class UVCC(num_modals=None, excitations=None, qubit_mapper=None, *, reps=1, initial_state=None)[fuente]#

Bases: EvolvedOperatorAnsatz

This trial wavefunction is a Unitary Vibrational Coupled-Cluster ansatz.

This method constructs the requested excitations based on a VSCF reference state by default. When setting up a VQE algorithm using this ansatz and initial state, it is likely you will also want to use a VSCFInitialPoint that has been configured using the corresponding ansatz parameters. This can be done as follows:

qubit_mapper = JordanWignerMapper()
uvcc = UVCC([2, 2], 'sd', qubit_mapper)
vscf_initial_point = VSCFInitialPoint()
vscf_initial_point.ansatz = uvcc
initial_point = vscf_initial_point.to_numpy_array()
vqe = VQE(Estimator(), uvcc, SLSQP(), initial_point=initial_point)

For more information, see Ollitrault Pauline J., Chemical science 11 (2020): 6842-6855.

  • num_modals (list[int] | None) – A list defining the number of modals per mode. E.g. for a 3 modes system with 4 modals per mode num_modals = [4, 4, 4].

  • excitations (str | int | list[int] | Callable[[int, tuple[int, int]], list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]]] | None) –

    This can be any of the following types:


    Contains the types of excitations. Allowed characters are: 's' for singles, 'd' for doubles, 't' for triples, and 'q' for quadruples.


    A single, positive integer which denotes the number of excitations (1 == 's', 2 == 'd', etc.).


    A list of positive integers generalizing the above to multiple numbers of excitations ([1, 2] == 'sd', etc.).


    A function which is used to generate the excitations. The callable must take the keyword argument num_modals (with identical type to that explained above) and must return a list[tuple[tuple[int, ...], tuple[int, ...]]]. For more information on how to write such a callable refer to the default method generate_vibration_excitations().

  • qubit_mapper (QubitMapper | None) – The QubitMapper which takes care of mapping to a qubit operator.

  • reps (int) – The number of repetitions of basic module.

  • initial_state (QuantumCircuit | None) – A QuantumCircuit object to prepend to the circuit. Note that this setting does not influence the excitations. When relying on the default generation method (i.e. not providing a Callable to excitations), these will always be constructed with respect to a VSCF reference state. When setting up a VQE algorithm using this ansatz and initial state, it is likely you will also want to use a VSCFInitialPoint that has been configured using the corresponding ansatz parameters.



The excitation list that UVCC is using.


The excitations.


The number of modals.


The operators that are evolved in this circuit.


The operators to be evolved contained in this ansatz or

None if the configuration is not complete

Tipo del valor devuelto:



The qubit operator mapper.



Parses the excitations and generates the list of operators.


QiskitNatureError – if invalid excitations are specified.


The list of generated excitation operators.

Tipo del valor devuelto:
