
This is the documentation for the current state of the development branch of rustworkx. The documentation or APIs here can change prior to being released.

Shortest Paths#

rustworkx.dijkstra_shortest_paths(graph, source)

Find the shortest path from a node


Compute the lengths of the shortest paths for a graph object using Dijkstra's algorithm.


For each node in the graph, finds the shortest paths to all others.


For each node in the graph, calculates the lengths of the shortest paths to all others.

rustworkx.bellman_ford_shortest_paths(graph, ...)

Find the shortest path from a node


Compute the lengths of the shortest paths for a graph object using the Bellman-Ford algorithm with the SPFA heuristic.


For each node in the graph, finds the shortest paths to all others.


For each node in the graph, calculates the lengths of the shortest paths to all others.

rustworkx.negative_edge_cycle(graph, ...)

Check if a negative cycle exists on a graph

rustworkx.find_negative_cycle(graph, ...)

Find a negative cycle of a graph

rustworkx.distance_matrix(graph[, ...])

Get the distance matrix for a graph

rustworkx.floyd_warshall(graph[, weight_fn, ...])

Find all-pairs shortest path lengths using Floyd's algorithm

rustworkx.floyd_warshall_numpy(graph[, ...])

Find all-pairs shortest path lengths using Floyd's algorithm


Find all-pairs shortest path lengths using Floyd's algorithm.

rustworkx.astar_shortest_path(graph, node, ...)

Compute the A* shortest path for a graph

rustworkx.k_shortest_path_lengths(graph, ...)

Compute the length of the kth shortest path


Get the number of unweighted shortest paths from a source node


Return the average shortest path length with unweighted edges.

rustworkx.all_shortest_paths(graph, source, ...)

Find all shortest paths between two nodes

rustworkx.digraph_all_shortest_paths(graph, ...)

Find all shortest paths between two nodes