Source code for qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers.bksf

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"""The Bravyi-Kitaev Super-Fast (BKSF) Mapper."""

from __future__ import annotations

from enum import Enum
import numpy as np

from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Pauli

from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import FermionicOp
from .fermionic_mapper import FermionicMapper

[docs]class BravyiKitaevSuperFastMapper(FermionicMapper): """The Bravyi-Kitaev super-fast fermion-to-qubit mapping. This implementation follows closely Reference [1]. References: [1] Kanav Setia and James D. Whitfield, "Bravyi-Kitaev Superfast simulation of electronic structure on a quantum computer", J. Chem. Phys. 148, 164104 (2018). """ def _map_single( self, second_q_op: FermionicOp, *, register_length: int | None = None ) -> SparsePauliOp: if register_length is None: register_length = second_q_op.register_length if not isinstance(second_q_op, FermionicOp): raise TypeError("Type ", type(second_q_op), " not supported.") edge_list = _bksf_edge_list_fermionic_op(second_q_op, register_length) sparse_pauli = _convert_operator(second_q_op, edge_list) ## Simplify and sort the result sparse_pauli = sparse_pauli.simplify() indices = sparse_pauli.paulis.argsort() table = sparse_pauli.paulis[indices] coeffs = sparse_pauli.coeffs[indices] sorted_sparse_pauli = SparsePauliOp(table, coeffs) return sorted_sparse_pauli
class TermType(Enum): """Denotes the type of interaction of a Fermionic operator.""" NUMBER = 1 EXCITATION = 2 DOUBLE_EXCITATION = 3 NUMBER_EXCITATION = 4 COULOMB_EXCHANGE = 5 def _convert_operator(ferm_op: FermionicOp, edge_list: np.ndarray) -> SparsePauliOp: """Convert a fermionic operator together with qubit-connectivity graph to a Pauli operator. This is the heart of the implementation of BKSF mapping. The connectivity graph must be computed before this method is called. The returned Pauli operator must be sorted and simplified. Args: ferm_op: The fermionic operator to convert. edge_list: The qubit-connectivity graph expressed as an edge list. Returns: An un-simplified Pauli operator representing `ferm_op`. Raises: ValueError: if the type of interaction of any term is unknown. """ encountered_terms = set() sparse_pauli = None for term in ferm_op.terms(): if _operator_coefficient(term) == 0: continue term_type, facs = _analyze_term(_operator_string(term)) # construct h.c. pair hc_facs = frozenset((i, "-" if c == "+" else "+") for i, c in facs) if hc_facs in encountered_terms: continue encountered_terms.add(frozenset(facs)) if term_type == TermType.NUMBER: # a^\dagger_p a_p p = facs[0][0] # pylint: disable=invalid-name h1_pq = _operator_coefficient(term) sparse_pauli = _add_sparse_pauli(sparse_pauli, _number_operator(edge_list, p, h1_pq)) continue if term_type == TermType.EXCITATION: (p, q) = [facs[i][0] for i in range(2)] # p < q always # pylint: disable=invalid-name h1_pq = _operator_coefficient(term) sparse_pauli = _add_sparse_pauli( sparse_pauli, _excitation_operator(edge_list, p, q, h1_pq) ) else: facs_reordered, phase = _to_physicist_index_order(facs) h2_pqrs = phase * _operator_coefficient(term) (p, q, r, s) = [facs_reordered[i][0] for i in range(4)] # pylint: disable=invalid-name if term_type == TermType.DOUBLE_EXCITATION: sparse_pauli = _add_sparse_pauli( sparse_pauli, _double_excitation(edge_list, p, q, r, s, h2_pqrs) ) elif term_type == TermType.COULOMB_EXCHANGE: sparse_pauli = _add_sparse_pauli( sparse_pauli, _coulomb_exchange(edge_list, p, q, s, h2_pqrs) ) elif term_type == TermType.NUMBER_EXCITATION: # Note that h2_pqrs is not divided by 2 here, as in the aqua code sparse_pauli = _add_sparse_pauli( sparse_pauli, _number_excitation(edge_list, p, q, r, s, h2_pqrs) ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown interaction: ", term_type) if