Source code for qiskit_nature.second_q.hamiltonians.lattices.hyper_cubic_lattice

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# (C) Copyright IBM 2021, 2024.
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"""The hyper-cubic lattice"""
from dataclasses import asdict
from itertools import product
from math import pi
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from rustworkx import PyGraph

from .boundary_condition import BoundaryCondition
from .lattice import Lattice, LatticeDrawStyle

[docs]class HyperCubicLattice(Lattice): """Hyper-cubic lattice in :math:`d` dimensions. The :class:`HyperCubicLattice` can be initialized with tuples of `size`, `edge_parameters`, and `boundary_conditions`. For example, .. code-block:: python from qiskit_nature.second_q.hamiltonians.lattices import ( BoundaryCondition, HyperCubicLattice, ) lattice = HyperCubicLattice( size = (3, 4, 5), edge_parameter = (1.0, -2.0, 3.0), onsite_parameter = 2.0, boundary_condition = (BoundaryCondition.OPEN, BoundaryCondition.OPEN, BoundaryCondition.OPEN) ) is a three-dimensional lattice of size 3 by 4 by 5, which has weights 1.0, -2.0, 3.0 on edges in x, y, and z directions, respectively, and weights 2.0 on self-loops. The boundary conditions are open for all the directions. """ def __init__( self, size: Tuple[int, ...], edge_parameter: Union[complex, Tuple[complex, ...]] = 1.0, onsite_parameter: complex = 0.0, boundary_condition: Union[ BoundaryCondition, Tuple[BoundaryCondition, ...] ] = BoundaryCondition.OPEN, ) -> None: """ Args: size: Lengths of each dimension. edge_parameter: Weights on the edges in each direction. When it is a single value, it is interpreted as a tuple of the same length as `size` consisting of the same values. Defaults to 1.0. onsite_parameter: Weight on the self-loops, which are edges connecting a node to itself. This is uniform over the lattice points. Defaults to 0.0. boundary_condition: Boundary condition for each dimension. The available boundary conditions are: BoundaryCondition.OPEN, BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC. When it is a single value, it is interpreted as a tuple of the same length as `size` consisting of the same values. Defaults to BoundaryCondition.OPEN. Raises: ValueError: When edge parameter or boundary condition is a tuple, the length of that is not the same as that of size. """ self._dim = len(size) self._size = size # edge parameter if isinstance(edge_parameter, (int, float, complex)): edge_parameter = (edge_parameter,) * self._dim elif isinstance(edge_parameter, tuple): if len(edge_parameter) != self._dim: raise ValueError( "size mismatch, " f"`edge_parameter`: {len(edge_parameter)}, `size`: {self._dim}." "The length of `edge_parameter` must be the same as that of size." ) self._edge_parameter = edge_parameter self._onsite_parameter = onsite_parameter # boundary condition if isinstance(boundary_condition, BoundaryCondition): boundary_condition = (boundary_condition,) * self._dim elif isinstance(boundary_condition, tuple): if len(boundary_condition) != self._dim: raise ValueError( "size mismatch, " f"`boundary_condition`: {len(boundary_condition)}, `size`: {self._dim}." "The length of `boundary_condition` must be the same as that of size." ) self._boundary_condition = boundary_condition graph: PyGraph = PyGraph(multigraph=False) graph.add_nodes_from(range( # add edges excluding the boundary edges bulk_edge_list = self._bulk_edges() graph.add_edges_from(bulk_edge_list) # add self-loops. self_loop_list = self._self_loops() graph.add_edges_from(self_loop_list) # add edges that cross the boundaries boundary_edge_list = self._create_boundary_edges() graph.add_edges_from(boundary_edge_list) # a list of edges that depend on the boundary condition self._boundary_edges = [(edge[0], edge[1]) for edge in boundary_edge_list] super().__init__(graph) # default position for one and two-dimensional cases. self.pos = self._default_position() @property def dim(self) -> int: """Dimensions of the hyper cubic lattice. Returns: the dimension. """ return self._dim @property def size(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Lengths of each dimension. Returns: the size. """ return self._size @property def edge_parameter(self) -> Union[complex, Tuple[complex, ...]]: """Weights on the edges in each direction. Returns: the parameter for the edges. """ return self._edge_parameter @property def onsite_parameter(self) -> complex: """Weight on the self-loops Returns: the parameter for the self-loops. """ return self._onsite_parameter @property def boundary_condition(self) -> Union[BoundaryCondition, Tuple[BoundaryCondition, ...]]: """Boundary condition for each dimension. Returns: the boundary condition. """ return self._boundary_condition def _coordinate_to_index(self, coord: np.ndarray) -> int: """Convert the coordinate of a lattice point to an integer for labeling. When size=(l0, l1, l2, ...), then a coordinate (x0, x1, x2, ...) is converted as x0 + x1*l0 + x2*l0*l1 + ... . Args: coord: Input coordinate to be converted. Returns: Return x0 + x1*l0 + x2*l0*l1 + ... when coord=np.array([x0, x1, x2...]) and size=(l0, l1, l2, ...). """ size = self._size dim = len(size) base = np.array([[:i]) for i in range(dim)], dtype=int) return, base).item() def _self_loops(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int, complex]]: """Return a list consisting of the self-loops on all the nodes. Returns: List[Tuple[int, int, complex]] : List of the self-loops. """ num_nodes = return [(node_a, node_a, self._onsite_parameter) for node_a in range(num_nodes)] def _bulk_edges(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int, complex]]: """Return a list consisting of the edges in the bulk, which don't cross the boundaries. Returns: List[Tuple[int, int, complex]] : List of weighted edges that don't cross the boundaries. """ list_of_edges = [] size = self._size edge_parameter = self._edge_parameter dim = len(size) coordinates = list(product(*map(range, size))) # add edges excluding the boundary edges for coord in np.array(coordinates): for i in range(dim): if coord[i] != size[i] - 1: relative_vector = np.eye(dim, dtype=int)[i] node_a = self._coordinate_to_index(coord) node_b = self._coordinate_to_index(coord + relative_vector) list_of_edges.append((node_a, node_b, edge_parameter[i])) return list_of_edges def _create_boundary_edges(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int, complex]]: """Return a list consisting of the edges that cross the boundaries depending on the boundary conditions. Raises: ValueError: Given boundary condition is invalid values. Returns: List[Tuple[int, int, complex]]: List of weighted edges that cross the boundaries. """ list_of_edges = [] size = self._size edge_parameter = self._edge_parameter boundary_condition = self._boundary_condition dim = len(size) for i in range(dim): # add edges when the boundary condition is periodic. # when the boundary condition in the i-th direction is periodic, # it makes sense only when size[i] is greater than 2. if boundary_condition[i] == BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC: if size[i] <= 2: continue size_list = list(size) size_list[i] = 1 coordinates = list(product(*map(range, size_list))) relative_vector = np.eye(dim, dtype=int)[i] for coord in np.array(coordinates): node_b = self._coordinate_to_index(coord) node_a = self._coordinate_to_index((coord - relative_vector) % size) list_of_edges.append((node_b, node_a, edge_parameter[i].conjugate())) elif boundary_condition[i] == BoundaryCondition.OPEN: continue else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid `boundary condition` {boundary_condition[i]} is given." "`boundary condition` must be " + " or ".join(str(bc) for bc in BoundaryCondition) ) return list_of_edges def _default_position(self) -> Optional[Dict[int, List[float]]]: """Return a dictionary of default positions for visualization of a one- or two-dimensional lattice. Returns: Optional[Dict[int, List[float]]]: The keys are the labels of lattice points, and the values are two-dimensional coordinates. When the dimension is larger than 2, it returns None. """ size = self._size boundary_condition = self._boundary_condition dim = len(size) if dim == 1: if boundary_condition[0] == BoundaryCondition.OPEN: pos = {i: [float(i), 0.0] for i in range(size[0])} elif boundary_condition[0] == BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC: theta = 2 * pi / size[0] pos = {i: [np.cos(i * theta), np.sin(i * theta)] for i in range(size[0])} elif dim == 2: pos = {} width = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) for i in (0, 1): if boundary_condition[i] == BoundaryCondition.PERIODIC: # the positions are shifted along the y-direction # when the boundary condition in the x-direction is periodic and vice versa. # The width of the shift is fixed to 0.2. width[(i + 1) % 2] = 0.2 for index in range( # maps an index to two-dimensional coordinate # the positions are shifted so that the edges between boundaries can be seen # for the periodic cases. coord = np.array(divmod(index, size[0]))[::-1] + width * np.sin( pi * np.array(divmod(index, size[0])) / (np.array(size)[::-1] - 1) ) pos[index] = coord.tolist() else: pos = None return pos
[docs] def draw_without_boundary( self, *, self_loop: bool = False, style: Optional[LatticeDrawStyle] = None, ): r"""Draw the lattice with no edges between the boundaries. Args: self_loop: Draw self-loops in the lattice. Defaults to False. style : Styles for rustworkx.visualization.mpl_draw. Please see for details. """ graph = self.graph if style is None: style = LatticeDrawStyle() elif not isinstance(style, LatticeDrawStyle): style = LatticeDrawStyle(**style) if style.pos is None: if self.dim == 1: style.pos = {i: [i, 0] for i in range(self.size[0])} elif self.dim == 2: style.pos = { i: [i % self.size[0], i // self.size[0]] for i in range( } graph.remove_edges_from(self._boundary_edges) self._mpl( graph=graph, self_loop=self_loop, **asdict(style), )