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"""The ElectronicDensity property."""

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import Mapping, Sequence, cast

import numpy as np

import qiskit_nature  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import ElectronicIntegrals, FermionicOp
from qiskit_nature.utils import get_einsum

[docs]class ElectronicDensity(ElectronicIntegrals): """The ElectronicDensity property. This property adds operators to evaluate the 1- and 2-reduced density matrices (RDMs). It is implemented as a subclass of the :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.ElectronicIntegrals` which means that it supports mathematical operations and generally stores unrestricted spin data. However, you can trace out the spin using :meth:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.ElectronicIntegrals.trace_spin`. """ @staticmethod def _rdm2_from_rdm1s( rdm1_a: np.ndarray, rdm1_b: np.ndarray, *, mixed_spin: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: einsum_func, _ = get_einsum() rdm2 = einsum_func("ij,kl->ijkl", rdm1_a, rdm1_b) if not mixed_spin: rdm2 -= einsum_func("ij,kl->ikjl", rdm1_a, rdm1_b) return rdm2
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls, num_spatial_orbitals: int, *, include_rdm2: bool = True) -> ElectronicDensity: """Initializes an empty (all-zero) ``ElectronicDensity``. Args: num_spatial_orbitals: the number of spatial orbitals. include_rdm2: whether to include the 2-body RDMs. Returns: The resulting ``ElectronicDensity``. """ rdm1 = np.zeros((num_spatial_orbitals, num_spatial_orbitals), dtype=float) rdm2 = ( np.zeros( ( num_spatial_orbitals, num_spatial_orbitals, num_spatial_orbitals, num_spatial_orbitals, ), dtype=float, ) if include_rdm2 else None ) return ElectronicDensity.from_raw_integrals( rdm1, rdm2, rdm1, rdm2, rdm2, auto_index_order=False )
[docs] @classmethod def identity(cls, num_spatial_orbitals: int, *, include_rdm2: bool = True) -> ElectronicDensity: """Initializes an identity ``ElectronicDensity``. Args: num_spatial_orbitals: the number of spatial orbitals. include_rdm2: whether to include the 2-body RDMs. Returns: The resulting ``ElectronicDensity``. """ rdm1 = np.eye(num_spatial_orbitals, dtype=float) rdm2: np.ndarray | None = None rdm2_ba: np.ndarray | None = None if include_rdm2: rdm2 = ElectronicDensity._rdm2_from_rdm1s(rdm1, rdm1) rdm2_ba = ElectronicDensity._rdm2_from_rdm1s(rdm1, rdm1, mixed_spin=True) return ElectronicDensity.from_raw_integrals( rdm1, rdm2, rdm1, rdm2, rdm2_ba, auto_index_order=False )
[docs] @classmethod def from_particle_number( cls, num_spatial_orbitals: int, num_particles: int | tuple[int, int], *, include_rdm2: bool = True, ) -> ElectronicDensity: """Initializes an ``ElectronicDensity`` from the provided number of particles. Args: num_spatial_orbitals: the number of spatial orbitals. num_particles: the number of particles. If this is an integer it is interpreted as the total number of particles. If it is a tuple of two integers, these are treated as the number of alpha- and beta-spin particles, respectively. include_rdm2: whether to include the 2-body RDMs. Returns: The resulting ``ElectronicDensity``. """ if isinstance(num_particles, int): num_beta = num_particles // 2 num_alpha = num_particles - num_beta else: num_alpha, num_beta = num_particles rdm1_a = np.diag([1.0 if i < num_alpha else 0.0 for i in range(num_spatial_orbitals)]) rdm1_b = np.diag([1.0 if i < num_beta else 0.0 for i in range(num_spatial_orbitals)]) rdm2_aa: np.ndarray | None = None rdm2_bb: np.ndarray | None = None rdm2_ba: np.ndarray | None = None if include_rdm2: rdm2_aa = ElectronicDensity._rdm2_from_rdm1s(rdm1_a, rdm1_a) rdm2_bb = ElectronicDensity._rdm2_from_rdm1s(rdm1_b, rdm1_b) rdm2_ba = ElectronicDensity._rdm2_from_rdm1s(rdm1_b, rdm1_a, mixed_spin=True) return cls.from_raw_integrals( rdm1_a, rdm2_aa, rdm1_b, rdm2_bb, rdm2_ba, auto_index_order=False )
