Source code for qiskit_ibm_experiment.service.ibm_experiment_service

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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"""IBM Quantum experiment service."""

import logging
import json
import copy
import os
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, Tuple, Any, Type
from datetime import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
import requests
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from .constants import (
from .utils import map_api_error, local_to_utc_str, utc_to_local, ThreadSaveHandler
from .device_component import DeviceComponent
from .experiment_dataclasses import ExperimentData, AnalysisResultData
from ..client.experiment import ExperimentClient
from ..exceptions import (
from ..client.local_client import LocalExperimentClient
from ..exceptions import RequestsApiError, IBMApiError
from ..accounts import AccountManager, Account, ProxyConfiguration

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class IBMExperimentService: """Provides experiment related services. This class is the main interface to invoke IBM Quantum experiment service, which allows you to create, delete, update, query, and retrieve experiments, experiment figures, and analysis results. .. parsed-literal:: # Retrieve all experiments. experiments = experiment_provider.experiments() # Retrieve experiments with filtering. experiment_filtered = experiment_provider.experiments(backend_name='ibmq_athens') # Retrieve a specific experiment using its ID. experiment = experiment_provider.experiment(EXPERIMENT_ID) # Upload a new experiment. new_experiment_id = .experiment_provider.create_experiment( experiment_type="T1", backend_name="ibmq_athens", metadata={"qubits": 5} ) # Update an experiment. experiment_provider.update_experiment( experiment_id=EXPERIMENT_ID, share_level="Group" ) # Delete an experiment. experiment_provider.delete_experiment(EXPERIMENT_ID) Similar syntax applies to analysis results and experiment figures. """ _default_preferences = {"auto_save": False} _default_options = {"prompt_for_delete": True, "requests_timeout": 100} _DEFAULT_LOCAL_DB_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".qiskit", "resultdb") _AUTHENTICATION_CMD = "/users/loginWithToken" _USER_DATA_CMD = "/users/me" def __init__( self, token: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, hgp: Optional[str] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, verify: Optional[bool] = True, local: Optional[bool] = False, local_save: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs, ) -> None: """IBMExperimentService constructor. Args: token: the API token to use when establishing connection with the result DB url: the url for the result DB API local: Whether to use a local DB client which does not connect to the result DB local_save: If using a local client, whether to enable save to disk or not. """ super().__init__() self.options = self._default_options self.hgp = hgp self.set_option(**kwargs) if url is None: url = DEFAULT_BASE_URL self._account = self._discover_account( token=token, url=url, name=name, proxies=ProxyConfiguration(**proxies) if proxies else None, verify=verify, local=local, ) if self._account.preferences is None: self._account.preferences = copy.deepcopy(self._default_preferences) if not self.local: if self._account.url is None: self._account.url = url self.get_access_token() db_url = self.get_db_url() self._additional_params = { "proxies": self._account.proxies.to_request_params() if self._account.proxies is not None else None, "verify": self._account.verify, } self._api_client = ExperimentClient( self._access_token, db_url, self._additional_params ) else: self._api_client = LocalExperimentClient( main_dir=self._DEFAULT_LOCAL_DB_DIR, local_save=local_save ) @property def local(self): """The local property determines whether data is stored locally and not on the remote server""" return self._account.local
[docs] def set_option(self, **kwargs): """Sets the options given as keywords""" for name, value in kwargs.items(): if name in self.options: self.options[name] = value
[docs] def get_access_token(self, api_token=None): """Authenticates to the server with the API token, receiving access token for the current session""" if api_token is None: try: api_token = self._account.token except RuntimeError as err: raise IBMApiError("No API token; cannot connect to service") from err headers = {"accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json"} data = {"apiToken": api_token} url = self._account.url + self._AUTHENTICATION_CMD response = url=url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=self.options["requests_timeout"], ) access_token = response.json().get("id", None) if access_token is None: raise IBMApiError( f"Did not receive access token (request returned {response.json()})" ) self._access_token = access_token return access_token
[docs] def get_db_url(self): """Receive the url for the database API from the server""" headers = { "accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Access-Token": self._access_token, } url = self._account.url + self._USER_DATA_CMD try: response = requests.get( url=url, headers=headers, timeout=self.options["requests_timeout"] ) db_url = response.json()["urls"]["services"]["resultsDB"] return db_url except KeyError as err: raise IBMApiError( f"Unable to retrieve the API url for the database (request returned {response.json()})" ) from err
[docs] @classmethod def save_account( cls, token: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, verify: Optional[bool] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: """Save the account to disk for future use. Args: token: IBM Cloud API key or IBM Quantum API token. url: The API URL. Defaults to name: Name of the account to save. proxies: Proxy configuration. Supported optional keys are ``urls`` (a dictionary mapping protocol or protocol and host to the URL of the proxy, documented at, ``username_ntlm``, ``password_ntlm`` (username and password to enable NTLM user authentication) verify: Verify the server's TLS certificate. overwrite: ``True`` if the existing account is to be overwritten. """ if url is None: url = DEFAULT_BASE_URL token=token, url=url, name=name, proxies=ProxyConfiguration(**proxies) if proxies else None, verify=verify, overwrite=overwrite, )
def _discover_account( self, token: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, proxies: Optional[ProxyConfiguration] = None, verify: Optional[bool] = None, local: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Account: """Discover account.""" account = None verify_ = verify or True if name: if any([token, url, local]): logger.warning( "Loading account with name %s. Any input 'token', 'url', 'local' are ignored.", name, ) account = AccountManager.get(name=name) if local: return Account(local=True) if token: return Account( token=token, url=url, proxies=proxies, verify=verify_, ).validate() if account is None: account = AccountManager.get() if proxies: account.proxies = proxies if verify is not None: account.verify = verify # ensure account is valid, fail early if not account.validate() return account
[docs] def backends(self) -> List[Dict]: """Return a list of backends that can be used for experiments. Returns: A list of backends. """ return self._api_client.devices()
[docs] def create_experiment( self, data: ExperimentData, provider: Optional[Any] = None, json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, ) -> dict: """Create a new experiment in the database. Args: data: The dataclass containing the experiment's data provider: The provider used when running the experiment json_encoder: Custom JSON encoder to use to encode the experiment. Returns: Experiment ID. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryExists: If the experiment already exits. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. Returns: The upload response data """ if self.hgp is not None: try: data.hub,, data.project = self.hgp.split("/") except RuntimeError: pass if provider is not None: if hasattr(provider, "_hgps"): data.hub,, data.project = list(provider._hgps)[0].split("/") api_data = self._experiment_data_to_api(data) if not self.local and ( "hub_id" not in api_data or "group_id" not in api_data or "project_id" not in api_data ): logger.warning( "create_experiment() called without hub/group/project data " "(passing a provider parameter enables inference of these values)" ) with map_api_error(f"Experiment {data.experiment_id} creation failed."): response_data = self._api_client.experiment_upload( json.dumps(api_data, cls=json_encoder) ) return response_data
[docs] def update_experiment( self, data: ExperimentData, json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, ) -> dict: """Update an existing experiment. Args: data: The dataclass containing the experiment's data json_encoder: Custom JSON encoder to use to encode the experiment. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryNotFound: If the experiment does not exist. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. Returns: The update response data """ api_data = self._experiment_data_to_api(data) unused_fields = [ "uuid", "device_name", "group_id", "hub_id", "project_id", "type", "start_time", "parent_experiment_uuid", ] for field_name in unused_fields: if field_name in api_data: del api_data[field_name] if not data: logger.warning("update_experiment() called with nothing to update.") return None with map_api_error(f"Experiment {data.experiment_id} update failed."): response_data = self._api_client.experiment_update( data.experiment_id, json.dumps(api_data, cls=json_encoder) ) return response_data
[docs] def create_or_update_experiment( self, data: ExperimentData, json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, create: bool = True, max_attempts: int = 3, **kwargs, ) -> str: """Creates a new experiment, or updates an existing one""" params = kwargs params.update({"data": data, "json_encoder": json_encoder}) return self.create_or_update( self.create_experiment, self.update_experiment, params, create, max_attempts )
def _experiment_data_to_api(self, data: ExperimentData) -> Dict: """Convert experiment data to API request data. Args: data: The dataclass containing the experiment's data Returns: API request data. """ out = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if data.experiment_type: out["type"] = data.experiment_type if data.backend: out["device_name"] = data.backend if data.metadata: out["extra"] = data.metadata if data.experiment_id: out["uuid"] = data.experiment_id if data.parent_id: out["parent_experiment_uuid"] = data.parent_id if data.hub: out["hub_id"] = data.hub if out["group_id"] = if data.project: out["project_id"] = data.project if data.share_level: share_level = data.share_level if isinstance(share_level, str): share_level = ExperimentShareLevel(data.share_level.lower()) out["visibility"] = share_level.value if data.tags is not None and len(data.tags) > 0: out["tags"] = data.tags if data.job_ids: out["jobs"] = data.job_ids if data.notes: out["notes"] = data.notes if data.start_datetime: out["start_time"] = local_to_utc_str(data.start_datetime) if data.end_datetime: out["end_time"] = local_to_utc_str(data.end_datetime) return out
[docs] def experiment( self, experiment_id: str, json_decoder: Type[json.JSONDecoder] = json.JSONDecoder, ) -> ExperimentData: """Retrieve a previously stored experiment. Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. json_decoder: Custom JSON decoder to use to decode the retrieved experiment. Returns: Retrieved experiment data. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryNotFound: If the experiment does not exist. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ with map_api_error(f"Experiment {experiment_id} not found."): raw_data = self._api_client.experiment_get(experiment_id) experiment_data_dict = self._api_to_experiment_data( json.loads(raw_data, cls=json_decoder) ) return ExperimentData(**experiment_data_dict)
[docs] def experiments( self, limit: Optional[int] = 10, json_decoder: Type[json.JSONDecoder] = json.JSONDecoder, device_components: Optional[List[Union[str, DeviceComponent]]] = None, device_components_operator: Optional[str] = None, experiment_type: Optional[str] = None, experiment_type_operator: Optional[str] = None, backend_name: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, tags_operator: Optional[str] = "OR", start_datetime_after: Optional[datetime] = None, start_datetime_before: Optional[datetime] = None, hub: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, exclude_public: Optional[bool] = False, public_only: Optional[bool] = False, exclude_mine: Optional[bool] = False, mine_only: Optional[bool] = False, parent_id: Optional[str] = None, sort_by: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, **filters: Any, ) -> List[ExperimentData]: """Retrieve all experiments, with optional filtering. By default, results returned are as inclusive as possible. For example, if you don't specify any filters, all experiments visible to you are returned. This includes your own experiments as well as those shared with you, from all providers you have access to (not just from the provider you used to invoke this experiment service). Args: limit: Number of experiments to retrieve. ``None`` indicates no limit. json_decoder: Custom JSON decoder to use to decode the retrieved experiments. device_components: Filter by device components. device_components_operator: Operator used when filtering by device components. Valid values are ``None`` and "contains": * If ``None``, an analysis result's device components must match exactly for it to be included. * If "contains" is specified, an analysis result's device components must contain at least the values specified by the `device_components` filter. experiment_type: Experiment type used for filtering. experiment_type_operator: Operator used when filtering by experiment type. Valid values are ``None`` and "like": * If ``None`` is specified, an experiment's type value must match exactly for it to be included. * If "like" is specified, an experiment's type value must contain the value specified by `experiment_type`. For example, ``experiment_type="foo", experiment_type_operator="like"`` will match both ``foo1`` and ``1foo``. backend_name: Backend name used for filtering. tags: Filter by tags assigned to experiments. tags_operator: Logical operator to use when filtering by job tags. Valid values are "AND" and "OR": * If "AND" is specified, then an experiment must have all of the tags specified in `tags` to be included. * If "OR" is specified, then an experiment only needs to have any of the tags specified in `tags` to be included. start_datetime_after: Filter by the given start timestamp, in local time. This is used to find experiments whose start date/time is after (greater than or equal to) this local timestamp. start_datetime_before: Filter by the given start timestamp, in local time. This is used to find experiments whose start date/time is before (less than or equal to) this local timestamp. hub: Filter by hub. group: Filter by hub and group. `hub` must also be specified if `group` is. project: Filter by hub, group, and project. `hub` and `group` must also be specified if `project` is. exclude_public: If ``True``, experiments with ``share_level=public`` (that is, experiments visible to all users) will not be returned. Cannot be ``True`` if `public_only` is ``True``. public_only: If ``True``, only experiments with ``share_level=public`` (that is, experiments visible to all users) will be returned. Cannot be ``True`` if `exclude_public` is ``True``. exclude_mine: If ``True``, experiments where I am the owner will not be returned. Cannot be ``True`` if `mine_only` is ``True``. mine_only: If ``True``, only experiments where I am the owner will be returned. Cannot be ``True`` if `exclude_mine` is ``True``. parent_id: Filter experiments by this parent experiment ID. sort_by: Specifies how the output should be sorted. This can be a single sorting option or a list of options. Each option should contain a sort key and a direction, separated by a colon. Valid sort keys are "start_time" and "experiment_type". Valid directions are "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending. For example, ``sort_by=["experiment_type:asc", "start_time:desc"]`` will return an output list that is first sorted by experiment type in ascending order, then by start datetime by descending order. By default, experiments are sorted by ``start_time`` descending and ``experiment_id`` ascending. **filters: Additional filtering keywords that are not supported and will be ignored. Returns: A list of experiments. Each experiment is a dictionary containing the retrieved experiment data. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid parameter value is specified. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc if filters: "Keywords %s are not supported by IBM Quantum experiment service " "and will be ignored.", filters.keys(), ) if limit is not None and (not isinstance(limit, int) or limit <= 0): # type: ignore raise ValueError( f"{limit} is not a valid `limit`, which has to be a positive integer." ) pgh_text = ["project", "group", "hub"] pgh_val = [project, group, hub] for idx, val in enumerate(pgh_val): if val is not None and None in pgh_val[idx + 1 :]: raise ValueError( f"If {pgh_text[idx]} is specified, " f"{' and '.join(pgh_text[idx+1:])} must also be specified." ) start_time_filters = [] if start_datetime_after is not None: st_filter = f"ge:{local_to_utc_str(start_datetime_after)}" start_time_filters.append(st_filter) if start_datetime_before is not None: st_filter = f"le:{local_to_utc_str(start_datetime_before)}" start_time_filters.append(st_filter) if exclude_public and public_only: raise ValueError("exclude_public and public_only cannot both be True") if exclude_mine and mine_only: raise ValueError("exclude_mine and mine_only cannot both be True") converted = self._filtering_to_api( tags=tags, tags_operator=tags_operator, sort_by=sort_by, sort_map={ "start_datetime": "start_time", "start_time": "start_time", "experiment_type": "type", }, device_components=device_components, device_components_operator=device_components_operator, item_type=experiment_type, item_type_operator=experiment_type_operator, ) experiments = [] marker = None while limit is None or limit > 0: with map_api_error("Request failed."): response = self._api_client.experiments( limit=limit, marker=marker, backend_name=backend_name, experiment_type=converted["type"], start_time=start_time_filters, device_components=converted["device_components"], tags=converted["tags"], hub=hub, group=group, project=project, exclude_public=exclude_public, public_only=public_only, exclude_mine=exclude_mine, mine_only=mine_only, parent_id=parent_id, sort_by=converted["sort_by"], ) raw_data = json.loads(response, cls=json_decoder) marker = raw_data.get("marker") for exp in raw_data["experiments"]: experiment_data_dict = self._api_to_experiment_data(exp) experiments.append(ExperimentData(**experiment_data_dict)) if limit: limit -= len(raw_data["experiments"]) if not marker: # No more experiments to return. break return experiments
def _api_to_experiment_data( self, raw_data: Dict, ) -> Dict: """Convert API response to experiment data. Args: raw_data: API response Returns: Converted experiment data. """ backend_name = raw_data["device_name"] # should decide whether the wanted functionality is returning # an actual backend (requires a given provider) or simply the name # backend = self._provider.get_backend(backend_name) backend = backend_name extra_data: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._convert_dt( raw_data.get("created_at", None), extra_data, "creation_datetime" ) self._convert_dt(raw_data.get("start_time", None), extra_data, "start_datetime") self._convert_dt(raw_data.get("end_time", None), extra_data, "end_datetime") self._convert_dt( raw_data.get("updated_at", None), extra_data, "updated_datetime" ) out_dict = { "experiment_type": raw_data["type"], "backend": backend, "experiment_id": raw_data["uuid"], "parent_id": raw_data.get("parent_experiment_uuid", None), "tags": raw_data.get("tags", None) or [], "job_ids": raw_data["jobs"], "share_level": raw_data.get("visibility", None), "metadata": raw_data.get("extra", None) or {}, "figure_names": raw_data.get("plot_names", None), "notes": raw_data.get("notes", ""), "hub": raw_data.get("hub_id", ""), "group": raw_data.get("group_id", ""), "project": raw_data.get("project_id", ""), "owner": raw_data.get("owner", ""), **extra_data, } return out_dict def _convert_dt( self, timestamp: Optional[str], data: Dict, field_name: str ) -> None: """Convert input timestamp. Args: timestamp: Timestamp to be converted. data: Data used to stored the converted timestamp. field_name: Name used to store the converted timestamp. """ if not timestamp: return data[field_name] = utc_to_local(timestamp)
[docs] def delete_experiment(self, experiment_id: str) -> None: """Delete an experiment. Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. Note: This method prompts for confirmation and requires a response before proceeding. Raises: IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ if not self._confirm_delete( "Are you sure you want to delete the experiment? " "Results and plots for the experiment will also be deleted. [y/N]: " ): return try: self._api_client.experiment_delete(experiment_id) except RequestsApiError as api_err: if api_err.status_code == 404: logger.warning("Experiment %s not found.", experiment_id) else: raise IBMApiError(f"Failed to process the request: {api_err}") from None
[docs] def create_analysis_result( self, data: AnalysisResultData, json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, ) -> str: """Create a new analysis result in the database. Args: data: The data to save. json_encoder: Custom JSON encoder to use to encode the analysis result. Returns: Analysis result ID. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryExists: If the analysis result already exits. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ request = self._analysis_result_to_api(data) with map_api_error(f"Analysis result {data.result_id} creation failed."): response = self._api_client.analysis_result_create( json.dumps(request, cls=json_encoder) ) return response["uuid"]
[docs] def update_analysis_result( self, data: AnalysisResultData, json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, ) -> None: """Update an existing analysis result. Args: data: The data to save. Note that the following fields will be ignored: 'experiment_uuid', 'device_components', 'type' json_encoder: Custom JSON encoder to use to encode the analysis result. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryNotFound: If the analysis result does not exist. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ request = self._analysis_result_to_api(data) unused_fields = ["uuid", "experiment_uuid", "device_components", "type"] for field_name in unused_fields: if field_name in request: del request[field_name] with map_api_error(f"Analysis result {data.result_id} update failed."): self._api_client.analysis_result_update( data.result_id, json.dumps(request, cls=json_encoder) )
[docs] def create_or_update_analysis_result( self, data: AnalysisResultData, json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, create: bool = True, max_attempts: int = 3, ) -> str: """Creates or updates an analysis result""" params = {"data": data, "json_encoder": json_encoder} return self.create_or_update( self.create_analysis_result, self.update_analysis_result, params, create, max_attempts, )
[docs] def bulk_update_analysis_result( self, data: List[AnalysisResultData], json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, ) -> None: """Bulk updates existing analysis results. Args: data: An array of the analysis data to save. Note that the following fields will be ignored: ''experiment_uuid', 'device_components', 'type' json_encoder: Custom JSON encoder to use to encode the analysis result. Raises: IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ unused_fields = ["experiment_uuid", "device_components", "type"] request_list = {"analysis_results": []} for analysis_result in data: request = self._analysis_result_to_api(analysis_result) for field_name in unused_fields: if field_name in request: del request[field_name] request_list["analysis_results"].append(request) with map_api_error("Bulk analysis result update failed."): self._api_client.bulk_analysis_result_update( json.dumps(request_list, cls=json_encoder) )
def _confirm_delete(self, msg: str) -> bool: """Confirms a delete command; if the options indicate a prompt should be dislayed, display one and verify the user input""" if not self.options["prompt_for_delete"]: return True confirmation = input("\n" + msg) if confirmation not in ("y", "Y"): return False return True
[docs] def create_analysis_results( self, data: Union[List[AnalysisResultData], DataFrame], blocking: bool = True, max_workers: int = 100, json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, ): """Create multiple analysis results in the database using asynchronous calls. If you choose `blocking==True`, the method will run until all the save threads terminated. To improve running time, multithreading is used. If `blocking==False` it is up to the user to verify all the threads finished; `block_for_save()` can be called to ensure all threads finish. `save_status()` returns the information on the status of the threads. Args: data: The data to save, either as a list of `AnalysisResultData` or as a pandas `DataFrame`. blocking: Whether to wait for all the save threads to finish before returning control max_workers: Maximum number of worker threads to write to the server. json_encoder: Custom JSON encoder to use to encode the analysis result. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryExists: If the analysis result already exits. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ if isinstance(data, DataFrame): data = self.dataframe_to_analysis_result_list(data) handler = ThreadSaveHandler( data, self.create_or_update_analysis_result, max_workers, json_encoder=json_encoder, create=True, max_attempts=3, ) if blocking: handler.block_for_save() return handler.save_status() return handler
def _analysis_result_to_api(self, data: AnalysisResultData) -> Dict: """Convert analysis result fields to server format. Args: data: The analysis result data Returns: API request data. """ out = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if data.experiment_id: out["experiment_uuid"] = data.experiment_id if data.device_components: components = [] device_components_list = data.device_components if not isinstance(device_components_list, list): device_components_list = [device_components_list] for comp in device_components_list: components.append(str(comp)) out["device_components"] = components if data.result_data: out["fit"] = data.result_data if data.result_type: out["type"] = data.result_type if data.tags is not None and len(data.tags) > 0: out["tags"] = data.tags if data.quality: quality = data.quality if isinstance(quality, str): quality = ResultQuality(data.quality.upper()) out["quality"] = RESULT_QUALITY_TO_API[quality] if data.verified is not None: out["verified"] = data.verified if data.result_id: out["uuid"] = data.result_id if data.chisq: out["chisq"] = data.chisq return out
[docs] def analysis_result( self, result_id: str, json_decoder: Type[json.JSONDecoder] = json.JSONDecoder ) -> AnalysisResultData: """Retrieve a previously stored analysis result. Args: result_id: Analysis result ID. json_decoder: Custom JSON decoder to use to decode the retrieved analysis result. Returns: Retrieved analysis result. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryNotFound: If the analysis result does not exist. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ with map_api_error(f"Analysis result {result_id} not found."): raw_data = self._api_client.analysis_result_get(result_id) analysis_result_data_dict = self._api_to_analysis_result( json.loads(raw_data, cls=json_decoder) ) return AnalysisResultData(**analysis_result_data_dict)
[docs] def analysis_results( self, limit: Optional[int] = 10, json_decoder: Type[json.JSONDecoder] = json.JSONDecoder, device_components: Optional[List[Union[str, DeviceComponent]]] = None, device_components_operator: Optional[str] = None, experiment_id: Optional[str] = None, result_type: Optional[str] = None, result_type_operator: Optional[str] = None, backend_name: Optional[str] = None, quality: Optional[ Union[List[Union[ResultQuality, str]], ResultQuality, str] ] = None, verified: Optional[bool] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, tags_operator: Optional[str] = "OR", creation_datetime_after: Optional[datetime] = None, creation_datetime_before: Optional[datetime] = None, sort_by: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, **filters: Any, ) -> List[AnalysisResultData]: """Retrieve all analysis results, with optional filtering. Args: limit: Number of analysis results to retrieve. json_decoder: Custom JSON decoder to use to decode the retrieved analysis results. device_components: Filter by device components. device_components_operator: Operator used when filtering by device components. Valid values are ``None`` and "contains": * If ``None``, an analysis result's device components must match exactly for it to be included. * If "contains" is specified, an analysis result's device components must contain at least the values specified by the `device_components` filter. experiment_id: Experiment ID used for filtering. result_type: Analysis result type used for filtering. result_type_operator: Operator used when filtering by result type. Valid values are ``None`` and "like": * If ``None`` is specified, an analysis result's type value must match exactly for it to be included. * If "like" is specified, an analysis result's type value must contain the value specified by `result_type`. For example, ``result_type="foo", result_type_operator="like"`` will match both ``foo1`` and ``1foo``. backend_name: Backend name used for filtering. quality: Quality value used for filtering. If a list is given, analysis results whose quality value is in the list will be included. verified: Indicates whether this result has been verified.. tags: Filter by tags assigned to analysis results. This can be used with `tags_operator` for granular filtering. tags_operator: Logical operator to use when filtering by tags. Valid values are "AND" and "OR": * If "AND" is specified, then an analysis result must have all of the tags specified in `tags` to be included. * If "OR" is specified, then an analysis result only needs to have any of the tags specified in `tags` to be included. creation_datetime_after: Filter by the given creation timestamp, in local time. This is used to find analysis results whose creation date/time is after (greater than or equal to) this local timestamp. creation_datetime_before: Filter by the given creation timestamp, in local time. This is used to find analysis results whose creation date/time is before (less than or equal to) this local timestamp. sort_by: Specifies how the output should be sorted. This can be a single sorting option or a list of options. Each option should contain a sort key and a direction. Valid sort keys are "creation_datetime", "device_components", and "result_type". Valid directions are "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending. For example, ``sort_by=["result_type: asc", "creation_datetime:desc"]`` will return an output list that is first sorted by result type in ascending order, then by creation datetime by descending order. By default, analysis results are sorted by ``creation_datetime`` descending and ``result_id`` ascending. **filters: Additional filtering keywords that are not supported and will be ignored. Returns: A list of analysis results. Each analysis result is a dictionary containing the retrieved analysis result. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid parameter value is specified. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc if filters: "Keywords %s are not supported by IBM Quantum experiment service " "and will be ignored.", filters.keys(), ) if limit is not None and (not isinstance(limit, int) or limit <= 0): # type: ignore raise ValueError( f"{limit} is not a valid `limit`, which has to be a positive integer." ) quality = self._quality_filter_to_api(quality) created_at_filters = [] if creation_datetime_after: ca_filter = f"ge:{local_to_utc_str(creation_datetime_after)}" created_at_filters.append(ca_filter) if creation_datetime_before: ca_filter = f"le:{local_to_utc_str(creation_datetime_before)}" created_at_filters.append(ca_filter) converted = self._filtering_to_api( tags=tags, tags_operator=tags_operator, sort_by=sort_by, sort_map={ "creation_datetime": "created_at", "device_components": "device_components", "result_type": "type", }, device_components=device_components, device_components_operator=device_components_operator, item_type=result_type, item_type_operator=result_type_operator, ) results = [] marker = None while limit is None or limit > 0: with map_api_error("Request failed."): response = self._api_client.analysis_results( limit=limit, marker=marker, backend_name=backend_name, device_components=converted["device_components"], experiment_uuid=experiment_id, result_type=converted["type"], quality=quality, verified=verified, tags=converted["tags"], created_at=created_at_filters, sort_by=converted["sort_by"], ) raw_data = json.loads(response, cls=json_decoder) marker = raw_data.get("marker") for result in raw_data["analysis_results"]: analysis_result_data_dict = self._api_to_analysis_result(result) results.append(AnalysisResultData(**analysis_result_data_dict)) if limit: limit -= len(raw_data["analysis_results"]) if not marker: # No more experiments to return. break return results
def _quality_filter_to_api( self, quality: Optional[ Union[List[Union[ResultQuality, str]], ResultQuality, str] ] = None, ) -> Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]: """Convert quality filter to server format.""" if not quality: return None if not isinstance(quality, list): quality = [quality] api_quals = [] for qual in quality: if isinstance(qual, str): qual = ResultQuality(qual.upper()) api_qual = RESULT_QUALITY_TO_API[qual] if api_qual not in api_quals: api_quals.append(api_qual) if len(api_quals) == 1: return api_quals[0] if len(api_quals) == len(ResultQuality): return None return "in:" + ",".join(api_quals) def _filtering_to_api( self, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, tags_operator: Optional[str] = "OR", sort_by: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, sort_map: Optional[Dict] = None, device_components: Optional[List[Union[str, DeviceComponent]]] = None, device_components_operator: Optional[str] = None, item_type: Optional[str] = None, item_type_operator: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict: """Convert filtering inputs to server format. Args: tags: Filtering by tags. tags_operator: Tags operator. sort_by: Specifies how the output should be sorted. sort_map: Sort key to API key mapping. device_components: Filter by device components. device_components_operator: Device component operator. item_type: Item type used for filtering. item_type_operator: Operator used when filtering by type. Returns: A dictionary of mapped filters. Raises: ValueError: If an input key is invalid. """ tags_filter = None if tags: if tags_operator.upper() == "OR": tags_filter = "any:" + ",".join(tags) elif tags_operator.upper() == "AND": tags_filter = "contains:" + ",".join(tags) else: raise ValueError( f"{tags_operator} is not a valid `tags_operator`. Valid values are " '"AND" and "OR".' ) sort_list = [] if sort_by: if not isinstance(sort_by, list): sort_by = [sort_by] for sorter in sort_by: key, direction = sorter.split(":") key = key.lower() if key not in sort_map: raise ValueError( f'"{key}" is not a valid sort key. ' f"Valid sort keys are {sort_map.keys()}" ) key = sort_map[key] if direction not in ["asc", "desc"]: raise ValueError( f'"{direction}" is not a valid sorting direction.' f'Valid directions are "asc" and "desc".' ) sort_list.append(f"{key}:{direction}") sort_by = ",".join(sort_list) if device_components: device_components = [str(comp) for comp in device_components] if device_components_operator: if device_components_operator != "contains": raise ValueError( f"{device_components_operator} is not a valid " f"device_components_operator value. Valid values " f'are ``None`` and "contains"' ) device_components = "contains:" + ",".join( device_components ) # type: ignore if item_type and item_type_operator: if item_type_operator != "like": raise ValueError( f'"{item_type_operator}" is not a valid type operator value. ' f'Valid values are ``None`` and "like".' ) item_type = "like:" + item_type return { "tags": tags_filter, "sort_by": sort_by, "device_components": device_components, "type": item_type, } def _api_to_analysis_result( self, raw_data: Dict, ) -> Dict: """Map API response to a dictionary representing an analysis result. Args: raw_data: API response data. Returns: Converted analysis result data. """ extra_data = {} chisq = raw_data.get("chisq", None) if chisq: extra_data["chisq"] = chisq backend_name = raw_data["device_name"] if backend_name: extra_data["backend_name"] = backend_name quality = raw_data.get("quality", None) if quality: quality = RESULT_QUALITY_FROM_API[quality] self._convert_dt( raw_data.get("created_at", None), extra_data, "creation_datetime" ) self._convert_dt( raw_data.get("updated_at", None), extra_data, "updated_datetime" ) out_dict = { "result_data": raw_data.get("fit", {}), "result_type": raw_data.get("type", None), "device_components": raw_data.get("device_components", []), "experiment_id": raw_data.get("experiment_uuid"), "result_id": raw_data.get("uuid", None), "quality": quality, "verified": raw_data.get("verified", False), "tags": raw_data.get("tags", []) or [], **extra_data, } return out_dict @staticmethod def _dataframe_to_analysis_result( raw_data: Dict, ) -> AnalysisResultData: """Map dataframe dictionary to an analysis result. Args: raw_data: Dataframe dictionary data Returns: Converted analysis result data. """ # raw data might contain iterated data structures unknown to us, so deep copy to prevent problems raw_data = copy.deepcopy(raw_data) data_field_map = { "name": "result_type", "components": "device_components", "_result_id": "result_id", "_experiment_id": "experiment_id", "_tags": "tags", "chisq": "chisq", "created_time": "creation_datetime", "backend": "backend_name", } analysis_result_data = {} for src_key, dest_key in data_field_map.items(): if src_key in raw_data: analysis_result_data[dest_key] = raw_data[src_key] # extra data is stored in the 'result_data' field result_data_field_map = { "value": "_value", "_source": "_source", "_extra": "_extra", "experiment": "_experiment", } result_data = {} for src_key, dest_key in result_data_field_map.items(): if src_key in raw_data: result_data[dest_key] = raw_data[src_key] analysis_result_data["result_data"] = result_data # values which require specific conversions analysis_result_data["quality"] = RESULT_QUALITY_FROM_DATAFRAME[ raw_data.get("quality", "unknown") ] return AnalysisResultData(**analysis_result_data) @staticmethod def _analysis_result_to_dataframe( raw_data: AnalysisResultData, ) -> Dict: """Map analysis result to a dataframe dictionary. Args: raw_data: Analysis result data Returns: Converted analysis result data dictionary. """ # raw data might contain iterated data structures unknown to us, so deep copy to prevent problems raw_data = copy.deepcopy(raw_data) analysis_result_data = { "name": raw_data.result_type, "components": raw_data.device_components, "_result_id": raw_data.result_id, "_experiment_id": raw_data.experiment_id, "_tags": raw_data.tags, "chisq": raw_data.chisq, "created_time": raw_data.creation_datetime, "value": raw_data.result_data.get("_value", None), "_source": raw_data.result_data.get("_source", None), "_extra": raw_data.result_data.get("_extra", None), "experiment": raw_data.result_data.get("_experiment", None), "quality": RESULT_QUALITY_TO_DATAFRAME[raw_data.quality], "backend": raw_data.backend_name, } return analysis_result_data
[docs] def delete_analysis_result(self, result_id: str) -> None: """Delete an analysis result. Args: result_id: Analysis result ID. Note: This method prompts for confirmation and requires a response before proceeding. Raises: IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ if not self._confirm_delete( "Are you sure you want to delete the analysis result? [y/N]: " ): return try: self._api_client.analysis_result_delete(result_id) except RequestsApiError as api_err: if api_err.status_code == 404: logger.warning("Analysis result %s not found.", result_id) else: raise IBMApiError(f"Failed to process the request: {api_err}") from None
