
This is the documentation for the current state of the development branch of rustworkx. The documentation or APIs here can change prior to being released.


astar_shortest_path(graph, node, goal_fn, edge_cost_fn, estimate_cost_fn)[source]#

Compute the A* shortest path for a graph

  • graph – The input graph to use. Can either be a PyGraph or PyDiGraph

  • node (int) – The node index to compute the path from

  • goal_fn – A python callable that will take in 1 parameter, a node’s data object and will return a boolean which will be True if it is the finish node.

  • edge_cost_fn – A python callable that will take in 1 parameter, an edge’s data object and will return a float that represents the cost of that edge. It must be non-negative.

  • estimate_cost_fn – A python callable that will take in 1 parameter, a node’s data object and will return a float which represents the estimated cost for the next node. The return must be non-negative. For the algorithm to find the actual shortest path, it should be admissible, meaning that it should never overestimate the actual cost to get to the nearest goal node.


The computed shortest path between node and finish as a list of node indices.

Return type:
