qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers.bravyi_kitaev_mapper のソースコード

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""The Bravyi-Kitaev Mapper."""

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np

from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Pauli

from .fermionic_mapper import FermionicMapper

[ドキュメント]class BravyiKitaevMapper(FermionicMapper): """The Bravyi-Kitaev fermion-to-qubit mapping."""
[ドキュメント] @classmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=32) def pauli_table(cls, register_length: int) -> list[tuple[Pauli, Pauli]]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument def parity_set(j, n): """ Computes the parity set of the j-th orbital in n modes. Args: j (int) : the orbital index n (int) : the total number of modes Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of mode indices """ indices = np.array([]) if n % 2 != 0: return indices if j < n / 2: indices = np.append(indices, parity_set(j, n / 2)) else: indices = np.append( indices, np.append(parity_set(j - n / 2, n / 2) + n / 2, n / 2 - 1) ) return indices def update_set(j, n): """ Computes the update set of the j-th orbital in n modes. Args: j (int) : the orbital index n (int) : the total number of modes Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of mode indices """ indices = np.array([]) if n % 2 != 0: return indices if j < n / 2: indices = np.append(indices, np.append(n - 1, update_set(j, n / 2))) else: indices = np.append(indices, update_set(j - n / 2, n / 2) + n / 2) return indices def flip_set(j, n): """ Computes the flip set of the j-th orbital in n modes. Args: j (int) : the orbital index n (int) : the total number of modes Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of mode indices """ indices = np.array([]) if n % 2 != 0: return indices if j < n / 2: indices = np.append(indices, flip_set(j, n / 2)) elif n / 2 <= j < n - 1: indices = np.append(indices, flip_set(j - n / 2, n / 2) + n / 2) else: indices = np.append( np.append(indices, flip_set(j - n / 2, n / 2) + n / 2), n / 2 - 1 ) return indices pauli_table = [] # FIND BINARY SUPERSET SIZE bin_sup = 1 while register_length > np.power(2, bin_sup): bin_sup += 1 # DEFINE INDEX SETS FOR EVERY FERMIONIC MODE update_sets = [] update_pauli = [] parity_sets = [] parity_pauli = [] flip_sets = [] remainder_sets = [] remainder_pauli = [] for j in range(register_length): update_sets.append(update_set(j, np.power(2, bin_sup))) update_sets[j] = update_sets[j][update_sets[j] < register_length] parity_sets.append(parity_set(j, np.power(2, bin_sup))) parity_sets[j] = parity_sets[j][parity_sets[j] < register_length] flip_sets.append(flip_set(j, np.power(2, bin_sup))) flip_sets[j] = flip_sets[j][flip_sets[j] < register_length] remainder_sets.append(np.setdiff1d(parity_sets[j], flip_sets[j])) update_pauli.append( Pauli( (np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool), np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool)) ) ) parity_pauli.append( Pauli( (np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool), np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool)) ) ) remainder_pauli.append( Pauli( (np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool), np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool)) ) ) for k in range(register_length): if np.in1d(k, update_sets[j]): update_pauli[j].x[k] = True if np.in1d(k, parity_sets[j]): parity_pauli[j].z[k] = True if np.in1d(k, remainder_sets[j]): remainder_pauli[j].z[k] = True x_j = Pauli( (np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool), np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool)) ) x_j.x[j] = True y_j = Pauli( (np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool), np.zeros(register_length, dtype=bool)) ) y_j.z[j] = True y_j.x[j] = True pauli_table.append( ( parity_pauli[j] & x_j & update_pauli[j], remainder_pauli[j] & y_j & update_pauli[j], ) ) # PauliList has the phase information. # Here, phase is unnecessary, so the following removes phase. for pauli1, pauli2 in pauli_table: pauli1.phase = 0 pauli2.phase = 0 return pauli_table