qiskit_machine_learning.neural_networks.effective_dimension의 소스 코드

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""An implementation of the effective dimension algorithm."""

import logging
import time
from typing import Union, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import logsumexp

from qiskit_algorithms.utils import algorithm_globals
from qiskit_machine_learning import QiskitMachineLearningError
from .estimator_qnn import EstimatorQNN
from .neural_network import NeuralNetwork

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[문서]class EffectiveDimension: """ This class computes the global effective dimension for a Qiskit :class:`~qiskit_machine_learning.neural_networks.NeuralNetwork` following the definition used in [1]. **References** [1]: Abbas et al., The power of quantum neural networks. `The power of QNNs <https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.00027.pdf>`__. """ def __init__( self, qnn: NeuralNetwork, weight_samples: Union[np.ndarray, int] = 1, input_samples: Union[np.ndarray, int] = 1, ) -> None: """ Args: qnn: A Qiskit :class:`~qiskit_machine_learning.neural_networks.NeuralNetwork`, with a specific dimension ``(num_weights)`` that will determine the shape of the Fisher Information Matrix ``(num_input_samples * num_weight_samples, num_weights, num_weights)`` used to compute the global effective dimension for a set of ``input_samples``, of shape ``(num_input_samples, qnn_input_size)``, and ``weight_samples``, of shape ``(num_weight_samples, num_weights)``. weight_samples: An array of neural network parameters (weights), of shape ``(num_weight_samples, num_weights)``, or an ``int`` to indicate the number of parameter sets to sample randomly from a uniform distribution. By default, ``weight_samples = 1``. input_samples: An array of samples to the neural network, of shape ``(num_input_samples, qnn_input_size)``, or an ``int`` to indicate the number of input sets to sample randomly from a normal distribution. By default, ``input_samples = 1``. """ # Store arguments self._weight_samples = None self._input_samples = None self._num_weight_samples = 1 self._num_input_samples = 1 self._model = qnn # Define weight samples and input samples self.weight_samples = weight_samples # type: ignore # input setter uses self._model self.input_samples = input_samples # type: ignore @property def weight_samples(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns network weight samples.""" return self._weight_samples @weight_samples.setter def weight_samples(self, weight_samples: Union[np.ndarray, int]) -> None: """Sets network weight samples.""" if isinstance(weight_samples, int): # random sampling from uniform distribution self._weight_samples = algorithm_globals.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(weight_samples, self._model.num_weights) ) else: # to be sure we have an array weight_samples = np.asarray(weight_samples) if len(weight_samples.shape) != 2 or weight_samples.shape[1] != self._model.num_weights: raise QiskitMachineLearningError( f"The Effective Dimension class expects" f" a weight_samples array of shape (M, qnn.num_weights)." f" Got {weight_samples.shape}." ) self._weight_samples = weight_samples self._num_weight_samples = len(self._weight_samples) @property def input_samples(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns network input samples.""" return self._input_samples @input_samples.setter def input_samples(self, input_samples: Union[np.ndarray, int]) -> None: """Sets network input samples.""" if isinstance(input_samples, int): # random sampling from normal distribution self._input_samples = algorithm_globals.random.normal( 0, 1, size=(input_samples, self._model.num_inputs) ) else: # to be sure we have an array input_samples = np.asarray(input_samples) if len(input_samples.shape) != 2 or input_samples.shape[1] != self._model.num_inputs: raise QiskitMachineLearningError( f"The Effective Dimension class expects" f" an input sample array of shape (N, qnn.num_inputs)." f" Got {input_samples.shape}." ) self._input_samples = input_samples self._num_input_samples = len(self._input_samples)
[문서] def run_monte_carlo(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ This method computes the model's Monte Carlo sampling for a set of input samples and weight samples. Returns: grads: QNN gradient vector, result of backward passes, of shape ``(num_input_samples * num_weight_samples, output_size, num_weights)``. outputs: QNN output vector, result of forward passes, of shape ``(num_input_samples * num_weight_samples, output_size)``. """ grads = np.zeros( ( self._num_input_samples * self._num_weight_samples, self._model.output_shape[0], self._model.num_weights, ) ) outputs = np.zeros( (self._num_input_samples * self._num_weight_samples, self._model.output_shape[0]) ) for (i, param_set) in enumerate(self._weight_samples): t_before_forward = time.time() forward_pass = np.asarray( self._model.forward(input_data=self._input_samples, weights=param_set) ) t_after_forward = time.time() backward_pass = np.asarray( self._model.backward(input_data=self._input_samples, weights=param_set)[1] ) t_after_backward = time.time() t_forward = t_after_forward - t_before_forward t_backward = t_after_backward - t_after_forward logger.debug( "Weight sample: %d, forward time: %.3f (s), backward time: %.3f (s)", i, t_forward, t_backward, ) grads[self._num_input_samples * i : self._num_input_samples * (i + 1)] = backward_pass outputs[self._num_input_samples * i : self._num_input_samples * (i + 1)] = forward_pass # post-processing in the case of EstimatorQNN output, to match # the SamplerQNN output format if isinstance(self._model, EstimatorQNN): grads = np.concatenate([grads / 2, -1 * grads / 2], 1) outputs = np.concatenate([(outputs + 1) / 2, (1 - outputs) / 2], 1) return grads, outputs
