Source code for qiskit_ionq.helpers

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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# Copyright 2020 IonQ, Inc. (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Helper methods for mapping Qiskit classes
to IonQ REST API compatible values.

import json
import gzip
import base64
import platform
import warnings

from qiskit import __version__ as qiskit_terra_version
from qiskit.circuit import controlledgate as q_cgates
from qiskit.circuit.library import standard_gates as q_gates

# Use this to get version instead of __version__ to avoid circular dependency.
from importlib_metadata import version
from qiskit_ionq.constants import ErrorMitigation
from . import exceptions

# the qiskit gates that the IonQ backend can serialize to our IR
# not the actual hardware basis gates for the system — we do our own transpilation pass.
# also not an exact/complete list of the gates IonQ's backend takes
#   by name — please refer to IonQ docs for that.
ionq_basis_gates = [

ionq_api_aliases = {  # todo fix alias bug
    "cp": "cz",
    "csx": "cv",
    "mcphase": "cz",
    "ccx": "cx",  # just one C for all mcx
    "mcx": "cx",  # just one C for all mcx
    "mcx_gray": "cx",  # just one C for all mcx
    "tdg": "ti",
    "p": "z",
    "rxx": "xx",
    "ryy": "yy",
    "rzz": "zz",
    "sdg": "si",
    "sx": "v",
    "sxdg": "vi",

multi_target_uncontrolled_gates = (

ionq_native_basis_gates = [
    "gpi",  # TODO All single qubit gates can transpile into GPI/GPI2
    "ms",  # Pairwise MS gate
    "zz",  # ZZ gate

# Each language corresponds to a different set of basis gates.
    "qis": ionq_basis_gates,
    "native": ionq_native_basis_gates,