sparse_pauli is None: sparse_pauli = _pauli_id(edge_list.shape[1], complex(0.0)) return sparse_pauli def _add_sparse_pauli(qubit_op1: SparsePauliOp, qubit_op2: SparsePauliOp) -> SparsePauliOp: """Return `qubit_op1` + `qubit_op2`, except when either one is `None`. In the latter case, return the one that is not `None`. In other words, assume `None` signifies the additive identity. Args: qubit_op1: The first operand qubit_op2: The second operand Returns: sparse pauli op """ if qubit_op1 is None: return qubit_op2 elif qubit_op2 is None: return qubit_op1 else: return qubit_op1 + qubit_op2 def _analyze_term(terms: list[tuple[str, int]]) -> tuple[TermType, list[tuple[int, str]]]: """Return the type of interaction represented by `term_str` and a list of the factors and their indices in `term_str`. Args: terms: a list of pairs consisting of `+` or `-` chars and indices. Returns: tuple: The first element is a `TermType` specifying the interaction type. See the method `_interaction_type`. The second is a list of factors as returned by `_unpack_term`. """ (n_number, n_raise, n_lower), facs = _unpack_term(terms, compress_number_op=False) _type = _interaction_type(n_number, n_raise, n_lower) return _type, facs def _operator_string(term: tuple) -> list[tuple[str, int]]: """Return the list of pairs describing the operators in the term extracted from a `FermionicOp` given by `term`. """ return term[0] def _operator_coefficient(term: tuple) -> float: """Return the coefficient of the multi-mode operator term extracted from a `FermionicOp`.""" return term[1] def _pauli_id(n_qubits: int, coeff=None) -> SparsePauliOp: """Return the identity for `SparsePauliOp` on `n_qubits` qubits.""" if coeff is None: coeff = complex(1.0) return SparsePauliOp( Pauli((np.zeros(n_qubits, dtype=bool), np.zeros(n_qubits, dtype=bool))), [coeff] ) def _number_operator( # pylint: disable=invalid-name edge_list: np.ndarray, p: int, h1_pq: float ) -> SparsePauliOp: """Map a number operator to a Pauli operator. Args: edge_list: representation of graph specifying neighboring qubits. p: The Fermionic-mode index of number operator. h1_pq: Numerical coefficient of the term Returns: The result of the Fermionic to Pauli operator mapping. """ b_p = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, p) id_op = _pauli_id(edge_list.shape[1]) return (0.5 * h1_pq) * (id_op - b_p) # SW2018 eq 33 ## SW2018 eq 34 def _coulomb_exchange( # pylint: disable=invalid-name edge_list: np.ndarray, p: int, q: int, s: int, h2_pqrs: float ) -> SparsePauliOp: """Map a Coulomb-exchange operator to a Pauli operator. Args: edge_list: representation of graph specifying neighboring qubits. p: First Fermionic-mode index q: Second Fermionic-mode index s: Index of last lowering operator in physicists' order h2_pqrs: Numerical coefficient of the term Returns: The result of the Fermionic to Pauli operator mapping. """ b_p = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, p) b_q = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, q) id_op = _pauli_id(edge_list.shape[1]) qubit_op = (id_op - b_p).dot((id_op - b_q)) if p == s: # two commutations to order as two number operators. final_coeff = 0.25 else: # one commutation final_coeff = -0.25 return (final_coeff * h2_pqrs) * qubit_op ## SW2018 eq 35 ## Includes contributions from a h.c. pair def _excitation_operator( # pylint: disable=invalid-name edge_list: np.ndarray, p: int, q: int, h1_pq: float ) -> SparsePauliOp: """Map an excitation operator to a Pauli operator. Args: edge_list: representation of graph specifying neighboring qubits. p: First Fermionic-mode index. q: Second Fermionic-mode index. You must ensure that p < q. h1_pq: Numerical coefficient of the term. Returns: The result of the Fermionic to Pauli operator mapping. """ # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc if p >= q: raise ValueError(f"Expected