Source code for qiskit_nature.second_q.algorithms.ground_state_solvers.ground_state_eigensolver

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Ground state computation using a minimum eigensolver."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from qiskit_algorithms import MinimumEigensolver
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp

from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import SparseLabelOp
from qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers import QubitMapper
from qiskit_nature.second_q.problems import BaseProblem
from qiskit_nature.second_q.problems import EigenstateResult

from .ground_state_solver import GroundStateSolver

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GroundStateEigensolver(GroundStateSolver): """Ground state computation using a minimum eigensolver.""" def __init__( self, qubit_mapper: QubitMapper, solver: MinimumEigensolver, ) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Args: qubit_mapper: The :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers.QubitMapper` instance that converts a second quantized operator to qubit operators. solver: Minimum Eigensolver object. """ super().__init__(qubit_mapper) self._solver = solver @property def solver(self) -> MinimumEigensolver: return self._solver
[docs] def supports_aux_operators(self): return self.solver.supports_aux_operators()
[docs] def solve( self, problem: BaseProblem, aux_operators: dict[str, SparseLabelOp | SparsePauliOp] | None = None, ) -> EigenstateResult: """Compute Ground State properties. Args: problem: A class encoding a problem to be solved. aux_operators: Additional auxiliary operators to evaluate. Returns: An interpreted :class:`~.EigenstateResult`. For more information see also :meth:`~.BaseProblem.interpret`. """ main_operator, aux_ops = self.get_qubit_operators(problem, aux_operators) raw_mes_result = self.solver.compute_minimum_eigenvalue(main_operator, aux_ops) eigenstate_result = EigenstateResult.from_result(raw_mes_result) result = problem.interpret(eigenstate_result) return result
[docs] def get_qubit_operators( self, problem: BaseProblem, aux_operators: dict[str, SparseLabelOp | SparsePauliOp] | None = None, ) -> tuple[SparsePauliOp, dict[str, SparsePauliOp] | None]: # Note that ``aux_ops`` contains not only the transformed ``aux_operators`` passed by the # user but also additional ones from the transformation main_second_q_op, aux_second_q_ops = problem.second_q_ops() main_operator = aux_ops = if aux_operators is not None: for name_aux, aux_op in aux_operators.items(): if isinstance(aux_op, SparseLabelOp): converted_aux_op = else: converted_aux_op = aux_op if name_aux in aux_ops.keys(): LOGGER.warning( "The key '%s' was already taken by an internally constructed auxiliary " "operator! The internal operator was overridden by the one provided manually. " "If this was not the intended behavior, please consider renaming " "this operator.", name_aux, ) if converted_aux_op is not None: # The custom op overrides the default op if the key is already taken. aux_ops[name_aux] = converted_aux_op else: LOGGER.warning( "The manually provided operator '%s' got reduced to `None` in the mapping " "process. This can occur for example when it does not commute with the " "hamiltonian after applying the determined symmetry reductions. Thus, this " "operator will not be used!", name_aux, ) # if the eigensolver does not support auxiliary operators, reset them if not self.solver.supports_aux_operators(): aux_ops = None return main_operator, aux_ops