qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.tensor_ordering のソースコード

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Tensor Ordering Utilities (:mod:`qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.tensor_ordering`)

.. currentmodule:: qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.tensor_ordering

Utility functions to detect and transform the index-ordering convention of two-body integrals

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/



from __future__ import annotations

from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from qiskit_nature import QiskitNatureError
import qiskit_nature.optionals as _optionals

    from .symmetric_two_body import SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals

if _optionals.HAS_SPARSE:
    # pylint: disable=import-error
    from sparse import SparseArray

    class SparseArray:  # type: ignore
        """Empty SparseArray class
        Replacement if sparse.SparseArray is not present.


[ドキュメント]def to_chemist_ordering( two_body_tensor: np.ndarray | SparseArray, *, index_order: IndexType | None = None, ) -> np.ndarray | SparseArray: """Convert a two-body tensor to chemists' index order. Coverts the rank-four tensor two-body tensor representing two-body integrals from physicists', or intermediate, index order to chemists' index order: ``i,j,k,l -> i,l,j,k`` Args: two_body_tensor: the rank-four tensor to be converted. index_order: when supplied this will hard-code the ``IndexType`` value. If ``None`` (the default), the ``index_order`` will be determined automatically based on the symmetries of the ``two_body_tensor``. Returns: The same rank-four tensor, now in chemists' index order. Raises: QiskitNatureError: when an unknown index type is encountered. """ if index_order is None: index_order = find_index_order(two_body_tensor) if index_order == IndexType.CHEMIST: return two_body_tensor if index_order == IndexType.PHYSICIST: chem_tensor = _phys_to_chem(two_body_tensor) return chem_tensor if index_order == IndexType.INTERMEDIATE: chem_tensor = _chem_to_phys(two_body_tensor) return chem_tensor else: raise QiskitNatureError( """ Unknown index order type, input tensor must be chemists', physicists', or intermediate index order """ )
[ドキュメント]def to_physicist_ordering( two_body_tensor: np.ndarray | SparseArray, *, index_order: IndexType | None = None, ) -> np.ndarray | SparseArray: """Convert a two-body tensor to physicists' index order. Converts the rank-four tensor two-body tensor representing two-body integrals from chemists', or intermediate, index order to physicists' index order: ``i,j,k,l -> i,l,j,k`` Args: two_body_tensor: the rank-four tensor to be converted. index_order: when supplied this will hard-code the ``IndexType`` value. If ``None`` (the default), the ``index_order`` will be determined automatically based on the symmetries of the ``two_body_tensor``. Returns: The same rank-four tensor, now in physicists' index order. Raises: QiskitNatureError: when an unknown index type is encountered. """ if index_order is None: index_order = find_index_order(two_body_tensor) if index_order == IndexType.PHYSICIST: return two_body_tensor if index_order == IndexType.CHEMIST: phys_tensor = _chem_to_phys(two_body_tensor) return phys_tensor if index_order == IndexType.INTERMEDIATE: phys_tensor = _phys_to_chem(two_body_tensor) return phys_tensor else: raise QiskitNatureError( """ Unknown index order type, input tensor must be chemists', physicists', or intermediate index order """ )
def _phys_to_chem(two_body_tensor: np.ndarray | SparseArray) -> np.ndarray | SparseArray: """Convert the rank-four tensor `two_body_tensor` representing two-body integrals from physicists' index order to chemists' index order: i,j,k,l -> i,l,j,k See also `_chem_to_phys`, `_check_two_body_symmetries`. .. note:: Denote `_chem_to_phys` by `g` and `_phys_to_chem` by `h`. The elements `g`, `h`, `I` form a group with `gh = hg = I`, `g^2=h`, and `h^2=g`. Args: two_body_tensor: the rank-four tensor in physicists' to be converted. Returns: The same rank-four tensor, now in chemists' index order. """ permuted_tensor = np.moveaxis(two_body_tensor, (1, 2), (2, 3)) return permuted_tensor def _chem_to_phys(two_body_tensor: np.ndarray | SparseArray) -> np.ndarray | SparseArray: """Convert the rank-four tensor `two_body_tensor` representing two-body integrals from chemists' index order to physicists' index order: i,j,k,l -> i,k,l,j See also `_phys_to_chem`, `_check_two_body_symmetries`. .. note:: Denote `_chem_to_phys` by `g` and `_phys_to_chem` by `h`. The elements `g`, `h`, `I` form a group with `gh = hg = I`, `g^2=h`, and `h^2=g`. Args: two_body_tensor: the rank-four tensor in chemists' to be converted. Returns: The same rank-four tensor, now in physicists' index order. """ permuted_tensor = np.moveaxis(two_body_tensor, (1,), (3,)) return permuted_tensor def _check_two_body_symmetry( two_body_tensor: np.ndarray | SparseArray, permutation: tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]], *, rtol: float = 1e-5, atol: float = 1e-8, ) -> bool: """Return whether the provided tensor remains identical under the provided permutation. Args: two_body_tensor: the tensor to test. permutation: the source and destination indices of the axis permutations. rtol: the relative tolerance used during the comparison. atol: the absolute tolerance used during the comparison. Returns: Whether the tensor remains unchanged under the applied permutation. """ permuted_tensor = np.moveaxis(two_body_tensor, permutation[0], permutation[1]) if isinstance(two_body_tensor, SparseArray): return np.allclose( two_body_tensor.data, permuted_tensor.data, rtol=rtol, atol=atol ) and np.array_equal( two_body_tensor.coords, permuted_tensor.coords # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) return np.allclose(two_body_tensor, permuted_tensor, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) def _check_two_body_symmetries( two_body_tensor: np.ndarray | SparseArray, *, rtol: float = 1e-5, atol: float = 1e-8, ) -> bool: """Return whether a tensor has the required symmetries to represent two-electron terms. Return `True` if the rank-4 tensor `two_body_tensor` has the required symmetries for coefficients of the two-electron terms. If `two_body_tensor` is a correct tensor of indices, with the correct index order, it must pass the tests. If `two_body_tensor` is a correct tensor of indices, but the flag `chemist` is incorrect, it will fail the tests, unless the tensor has accidental symmetries. This test may be used with care to discriminate between the orderings. References: HJO Molecular Electronic-Structure Theory (1.4.17), (1.4.38) See also `_phys_to_chem`, `_chem_to_phys`. Args: two_body_tensor: the tensor to test. rtol: the relative tolerance used during the comparison. atol: the absolute tolerance used during the comparison. Returns: Whether the tensor has the required symmetries to represent two-electron terms. """ for permutation in _ChemIndexPermutations: if not _check_two_body_symmetry(two_body_tensor, permutation.value, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): return False return True
[ドキュメント]def find_index_order( two_body_tensor: np.ndarray | SparseArray | SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals, *, rtol: float = 1e-5, atol: float = 1e-8, ) -> IndexType: """Return the index-order convention of the provided rank-four tensor. The index convention is determined by checking symmetries of the tensor. If the indexing convention can be determined, then one of :class:`IndexType.CHEMIST`, :class:`IndexType.PHYSICIST`, or :class:`IndexType.INTERMEDIATE` is returned. The :class:`IndexType.INTERMEDIATE` indexing may be obtained by applying :meth:`_chem_to_phys` to the physicists' convention or :meth:`_phys_to_chem` to the chemists' convention. If the tests for each of these conventions fail, then :class:`IndexType.UNKNOWN` is returned. .. note:: The first of :class:`IndexType.CHEMIST`, :class:`IndexType.PHYSICIST`, and :class:`IndexType.INTERMEDIATE`, in that order, to pass the tests is returned. If ``two_body_tensor`` has accidental symmetries, it may in fact satisfy more than one set of symmetry tests. For example, if all elements have the same value, then the symmetries for all three index orders are satisfied. Args: two_body_tensor: the rank-four tensor whose index order to determine. rtol: the relative tolerance used during the comparison. atol: the absolute tolerance used during the comparison. Returns: The index order of the provided rank-four tensor. """ from .symmetric_two_body import SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals if isinstance(two_body_tensor, SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals): return IndexType.CHEMIST if _check_two_body_symmetries(two_body_tensor, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): return IndexType.CHEMIST permuted_tensor = _phys_to_chem(two_body_tensor) if _check_two_body_symmetries(permuted_tensor, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): return IndexType.PHYSICIST permuted_tensor = _phys_to_chem(permuted_tensor) if _check_two_body_symmetries(permuted_tensor, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): return IndexType.INTERMEDIATE else: return IndexType.UNKNOWN
class _ChemIndexPermutations(Enum): """This ``Enum`` defines the permutation symmetries satisfied by a rank-4 tensor of real two-body integrals in chemists' index order, naming each permutation in order of appearance in Molecular Electronic Structure Theory by Helgaker, Jørgensen, Olsen (HJO).""" PERM_1 = ((0, 1), (2, 3)) # HJO (1.4.17) PERM_2_AB = ((0,), (1,)) # HJO (1.4.38) PERM_2_AC = ((2,), (3,)) # HJO (1.4.38) PERM_2_AD = ((0, 2), (1, 3)) # HJO (1.4.38) PERM_3 = ((0, 1), (3, 2)) # PERM_2_AB and PERM_1 PERM_4 = ((0, 1, 2), (2, 3, 1)) # PERM_2_AC and PERM_1 PERM_5 = ((0, 1, 2), (3, 2, 1)) # PERM_2_AD and PERM_1
[ドキュメント]class IndexType(Enum): """This ``Enum`` names the different permutation index orders that could be encountered.""" CHEMIST = "chemist" PHYSICIST = "physicist" INTERMEDIATE = "intermediate" UNKNOWN = "unknown"