} r \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} where :math:`r` is a complex number. References: - `<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Givens_rotation#Stable_calculation>`_ - `<https://www.netlib.org/lapack/lawnspdf/lawn148.pdf>`_ Args: a: A complex number representing the first row entry b: A complex number representing the second row entry Returns: The Givens rotation matrix. """ # Handle case that a is zero if np.isclose(a, 0.0): cosine = 0.0 sine = 1.0 # Handle case that b is zero and a is nonzero elif np.isclose(b, 0.0): cosine = 1.0 sine = 0.0 # Handle case that a and b are both nonzero else: hypotenuse = np.hypot(abs(a), abs(b)) cosine = abs(a) / hypotenuse sign_a = a / abs(a) sine = sign_a * b.conjugate() / hypotenuse return np.array([[cosine, sine], [-sine.conjugate(), cosine]])
def fermionic_gaussian_decomposition_jw( # pylint: disable=invalid-name register: QuantumRegister, transformation_matrix: np.ndarray ) -> tuple[list[tuple[Gate, tuple[Qubit, ...]]], np.ndarray]: """Matrix decomposition to prepare a fermionic Gaussian state under the Jordan-Wigner Transform. Reference: `arXiv:1711.05395`_ .. _arXiv:1711.05395: https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05395 Args: register: The register containing the qubits to use transformation_matrix: The transformation matrix describing the fermionic Gaussian state Returns: - givens rotation decomposition - left unitary left over from the decomposition """ n, _ = transformation_matrix.shape # transform matrix to align with exposition in arXiv:1711.05395 left = transformation_matrix[:, :n] right = transformation_matrix[:, n:] current_matrix = np.block([right.conj(), left.conj()]).astype(complex, copy=False) # compute left_unitary left_unitary = np.eye(n, dtype=complex) for j in range(n - 1): # Zero out entries in column j for i in range(n - 1 - j): # Zero out entry in row i if needed if not np.isclose(current_matrix[i, j], 0.0): givens_mat = givens_matrix(current_matrix[i + 1, j], current_matrix[i, j]) current_matrix = apply_matrix_to_slices(current_matrix, givens_mat, [i + 1, i]) left_unitary = apply_matrix_to_slices(left_unitary, givens_mat, [i + 1, i]) # decompose matrix into Givens rotations and particle-hole transformations decomposition: List[Tuple[Gate, Tuple[Qubit, ...]]] = [] for i in range(n): # zero out the columns in row i for j in range(n - 1 - i, n): if not np.isclose(current_matrix[i, j], 0.0): if j == n - 1: # particle-hole transformation decomposition.append((XGate(), (register[-1],))) _swap_columns(current_matrix, n - 1, 2 * n - 1) else: # compute Givens rotation givens_mat = givens_matrix(current_matrix[i, j + 1], current_matrix[i, j]) theta = np.arccos(np.real(givens_mat[0, 0])) phi = np.angle(givens_mat[0, 1]) # add operations decomposition.append( (XXPlusYYGate(2 * theta, phi - np.pi / 2), (register[j], register[j + 1])) ) # update matrix current_matrix = apply_matrix_to_slices( current_matrix, givens_mat, [(Ellipsis, j + 1), (Ellipsis, j)], ) current_matrix = apply_matrix_to_slices( current_matrix, givens_mat.conj(), [(Ellipsis, n + j + 1), (Ellipsis, n + j)], ) for i in range(n): left_unitary[i] *= current_matrix[i, n + i].conj() return decomposition, left_unitary def _swap_columns(matrix: np.ndarray, i: int, j: int) -> None: """Swap columns of a matrix, mutating it.""" column_i = matrix[:, i].copy() column_j = matrix[:, j].copy() matrix[:, i], matrix[:, j] = column_j, column_i
[ドキュメント]def modified_cholesky( mat: np.ndarray, *, error_threshold: float = 1e-8, max_vecs: int | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Modified Cholesky decomposition. The modified Cholesky decomposition of a square matrix :math:`M` has the form .. math:: M = \sum_{i=1}^N v_i v_i^\dagger where each :math:`v_i` is a vector. :math:`M` must be positive definite. No checking is performed to verify whether :math:`M` is positive definite. The number of terms :math:`N` in the decomposition depends on the allowed error threshold. A larger error threshold may yield a smaller number of terms. Furthermore, the ``max_vecs`` parameter specifies an optional upper bound on :math:`N`. The ``max_vecs`` parameter is always respected, so if it is too small, then the error of the decomposition may exceed the specified error threshold. .. warning:: No checking is performed to verify whether the input matrix is positive definite. If the input matrix is not positive definite, then the decomposition returned will be invalid. References: - `Ab initio computations of molecular systems by the auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo method`_ - `Simplifications in the generation and transformation