qiskit_nature.second_q.formats.qcschema.qc_basis_set のソースコード

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"""The QCSchema basis set dataclasses."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence, cast

import h5py

from .qc_base import _QCBase

[ドキュメント]@dataclass class QCElectronShell(_QCBase): """A dataclass to store the information of a single electron shell in a basis set. For more information refer to [here](https://github.com/MolSSI/QCSchema/blob/1d5ff3baa5/qcschema/dev/definitions.py#L43). """ angular_momentum: Sequence[int] """The angular momenta of this electron shell as a list of integers.""" harmonic_type: str """The type of this shell.""" exponents: Sequence[float | str] """The exponents of this contracted shell. The official spec stores these values as strings.""" coefficients: Sequence[Sequence[float | str]] """The general contraction coefficients of this contracted shell. The official spec stores these values as strings."""
[ドキュメント] def to_hdf5(self, group: h5py.Group) -> None: group.attrs["angular_momentum"] = self.angular_momentum group.attrs["harmonic_type"] = self.harmonic_type group.create_dataset("exponents", data=self.exponents) group.create_dataset("coefficients", data=self.coefficients)
[ドキュメント]@dataclass class QCECPPotential(_QCBase): """A dataclass to store the information of an ECP in a basis set. For more information refer to [here](https://github.com/MolSSI/QCSchema/blob/1d5ff3baa5/qcschema/dev/definitions.py#L90). """ ecp_type: str """The type of this potential.""" angular_momentum: Sequence[int] """The angular momenta of this potential as a list of integers.""" r_exponents: Sequence[int] """The exponents of the `r` term.""" gaussian_exponents: Sequence[float | str] """The exponents of the gaussian terms. The official spec stores these values as strings.""" coefficients: Sequence[Sequence[float | str]] """The general contraction coefficients of this potential. The official spec stores these values as strings."""
[ドキュメント] def to_hdf5(self, group: h5py.Group) -> None: group.attrs["angular_momentum"] = self.angular_momentum group.attrs["ecp_type"] = self.ecp_type group.create_dataset("r_exponents", data=self.r_exponents) group.create_dataset("gaussian_exponents", data=self.gaussian_exponents) group.create_dataset("coefficients", data=self.coefficients)
[ドキュメント]@dataclass class QCCenterData(_QCBase): """A dataclass to store the information of a single atom/center in the basis set. For more information refer to [here](https://github.com/MolSSI/QCSchema/blob/1d5ff3baa5/qcschema/dev/definitions.py#L146). """ electron_shells: Sequence[QCElectronShell] | None = None """The list of electronic shells for this element.""" ecp_electrons: int | None = None """The number of electrons replaced by an ECP.""" ecp_potentials: Sequence[QCECPPotential] | None = None """The list of effective core potentials for this element."""
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> QCCenterData: electron_shells: Sequence[QCElectronShell] | None = None if "electron_shells" in data.keys(): electron_shells = [] for shell in data.pop("electron_shells", []): electron_shells.append(cast(QCElectronShell, QCElectronShell.from_dict(shell))) ecp_potentials: Sequence[QCECPPotential] | None = None if "ecp_potentials" in data.keys(): ecp_potentials = [] for ecp in data.pop("ecp_potentials", []): ecp_potentials.append(cast(QCECPPotential, QCECPPotential.from_dict(ecp))) return cls(**data, electron_shells=electron_shells, ecp_potentials=ecp_potentials)
[ドキュメント] def to_hdf5(self, group: h5py.Group) -> None: if self.electron_shells: electron_shells = group.require_group("electron_shells") for idx, shell in enumerate(self.electron_shells): idx_group = electron_shells.create_group(str(idx)) shell.to_hdf5(idx_group) if self.ecp_electrons is not None: group.attrs["ecp_electrons"] = self.ecp_electrons if self.ecp_potentials: ecp_potentials = group.require_group("ecp_potentials") for idx, ecp in enumerate(self.ecp_potentials): idx_group = ecp_potentials.create_group(str(idx)) ecp.to_hdf5(idx_group)
@classmethod def _from_hdf5_group(cls, h5py_group: h5py.Group) -> QCCenterData: electron_shells: Sequence[QCElectronShell] | None = None if "electron_shells" in h5py_group.keys(): electron_shells = [] for shell in h5py_group["electron_shells"].values(): electron_shells.append(cast(QCElectronShell, QCElectronShell.from_hdf5(shell))) ecp_potentials: Sequence[QCECPPotential] | None = None if "ecp_potentials" in h5py_group.keys(): ecp_potentials = [] for ecp in h5py_group["ecp_potentials"].values(): ecp_potentials.append(cast(QCECPPotential, QCECPPotential.from_hdf5(ecp))) return cls( electron_shells=electron_shells, ecp_electrons=h5py_group.attrs.get("ecp_electrons", None), ecp_potentials=ecp_potentials, )
[ドキュメント]@dataclass class QCBasisSet(_QCBase): """A dataclass to store the information of the basis set used in the original calculation. For more information refer to [here](https://molssi-qc-schema.readthedocs.io/en/latest/auto_basis.html#basis-set-schema). """ center_data: Mapping[str, QCCenterData] """A dictionary mapping the keys provided by `atom_map` to their basis center data.""" atom_map: Sequence[str] """The list of atomic kinds, indicating the keys used to store the basis in `center_data`.""" name: str """The name of the basis set.""" schema_version: int | None = None """The version of this specific schema.""" schema_name: str | None = None """The name of this schema. This value is expected to be `qcschema_basis`.""" description: str | None = None """A description of this basis set."""
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> QCBasisSet: center_data = {k: QCCenterData.from_dict(v) for k, v in data.pop("center_data").items()} return cls(**data, center_data=center_data)
[ドキュメント] def to_hdf5(self, group: h5py.Group) -> None: center_data = group.require_group("center_data") for key, value in self.center_data.items(): key_group = center_data.require_group(key) value.to_hdf5(key_group) group.attrs["atom_map"] = self.atom_map group.attrs["name"] = self.name if self.schema_version is not None: group.attrs["schema_version"] = self.schema_version if self.schema_name is not None: group.attrs["schema_name"] = self.schema_name if self.description is not None: group.attrs["description"] = self.description
@classmethod def _from_hdf5_group(cls, h5py_group: h5py.Group) -> QCBasisSet: center_data: dict[str, QCCenterData] = {} for name, group in h5py_group["center_data"].items(): center_data[name] = cast(QCCenterData, QCCenterData.from_hdf5(group)) return cls( center_data=center_data, atom_map=h5py_group.attrs["atom_map"], name=h5py_group.attrs["name"], schema_version=h5py_group.attrs.get("schema_version", None), schema_name=h5py_group.attrs.get("schema_name", None), description=h5py_group.attrs.get("description", None), )