[docs] @classmethod def from_orbital_occupation( cls, alpha_occupation: Sequence[float], beta_occupation: Sequence[float], *, include_rdm2: bool = True, ) -> ElectronicDensity: """Initializes an ``ElectronicDensity`` from the provided orbital occupations. This method assumes an orthonormal basis, and will initialize the 1-RDMs simply as diagonal matrices of the provided orbital occupations. The 2-RDMs are computed based on these 1-RDMs. Args: alpha_occupation: the alpha-spin orbital occupations. beta_occupation: the beta-spin orbital occupations. include_rdm2: whether to include the 2-body RDMs. Returns: The resulting ``ElectronicDensity``. """ rdm1_a = np.diag(alpha_occupation) rdm1_b = np.diag(beta_occupation) rdm2_aa: np.ndarray | None = None rdm2_bb: np.ndarray | None = None rdm2_ba: np.ndarray | None = None if include_rdm2: rdm2_aa = ElectronicDensity._rdm2_from_rdm1s(rdm1_a, rdm1_a) rdm2_bb = ElectronicDensity._rdm2_from_rdm1s(rdm1_b, rdm1_b) rdm2_ba = ElectronicDensity._rdm2_from_rdm1s(rdm1_b, rdm1_a, mixed_spin=True) return cls.from_raw_integrals( rdm1_a, rdm2_aa, rdm1_b, rdm2_bb, rdm2_ba, auto_index_order=False )
[docs] def second_q_ops(self) -> Mapping[str, FermionicOp]: """Returns the density evaluation operators. Returns: A mapping of strings to `FermionicOp` objects. """ tensor = self.second_q_coeffs() register_length = tensor.register_length half = register_length // 2 aux_ops = {} for key in tensor: if key == "": continue label_template = " ".join(f"{op}_{{}}" for op in key) ndarray = cast(np.ndarray, tensor[key]) for index in np.ndindex(*ndarray.shape): if not _filter_index(index, half): continue aux_ops[f"RDM{index}"] = FermionicOp( {label_template.format(*index): 1.0}, num_spin_orbitals=register_length, copy=False, ) return aux_ops
[docs] def interpret( self, result: "qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.EigenstateResult" # type: ignore[name-defined] ) -> None: """Interprets an :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.EigenstateResult`. In particular, this method gathers the evaluated auxiliary operator values and constructs the resulting ``ElectronicDensity`` and stores it in the result object. Args: result: the result to add meaning to. """ n_spatial = self.register_length rdm1_idx_regex = re.compile(r"RDM\((\d+), (\d+)\)") rdm2_idx_regex = re.compile(r"RDM\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)") contains_rdm2 = "++--" in self.alpha.keys() rdm1_a = np.zeros((n_spatial, n_spatial), dtype=float) rdm1_b = np.zeros((n_spatial, n_spatial), dtype=float) rdm2_aa: np.ndarray | None = None rdm2_bb: np.ndarray | None = None rdm2_ba: np.ndarray | None = None if contains_rdm2: rdm2_aa = np.zeros((n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial), dtype=float) rdm2_bb = np.zeros((n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial), dtype=float) rdm2_ba = np.zeros((n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial, n_spatial), dtype=float) for name, aux_value in result.aux_operators_evaluated[0].items(): # immediately skip zero values if np.isclose(aux_value, 0.0): continue match = rdm1_idx_regex.fullmatch(name) if match is not None: index = tuple(int(idx) for idx in match.groups()) bools = _boolean_index(index, n_spatial) if all(bools): rdm1_a[index] = aux_value.real elif not any(bools): rdm1_b[_shifted_index(index, n_spatial)] = aux_value.real continue if contains_rdm2: match = rdm2_idx_regex.fullmatch(name) if match is not None: index = tuple(int(idx) for idx in match.groups()) bools = _boolean_index(index, n_spatial) if all(bools): rdm2_aa[index] = aux_value.real elif not any(bools): rdm2_bb[_shifted_index(index, n_spatial)] = aux_value.real elif bools[0] and bools[3] and not bools[1] and not bools[2]: rdm2_ba[_shifted_index(index, n_spatial)] = aux_value.real result.electronic_density = ElectronicDensity.from_raw_integrals( rdm1_a, rdm2_aa, rdm1_b, rdm2_bb, rdm2_ba, auto_index_order=False )
def _boolean_index(index: tuple[int, ...], size: int) -> tuple[bool, ...]: return tuple(i < size for i in index) def _shifted_index(index: tuple[int, ...], size: int) -> tuple[int, ...]: bools = _boolean_index(index, size) return tuple(idx if bools[i] else idx - size for i, idx in enumerate(index)) def _filter_index(index: tuple[int, ...], size: int) -> bool: bools = _boolean_index(index, size) nbody = len(index) if nbody == 2: return all(bools) or not any(bools) if nbody == 4: return ( all(bools) # alpha-alpha or not any(bools) # beta-beta or (bools[0] and bools[3] and not bools[1] and not bools[2]) # beta-alpha ) return False