[docs] def qiskit_circ_to_ionq_circ(input_circuit, gateset="qis"): """Build a circuit in IonQ's instruction format from qiskit instructions. .. ATTENTION:: This function ignores the following compiler directives: * ``barrier`` Parameters: input_circuit (:class:`qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit`): A Qiskit quantum circuit. gateset (string): Set of gates to target. It can be QIS (required transpilation pass in IonQ backend, which is sent standard gates) or native (only IonQ native gates are allowed, in the future we may provide transpilation to these gates in Qiskit). Raises: IonQGateError: If an unsupported instruction is supplied. IonQMidCircuitMeasurementError: If a mid-circuit measurement is detected. Returns: list[dict]: A list of instructions in a converted dict format. int: The number of measurements. dict: The measurement map from qubit number to classical bit number. """ compiler_directives = ["barrier"] output_circuit = [] num_meas = 0 meas_map = [None] * len(input_circuit.clbits) for instruction, qargs, cargs in # Don't process compiler directives. instruction_name = if instruction_name in compiler_directives: continue # Don't process measurement instructions. if instruction_name == "measure": meas_map[input_circuit.clbits.index(cargs[0])] = input_circuit.qubits.index( qargs[0] ) num_meas += 1 continue # serialized identity gate is a no-op if instruction_name == "id": continue # Raise out for instructions we don't support. if instruction_name not in GATESET_MAP[gateset]: raise exceptions.IonQGateError(instruction_name, gateset) # Process the instruction and convert. rotation = {} if len(instruction.params) > 0: if gateset == "qis" or ( len(instruction.params) == 1 and instruction_name != "zz" ): # The float is here to cast Qiskit ParameterExpressions to numbers rotation = { ("rotation" if gateset == "qis" else "phase"): float( instruction.params[0] ) } elif instruction_name in {"zz"}: rotation = {"angle": instruction.params[0]} else: rotation = { "phases": [float(t) for t in instruction.params[:2]], "angle": instruction.params[2], } # Default conversion is simple, just gate & target(s). targets = [input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[0])] if instruction_name in {"ms", "zz"}: targets.append(input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[1])) converted = ( {"gate": instruction_name, "targets": targets} if instruction_name not in {"gpi", "gpi2"} else { "gate": instruction_name, "target": targets[0], } ) # re-alias certain names if instruction_name in ionq_api_aliases: instruction_name = ionq_api_aliases[instruction_name] converted["gate"] = instruction_name # Make sure uncontrolled multi-targets use all qargs. if isinstance(instruction, multi_target_uncontrolled_gates): converted["targets"] = [ input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[0]), input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[1]), ] # If this is a controlled gate, make sure to set control qubits. if isinstance(instruction, q_cgates.ControlledGate): gate = instruction_name[1:] # trim the leading c controls = [input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[0])] targets = [input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[1])] # If this is a multi-control, use more than one qubit. if instruction.num_ctrl_qubits > 1: controls = [ input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[i]) for i in range(instruction.num_ctrl_qubits) ] targets = [ input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[instruction.num_ctrl_qubits]) ] if gate == "swap": # If this is a cswap, we have two targets: targets = [ input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[-2]), input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[-1]), ] # Update converted gate values. converted.update( { "gate": gate, "controls": controls, "targets": targets, } ) # if there's a valid instruction after a measurement, if num_meas > 0: # see if any of the involved qubits have been measured, # and raise if so — no mid-circuit measurement! controls_and_targets = converted.get("targets", []) + converted.get( "controls", [] ) if any(i in meas_map for i in controls_and_targets): raise exceptions.IonQMidCircuitMeasurementError( input_circuit.qubits.index(qargs[0]), instruction_name ) output_circuit.append({**converted, **rotation}) return output_circuit, num_meas, meas_map
def get_register_sizes_and_labels(registers): """Returns a tuple of sizes and labels in for a given register Args: registers (list): A list of of qiskit registers. Returns: tuple: A list of sizes and labels for the provided list of registers. """ sizes = [] labels = [] for register in registers: for index, _ in enumerate(register): # we actually don't need to know anything about the bit itself, just its position size = [, register.size] label = [, index] if size not in sizes: sizes.append(size) labels.append(label) return sizes, labels # slightly goofy workaround to account for the fact that IonQ's "arbitrary" metadata field # only takes string KV pairs with value max length 400 # so we try and pack it down into a more-compressed string format # and raise if it's still too long # TODO: make this behavior a little nicer (dict metadata) on IonQ side; fix here when we do
