Source code for qiskit_ionq.ionq_provider

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"""Provider for interacting with IonQ backends"""

import logging
import os

from qiskit.providers.exceptions import QiskitBackendNotFoundError
from qiskit.providers.providerutils import filter_backends

from . import ionq_backend

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def resolve_credentials(token: str = None, url: str = None): """Resolve credentials for use in IonQ Client API calls. If the provided ``token`` and ``url`` are both ``None``, then these values are loaded from the ``IONQ_API_TOKEN`` and ``IONQ_API_URL`` environment variables, respectively. If no url is discovered, then ```` is used. Args: token (str): IonQ API access token. url (str, optional): IonQ API url. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: dict[str]: A dict with "token" and "url" keys, for use by a client. """ env_token = ( os.environ.get("QISKIT_IONQ_API_TOKEN") or os.environ.get("IONQ_API_TOKEN") or os.environ.get("IONQ_API_KEY") ) env_url = os.environ.get("QISKIT_IONQ_API_URL") or os.environ.get("IONQ_API_URL") return { "token": token or env_token, "url": url or env_url or "", }
[docs] class IonQProvider: """Provider for interacting with IonQ backends Attributes: credentials(dict[str, str]): A dictionary containing ``token`` and ``url`` keys, whose values are an IonQ API Access Token and IonQ API URL, respectively. """ name = "ionq_provider" def __init__(self, token: str = None, url: str = None, custom_headers: dict = None): super().__init__() self.custom_headers = custom_headers self.credentials = resolve_credentials(token, url) self.backends = BackendService( [ ionq_backend.IonQSimulatorBackend(self), ionq_backend.IonQQPUBackend(self), ] )
[docs] def get_backend(self, name=None, gateset="qis", **kwargs): """Return a single backend matching the specified filtering. Args: name (str): name of the backend. gateset (str): language used (QIS or native), defaults to QIS. **kwargs: dict used for filtering. Returns: Backend: a backend matching the filtering. Raises: QiskitBackendNotFoundError: if no backend could be found or more than one backend matches the filtering criteria. """ backends = self.backends(name, **kwargs) if len(backends) > 1: raise QiskitBackendNotFoundError("More than one backend matches criteria.") if not backends: raise QiskitBackendNotFoundError("No backend matches criteria.") return backends[0].with_name(name, gateset=gateset)
[docs] class BackendService: """A service class that allows for autocompletion of backends from provider. """ def __init__(self, backends): """Initialize service Parameters: backends (list): List of backend instances. """ self._backends = backends for backend in backends: setattr(self,, backend) def __call__(self, name=None, filters=None, **kwargs): """A listing of all backends from this provider. Parameters: name (str): The name of a given backend. filters (callable): A filter function. kwargs (dict): A dictionary of other keyword arguments. Returns: list: A list of backends, if any. Example: ..jupyter-execute:: from qiskit_ionq import IonQProvider ionq = IonQProvider('TOKEN') sim = ionq.backends(filters=lambda x: x.configuration().simulator) print(sim) """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ backends = self._backends if name: backends = [b for b in self._backends if name.startswith(] return filter_backends(backends, filters, **kwargs)