p < q, got p = {p}, q = {q}") b_a = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, p) b_b = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, q) a_ab = _edge_operator_aij(edge_list, p, q) return (-1j * 0.5 * h1_pq) * ((b_b & a_ab) + (a_ab & b_a)) ## SW2018 eq 37 def _double_excitation( # pylint: disable=invalid-name edge_list: np.ndarray, p: int, q: int, r: int, s: int, h2_pqrs: float ) -> SparsePauliOp: """Map a double-excitation operator to a Pauli operator. Args: edge_list: representation of graph specifying neighboring qubits. p: First Fermionic-mode index. q: Second Fermionic-mode index. You must ensure that p < q. r: Third Fermionic-mode index. s: Fourth Fermionic-mode index. h2_pqrs: Numerical coefficient of the term. Returns: The result of the Fermionic to Pauli operator mapping. """ b_p = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, p) b_q = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, q) b_r = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, r) b_s = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, s) a_pq = _edge_operator_aij(edge_list, p, q) a_rs = _edge_operator_aij(edge_list, r, s) a_pq = -a_pq if q < p else a_pq a_rs = -a_rs if s < r else a_rs id_op = _pauli_id(edge_list.shape[1]) qubit_op = ( ( -id_op - + + + + - # Agrees with SW2018 eq 37 and OpenFermion. Aqua had `-`. + ) ) final_coeff = 0.125 return (final_coeff * h2_pqrs) * qubit_op def _number_excitation( # pylint: disable=invalid-name edge_list: np.ndarray, p: int, q: int, r: int, s: int, h2_pqrs: float ) -> SparsePauliOp: """Map a number-excitation operator to a Pauli operator. Exactly two of the indices p, q, r, s must be equal, and this pair must consist of either p or q and either r or s. Furthermore You must ensure that p < q. The equal indices represent the number operator, while the remaining two represent the excitation operator. Args: edge_list: representation of graph specifying neighboring qubits. p: First Fermionic-mode index. q: Second Fermionic-mode index. r: Third Fermionic-mode index. s: Fourth Fermionic-mode index. h2_pqrs: Numerical coefficient of the term. Returns: The result of the Fermionic to Pauli operator mapping. """ # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc b_p = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, p) b_q = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, q) id_op = _pauli_id(edge_list.shape[1]) if p == r: b_s = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, s) a_qs = _edge_operator_aij(edge_list, q, s) a_qs = -a_qs if s < q else a_qs qubit_op = ( + - b_p) final_coeff = 1j * 0.25 elif p == s: b_r = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, r) a_qr = _edge_operator_aij(edge_list, q, r) a_qr = -a_qr if r < q else a_qr qubit_op = ( + - b_p) final_coeff = 1j * -0.25 elif q == r: b_s = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, s) a_ps = _edge_operator_aij(edge_list, p, s) a_ps = -a_ps if s < p else a_ps qubit_op = ( + - b_q) final_coeff = 1j * -0.25 elif q == s: b_r = _edge_operator_bi(edge_list, r) a_pr = _edge_operator_aij(edge_list, p, r) a_pr = -a_pr if r < p else a_pr qubit_op = ( + - b_q) final_coeff = 1j * 0.25 else: raise ValueError(f"unexpected sequence of indices: {p}, {q}, {r}, {s}") return (final_coeff * h2_pqrs) * qubit_op def _unpack_term( terms: list[tuple[str, int]], compress_number_op: bool ) -> tuple[tuple[int, int, int], list[tuple[int, str]]]: """Return a tuple specifying the counts of kinds of operators in `term_str` and a list of the factors and their indices in `term_str`. The factors are represented by tuples of the form `(i, c)`, where `i` is an index and `c` is a character. Allowed characters in `term_str` are 'N+-I`. The returned tuple contains counts for `N`, `+`, and `-`, in that order. Identity operators are ignored. Args: terms: a list of pairs consisting of `+` or `-` chars