[docs] def compress_dict_to_metadata_string(metadata_dict): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Convert a dict to a compact string format (dumped, gzipped, base64 encoded) for storing in IonQ API metadata Parameters: metadata_dict (dict): a dict with metadata relevant to building the results object on a returned job. Returns: str: encoded string Raises: IonQMetadataStringError: If the base64 encoded `json.dumps`'d dict is greater than 400 characters. """ serialized = json.dumps(metadata_dict) compressed = gzip.compress(serialized.encode("utf-8")) encoded = base64.b64encode(compressed) encoded_string = encoded.decode() encoded_string_length = len(encoded_string) if encoded_string_length > 400: # 400 char is an IonQ API limitation raise exceptions.IonQMetadataStringError(encoded_string_length) return encoded_string
[docs] def decompress_metadata_string_to_dict(input_string): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Convert compact string format (dumped, gzipped, base64 encoded) from IonQ API metadata back into a dict relevant to building the results object on a returned job. Parameters: input_string (str): compressed string format of metadata dict Returns: dict: decompressed metadata dict """ if input_string is None: return None encoded = input_string.encode() decoded = base64.b64decode(encoded) decompressed = gzip.decompress(decoded) return json.loads(decompressed)
[docs] def qiskit_to_ionq( circuit, backend, passed_args=None, extra_query_params=None, extra_metadata=None ): """Convert a Qiskit circuit to a IonQ compatible dict. Parameters: circuit (:class:`qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit`): A Qiskit quantum circuit. backend (:class:`qiskit_ionq.IonQBackend`): The IonQ backend. passed_args (dict): Dictionary containing additional passed arguments, eg. shots. extra_query_params (dict): Specify any parameters to include in the request extra_metadata (dict): Specify any additional metadata to include. Returns: str: A string / JSON-serialized dictionary with IonQ API compatible values. """ passed_args = passed_args or {} extra_query_params = extra_query_params or {} extra_metadata = extra_metadata or {} ionq_circ, _, meas_map = qiskit_circ_to_ionq_circ(circuit, backend.gateset()) creg_sizes, clbit_labels = get_register_sizes_and_labels(circuit.cregs) qreg_sizes, qubit_labels = get_register_sizes_and_labels(circuit.qregs) qiskit_header = compress_dict_to_metadata_string( { "memory_slots": circuit.num_clbits, # int "global_phase": circuit.global_phase, # float "n_qubits": circuit.num_qubits, # int "name":, # str # list of [str, int] tuples cardinality memory_slots "creg_sizes": creg_sizes, # list of [str, int] tuples cardinality memory_slots "clbit_labels": clbit_labels, # list of [str, int] tuples cardinality num_qubits "qreg_sizes": qreg_sizes, # list of [str, int] tuples cardinality num_qubits "qubit_labels": qubit_labels, } ) target =[5:] if"ionq") else if target == "qpu": target = "qpu.harmony" # todo default to cheapest available option warnings.warn( "The ionq_qpu backend is deprecated. Defaulting to ionq_qpu.harmony.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) ionq_json = { "target": target, "shots": passed_args.get("shots"), "name":, "input": { "format": "ionq.circuit.v0", "gateset": backend.gateset(), "qubits": circuit.num_qubits, "circuit": ionq_circ, }, "registers": {"meas_mapped": meas_map} if meas_map else {}, # store a couple of things we'll need later for result formatting "metadata": { "shots": str(passed_args.get("shots")), "sampler_seed": str(passed_args.get("sampler_seed")), "qiskit_header": qiskit_header, }, } if target == "simulator": ionq_json["noise"] = { "model": passed_args.get("noise_model") or backend.options.noise_model, "seed": backend.options.sampler_seed, } ionq_json.update(extra_query_params) # merge circuit and extra metadata ionq_json["metadata"].update(extra_metadata) settings = passed_args.get("job_settings") or None if settings is not None: ionq_json["settings"] = settings error_mitigation = passed_args.get("error_mitigation") if error_mitigation and isinstance(error_mitigation, ErrorMitigation): ionq_json["error_mitigation"] = error_mitigation.value return json.dumps(ionq_json, cls=SafeEncoder)
[docs] def get_user_agent(): """Generates the user agent string which is helpful in identifying different tools in the internet. Valid user-agent ionq_client header that indicates the request is from qiskit_ionq along with the system, os, python,libraries details. Returns: str: A string of generated user agent. """ # from qiskit_ionq import __version__ as qiskit_ionq_version os_string = f"os/{platform.system()}" provider_version_string = f"qiskit-ionq/{version('qiskit_ionq')}" qiskit_terra_version_string = f"qiskit-terra/{qiskit_terra_version}" python_version_string = f"python/{platform.python_version()}" return ( f"{provider_version_string} " f"({qiskit_terra_version_string}) {os_string} " f"({python_version_string})" )
class SafeEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Custom JSON encoder that handles non-JSON-safe objects by converting them to strings. """ def default(self, o): funcs = [ lambda: super().default(o), lambda: str(o), lambda: repr(o), ] for func in funcs: try: return func() except Exception as exception: warnings.warn( f"Unable to encode {o} using {func.__name__}: {exception}" ) return "unknown" __all__ = [ "qiskit_to_ionq", "qiskit_circ_to_ionq_circ", "compress_dict_to_metadata_string", "decompress_metadata_string_to_dict", "get_user_agent", ]