of two-electron integrals in molecular calculations`_ Args: mat: The matrix to decompose. error_threshold: Threshold for allowed error in the decomposition. The error is defined as the maximum absolute difference between an element of the original tensor and the corresponding element of the reconstructed tensor. max_vecs: The maximum number of vectors to include in the decomposition. Returns: The Cholesky vectors ``v_i`` assembled into a 2-dimensional Numpy array whose columns are the vectors. .. _Ab initio computations of molecular systems by the auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo method: https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.02242 .. _Simplifications in the generation and transformation of two-electron integrals in molecular calculations: https://doi.org/10.1002/qua.560120408 """ dim, _ = mat.shape if max_vecs is None: max_vecs = dim cholesky_vecs = np.zeros((dim, max_vecs + 1), dtype=mat.dtype) errors = np.real(np.diagonal(mat).copy()) for index in range(max_vecs + 1): max_error_index = np.argmax(errors) max_error = errors[max_error_index] if max_error < error_threshold: break cholesky_vecs[:, index] = mat[:, max_error_index] if index: cholesky_vecs[:, index] -= ( cholesky_vecs[:, 0:index] @ cholesky_vecs[max_error_index, 0:index].conj() ) cholesky_vecs[:, index] /= np.sqrt(max_error) errors -= np.abs(cholesky_vecs[:, index]) ** 2 return cholesky_vecs[:, :index]
[ドキュメント]def double_factorized( two_body_tensor: np.ndarray, *, error_threshold: float = 1e-8, max_vecs: int | None = None ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r"""Double-factorized decomposition of a two-body tensor. The double-factorized decomposition is a representation of a two-body tensor :math:`h_{pqrs}` as .. math:: h_{pqrs} = \sum_{t=1}^N \sum_{k\ell} U^{t}_{pk} U^{t}_{qk} Z^{t}_{k\ell} U^{t}_{r\ell} U^{t}_{s\ell} Here each :math:`Z^{(t)}` is a real symmetric matrix, referred to as a "diagonal Coulomb matrix," and each :math:`U^{t}` is a unitary matrix, referred to as an "orbital rotation." The number of terms :math:`N` in the decomposition depends on the allowed error threshold. A larger error threshold may yield a smaller number of terms. Furthermore, the ``max_vecs`` parameter specifies an optional upper bound on :math:`N`. The ``max_vecs`` parameter is always respected, so if it is too small, then the error of the decomposition may exceed the specified error threshold. The input tensor is assumed to be positive definite when reshaped into a matrix. .. warning:: No checking is performed to verify whether the input tensor is positive definite. If the input tensor is not positive definite, then the decomposition returned will be invalid. References: - `Low rank representations for quantum simulation of electronic structure`_ - `Quantum Filter Diagonalization with Double-Factorized Hamiltonians`_ Args: two_body_tensor: The two-body tensor to decompose. error_threshold: Threshold for allowed error in the decomposition. The error is defined as the maximum absolute difference between an element of the original tensor and the corresponding element of the reconstructed tensor. max_vecs: An optional limit on the number of terms to keep in the decomposition of the two-body tensor. Returns: The diagonal Coulomb matrices and the orbital rotations. Each list of matrices is collected into a numpy array, so this method returns a tuple of two numpy arrays, the first containing the diagonal Coulomb matrices and the second containing the orbital rotations. Each numpy array will have shape (t, n, n) where t is the rank of the decomposition and n is the number of orbitals. .. _Low rank representations for quantum simulation of electronic structure: https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.02625 .. _Quantum Filter Diagonalization with Double-Factorized Hamiltonians: https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.08957 """ n_modes, _, _, _ = two_body_tensor.shape if max_vecs is None: max_vecs = n_modes * (n_modes + 1) // 2 reshaped_tensor = np.reshape(two_body_tensor, (n_modes**2, n_modes**2)) cholesky_vecs = modified_cholesky( reshaped_tensor, error_threshold=error_threshold, max_vecs=max_vecs ) _, rank = cholesky_vecs.shape diag_coulomb_mats = np.zeros((rank, n_modes, n_modes), dtype=two_body_tensor.dtype) orbital_rotations = np.zeros((rank, n_modes, n_modes), dtype=two_body_tensor.dtype) for i in range(rank): mat = np.reshape(cholesky_vecs[:, i], (n_modes, n_modes)) eigs, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(mat) diag_coulomb_mats[i] = np.outer(eigs, eigs) orbital_rotations[i] = vecs return diag_coulomb_mats, orbital_rotations