[문서] def get_fisher_information( self, gradients: np.ndarray, model_outputs: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """ This method computes the average Jacobian for every set of gradients and model output as shown in Abbas et al. Args: gradients: A numpy array, result of the neural network's backward pass, of shape ``(num_input_samples * num_weight_samples, output_size, num_weights)``. model_outputs: A numpy array, result of the neural networks' forward pass, of shape ``(num_input_samples * num_weight_samples, output_size)``. Returns: fisher: A numpy array of shape ``(num_input_samples * num_weight_samples, num_weights, num_weights)`` with the average Jacobian for every set of gradients and model output given. """ if model_outputs.shape < gradients.shape: # add dimension to model outputs for broadcasting model_outputs = np.expand_dims(model_outputs, axis=2) # get grad-vectors (gradient_k/model_output_k) # multiply by sqrt(model_output) so that the outer product cross term is correct # after Einstein summation gradvectors = np.sqrt(model_outputs) * gradients / model_outputs # compute the sum of matrices obtained from outer product of grad-vectors fisher_information = np.einsum("ijk,lji->ikl", gradvectors, gradvectors.T) return fisher_information
[문서] def get_normalized_fisher(self, normalized_fisher: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: """ This method computes the normalized Fisher Information Matrix and extracts its trace. Args: normalized_fisher: The Fisher Information Matrix to be normalized. Returns: normalized_fisher: The normalized Fisher Information Matrix, a numpy array of size ``(num_input_samples, num_weights, num_weights)``. fisher_trace: The trace of the Fisher Information Matrix (before normalizing). """ # compute the trace with all normalized_fisher fisher_trace = np.trace(np.average(normalized_fisher, axis=0)) # average the normalized_fisher over the num_input_samples to get # the empirical normalized_fisher fisher_avg = np.average( np.reshape( normalized_fisher, ( self._num_weight_samples, self._num_input_samples, self._model.num_weights, self._model.num_weights, ), ), axis=1, ) # calculate normalized_normalized_fisher for all the empirical normalized_fisher normalized_fisher = self._model.num_weights * fisher_avg / fisher_trace return normalized_fisher, fisher_trace
def _get_effective_dimension( self, normalized_fisher: np.ndarray, dataset_size: Union[List[int], np.ndarray, int], ) -> Union[np.ndarray, int]: if not isinstance(dataset_size, int) and len(dataset_size) > 1: # expand dims for broadcasting normalized_fisher = np.expand_dims(normalized_fisher, axis=0) n_expanded = np.expand_dims(np.asarray(dataset_size), axis=(1, 2, 3)) logsum_axis = 1 else: n_expanded = np.asarray(dataset_size) logsum_axis = None # calculate effective dimension for each data sample size out # of normalized normalized_fisher f_mod = normalized_fisher * n_expanded / (2 * np.pi * np.log(n_expanded)) one_plus_fmod = np.eye(self._model.num_weights) + f_mod # take log. of the determinant because of overflow dets = np.linalg.slogdet(one_plus_fmod)[1] # divide by 2 because of square root dets_div = dets / 2 effective_dims = ( 2 * (logsumexp(dets_div, axis=logsum_axis) - np.log(self._num_weight_samples)) / np.log(dataset_size / (2 * np.pi * np.log(dataset_size))) ) return np.squeeze(effective_dims)
[문서] def get_effective_dimension( self, dataset_size: Union[List[int], np.ndarray, int] ) -> Union[np.ndarray, int]: """ This method computes the effective dimension for a dataset of size ``dataset_size``. If an array is passed, then effective dimension computed for each value in the array. Args: dataset_size: array of data sizes or a single integer value. Returns: effective_dim: array of effective dimensions for each dataset size in ``num_data``. """ # step 1: Monte Carlo sampling grads, output = self.run_monte_carlo() # step 2: compute as many fisher info. matrices as (input, params) sets fisher = self.get_fisher_information(gradients=grads, model_outputs=output) # step 3: get normalized fisher info matrices normalized_fisher, _ = self.get_normalized_fisher(fisher) # step 4: compute eff. dim effective_dimensions = self._get_effective_dimension(normalized_fisher, dataset_size) return effective_dimensions
[문서]class LocalEffectiveDimension(EffectiveDimension): """ This class computes the local effective dimension for a Qiskit :class:`~qiskit_machine_learning.neural_networks.NeuralNetwork` following the definition used in [1]. In the local version of the algorithm the number of weight samples is limited to 1. Thus, ``weight_samples`` must be of the shape ``(1, qnn.num_weights)``. **References** [1]: Abbas et al., The power of quantum neural networks. `The power of QNNs <https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.00027.pdf>`__. """ # override setter to enforce 1 set of parameters @property def weight_samples(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns network parameters.""" return self._weight_samples @weight_samples.setter def weight_samples(self, weight_samples: Union[np.ndarray, int]) -> None: """Sets network parameters.""" if isinstance(weight_samples, int): # random sampling from uniform distribution self._weight_samples = algorithm_globals.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(1, self._model.num_weights) ) else: # there is a weird mypy error if we keep the same variable name, so there's 'weights' weights = np.asarray(weight_samples) # additional check to accept 1D arrays if len(weights.shape) < 2: weights = np.expand_dims(weight_samples, 0) if weights.shape[0] != 1 or weights.shape[1] != self._model.num_weights: raise QiskitMachineLearningError( f"The Local Effective Dimension class expects" f" a weight_samples array of shape (1, qnn.num_weights) or (qnn.num_weights)." f" Got {weights.shape}." ) self._weight_samples = weights self._num_weight_samples = 1