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marginal_memory(memory, indices=None, int_return=False, hex_return=False, avg_data=False, parallel_threshold=1000)

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Marginalize shot memory

This function is multithreaded and will launch a thread pool with threads equal to the number of CPUs by default. You can tune the number of threads with the RAYON_NUM_THREADS environment variable. For example, setting RAYON_NUM_THREADS=4 would limit the thread pool to 4 threads.


  • memory (Union[List[str], ndarray]) – The input memory list, this is either a list of hexadecimal strings to be marginalized representing measure level 2 memory or a numpy array representing level 0 measurement memory (single or avg) or level 1 measurement memory (single or avg).
  • indices (Optional[List[int]]) – The bit positions of interest to marginalize over. If None (default), do not marginalize at all.
  • int_return (bool) – If set to True the output will be a list of integers. By default the return type is a bit string. This and hex_return are mutually exclusive and can not be specified at the same time. This option only has an effect with memory level 2.
  • hex_return (bool) – If set to True the output will be a list of hexadecimal strings. By default the return type is a bit string. This and int_return are mutually exclusive and can not be specified at the same time. This option only has an effect with memory level 2.
  • avg_data (bool) – If a 2 dimensional numpy array is passed in for memory this can be set to True to indicate it’s a avg level 0 data instead of level 1 single data.
  • parallel_threshold (int) – The number of elements in memory to start running in multiple threads. If len(memory) is >= this value, the function will run in multiple threads. By default this is set to 1000.


The list of marginalized memory

Return type



ValueError – if both int_return and hex_return are set to True

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