and indices. expand_number_op: if `True`, number operators are expanded to `(i, '+')`, `(i, '-')` in the returned list of factors. Returns: tuple: A tuple of two elements. First, a tuple of three integers giving the number of number, raising, and lowering operators. Second a list of factors represented by tuples of two elements: the first is an index and the second one of "-", "+", or "N". If `expand_number_op` is `True`, then factors of `N` are expanded. """ # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc pluses = set() minuses = set() numbers = set() facs = [] for term in terms: if not term: continue c = term[0] i = int(term[1]) if c == "+": pluses.add(i) facs.append((i, "+")) elif c == "-": if i in pluses: pluses.discard(i) numbers.add(i) if compress_number_op: facs.remove((i, "+")) facs.append((i, "N")) else: facs.append((i, "-")) else: minuses.add(i) facs.append((i, "-")) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported operator ", c, " in term.") return (len(numbers), len(pluses), len(minuses)), facs def _interaction_type(n_number: int, n_raise: int, n_lower: int) -> TermType: """Return a `TermType` instance describing the type of interaction given the number of number, raising, and lowering operators. The number of number operators must be 1 or 2. The number of raising operators must be equal to 0, 1 or 2, and the number of raising operators must be equal to the number of lowering operators. Args: n_number: the number of number operators n_raise: the number of raising operators n_lower: the number of lowering operators Returns: TermType: The type of interaction. """ # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc if n_raise == 0 and n_lower == 0: if n_number == 1: return TermType.NUMBER elif n_number == 2: return TermType.COULOMB_EXCHANGE else: raise ValueError("unexpected number of number operators: ", n_number) elif n_raise == 1 and n_lower == 1: if n_number == 1: return TermType.NUMBER_EXCITATION elif n_number == 0: return TermType.EXCITATION else: raise ValueError("unexpected number of number operators: ", n_number) elif n_raise == 2 and n_lower == 2: return TermType.DOUBLE_EXCITATION else: raise ValueError(f"n_raise ({n_raise}) not equal to n_lower ({n_lower})") def _get_adjacency_matrix(fer_op: FermionicOp, register_length: int) -> np.ndarray: """Return an adjacency matrix specifying the edges in the BKSF graph for the operator `fer_op`. The graph is undirected, so we choose to return the edges in the upper triangle. (There are no self edges.) The lower triangle entries are all `False`. Args: fer_op: The Fermionic operator. register_length: the register length of the operator. Returns: numpy.ndarray(dtype=bool): edge_matrix the adjacency matrix. """ edge_matrix = np.zeros((register_length, register_length), dtype=bool) for term in fer_op.terms(): if _operator_coefficient(term) != 0: _add_edges_for_term(edge_matrix, _operator_string(term)) return edge_matrix def _add_one_edge(edge_matrix: np.ndarray, i: int, j: int) -> None: """Add an edge in the adjacency matrix from lesser index to greater. This maintains the upper triangular structure. Args: i: the first vertex index j: the second vertex index. The values of `i` and `j` may be in any order, but they must not be equal. """ # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc if i == j: raise ValueError("expecting i != j") edge_matrix[min(i, j), max(i, j)] = True def _add_edges_for_term(edge_matrix: np.ndarray, terms: list[tuple[str, int]]) -> None: """Add one, two, or no edges to `edge_matrix` as dictated by the operator `term_str`. Args: edge_matrix: an adjacency matrix representing the connectivity graph. terms: a list of pairs consisting of `+` or `-` chars and indices. """ # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc (n_number, n_raise, n_lower), facs = _unpack_term(terms, compress_number_op=True) _type = _interaction_type(n_number, n_raise, n_lower) # For EXCITATION and NUMBER_EXCITATION, create an edge between the `+` and `-`. if _type in (TermType.EXCITATION, TermType.NUMBER_EXCITATION): inds = [i for (i, c) in facs if c in "+-"] if len(inds) != 2: raise ValueError("wrong number or raising and lowering: ", len(inds)) _add_one_edge(edge_matrix, *inds) # For `double_excitation` create an edge between the two `+`s and an edge between the two `-`s. elif _type == TermType.DOUBLE_EXCITATION: raise_inds = [i for (i, c) in facs if c == "+"] lower_inds = [i for (i, c) in facs if c == "-"] _add_one_edge(edge_matrix, *raise_inds) _add_one_edge(edge_matrix, *lower_inds) def _bksf_edge_list_fermionic_op(ferm_op: FermionicOp, register_length: int) -> np.ndarray: """Construct edge list required for the BKSF algorithm. Args: ferm_op: the fermionic operator in the second quantized form register_length: the register length of the operator. Returns: numpy.ndarray: edge_list, a 2xE matrix, where E is total number of edges. The `i`th edge is given by `(edge_list[0, i], edge_list[1, i])`, where the index `i` starts at zero. """ edge_matrix = _get_adjacency_matrix(ferm_op, register_length) edge_list_as_2d_array = np.asarray(np.nonzero(edge_matrix)) return edge_list_as_2d_array def _edge_operator_aij(edge_list: np.ndarray, i: int, j: int) -> SparsePauliOp: """Return the edge operator A_ij. The definitions used here are consistent with arXiv:quant-ph/0003137 Args: edge_list: a 2xE matrix, where E is total number of edges and each pair denotes (from, to) i: specifying the edge operator A j: specifying the edge operator A Returns: sparse pauli op """ v = np.zeros(edge_list.shape[1]) w = np.zeros(edge_list.shape[1]) position_ij = -1 for edge_index in range(edge_list.shape[1]): if set((i, j)) == set(edge_list[:, edge_index]): position_ij = edge_index break w[position_ij] = 1 def _set_edges(index1, index2): qubit_position = np.asarray(np.where(edge_list == index1)) for edge_index in range(qubit_position.shape[1]): i_i, j_j = qubit_position[:, edge_index] i_i = int(not i_i) if edge_list[i_i][j_j] < index2: v[j_j] = 1 _set_edges(i, j) _set_edges(j, i) qubit_op = Pauli((v, w)) return SparsePauliOp(qubit_op) def _edge_operator_bi(edge_list: np.ndarray, i: int) -> SparsePauliOp: """Return the edge operator B_i. The definitions used here are consistent with arXiv:quant-ph/0003137 Args: edge_list: a 2xE matrix, where E is total number of edges and each pair denotes (from, to) i: index for specifying the edge operator B. Returns: sparse pauli op """ qubit_position_matrix = np.asarray(np.where(edge_list == i)) qubit_position = qubit_position_matrix[1] v = np.zeros(edge_list.shape[1]) w = np.copy(v) v[qubit_position] = 1 qubit_op = Pauli((v, w)) return SparsePauliOp(qubit_op) def _to_physicist_index_order(facs: list[tuple[int, str]]) -> tuple[list[tuple[int, str]], int]: """Reorder the factors `facs` to be two raising operators followed by two lowering operators and return the new factors and the phase incurred by the reordering. Note that `facs` are not in chemists' order, but rather sorted by index with least index first. Args: facs: a list of factors where each element is `(i, c)` where `i` is an integer index and `c` is either `-` or `+`. Returns: facs_out: A copy of the reordered factors or the input list (not a copy) if the factors are already in the desired order. phase: Either `1` or `-1`. Raises: ValueError: if `facs` does not represent a two-body interaction. """ ops = [fac[1] for fac in facs] if ops == ["+", "+", "-", "-"]: facs_out = facs phase = 1 elif ops == ["+", "-", "+", "-"]: facs_out = [facs[0], facs[2], facs[1], facs[3]] phase = -1 elif ops == ["+", "-", "-", "+"]: facs_out = [facs[0], facs[3], facs[1], facs[2]] phase = 1 else: raise ValueError("unexpected sequence of operators", facs) return facs_out, phase