[docs] def create_figure( self, experiment_id: str, figure: Union[str, bytes], figure_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Store a new figure in the database. Note: Currently only SVG figures are supported. Args: experiment_id: ID of the experiment this figure is for. figure: Name of the figure file or figure data to store. figure_name: Name of the figure. If ``None``, the figure file name, if given, or a generated name is used. Returns: A tuple of the name and size of the saved figure. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryExists: If the figure already exits. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ if figure_name is None: if isinstance(figure, str): figure_name = figure else: figure_name = f"figure_{}.svg" # currently the resultdb enforces files to end with .svg if not figure_name.endswith(".svg"): figure_name += ".svg" if isinstance(figure, str): with open(figure, "rb") as file: figure = with map_api_error(f"Figure {figure_name} creation failed."): success = self._api_client.experiment_plot_upload( experiment_id, figure, figure_name ) if not success: return None return figure_name, len(figure)
[docs] def create_figures( self, experiment_id: str, figure_list: List[Tuple[Union[str, bytes], str]], blocking: bool = True, max_workers: int = 100, ): """Create multiple figures in the database using asynchronous calls. If you choose `blocking==True`, the method will run until all the save threads terminated. To improve running time, multithreading is used. If `blocking==False` it is up to the user to verify all the threads finished; `block_for_save()` can be called to ensure all threads finish. `save_status()` returns the information on the status of the threads. Args: experiment_id: ID of the experiment this figure is for. figure_list: A list of the figures to save. Every figure is given by a tuple of the form (figure, name) where `figure` can be the actual figure or its filename and `name` is the name given to the figure in the db. If ``None``, the figure file name, if given, or a generated name is used. blocking: Whether to wait for all the save threads to finish before returning control max_workers: Maximum number of worker threads to write to the server. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryExists: If the figure already exits. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ figure_params = [ (experiment_id, figure, figure_name) for (figure, figure_name) in figure_list ] handler = ThreadSaveHandler( figure_params, self.create_or_update_figure, max_workers, create=True, max_attempts=3, ) if blocking: handler.block_for_save() return handler.save_status() return handler
[docs] def update_figure( self, experiment_id: str, figure: Union[str, bytes], figure_name: str, ) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Update an existing figure. Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. figure: Name of the figure file or figure data to store. figure_name: Name of the figure. Returns: A tuple of the name and size of the saved figure. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryNotFound: If the figure does not exist. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ if figure_name is None: if isinstance(figure, str): figure_name = figure else: figure_name = f"figure_{}.svg" # currently the resultdb enforces files to end with .svg if not figure_name.endswith(".svg"): figure_name += ".svg" if isinstance(figure, str): with open(figure, "rb") as file: figure = response = None with map_api_error(f"Figure {figure_name} update failed."): response = self._api_client.experiment_plot_update( experiment_id, figure, figure_name ) if response is None: return None return figure_name, len(figure)
[docs] def create_or_update_figure( self, experiment_id: str, figure: Union[str, bytes], figure_name: Optional[str] = None, create: bool = True, max_attempts: int = 3, ) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Creates a figure if it doesn't exists, otherwise updates it Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. figure: Name of the figure file or figure data to store. figure_name: Name of the figure. create: Whether to attempt to create first max_attempts: Maximum number of attempts Returns: A tuple of the name and size of the saved figure. Raises: IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ params = { "experiment_id": experiment_id, "figure": figure, "figure_name": figure_name, } return self.create_or_update( self.create_figure, self.update_figure, params, create, max_attempts )
[docs] def create_or_update( self, create_func, update_func, params, create: bool = True, max_attempts: int = 3, ) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Creates or updates a database entry using the given functions""" attempts = 0 success = False while attempts < max_attempts and not success: attempts += 1 if create: try: result = create_func(**params) success = True except IBMExperimentEntryExists: create = False else: try: result = update_func(**params) success = True except IBMExperimentEntryNotFound: create = True return result
[docs] def figure( self, experiment_id: str, figure_name: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Union[int, bytes]: """Retrieve an existing figure. Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. figure_name: Name of the figure. file_name: Name of the local file to save the figure to. If ``None``, the content of the figure is returned instead. Returns: The size of the figure if `file_name` is specified. Otherwise the content of the figure in bytes. Raises: IBMExperimentEntryNotFound: If the figure does not exist. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ with map_api_error(f"Figure {figure_name} not found."): data = self._api_client.experiment_plot_get(experiment_id, figure_name) if file_name: with open(file_name, "wb") as file: num_bytes = file.write(data) return num_bytes return data
[docs] def delete_figure(self, experiment_id: str, figure_name: str) -> None: """Delete an experiment plot. Note: This method prompts for confirmation and requires a response before proceeding. Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. figure_name: Name of the figure. Raises: IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ if not self._confirm_delete( "Are you sure you want to delete the experiment plot? [y/N]: " ): return try: self._api_client.experiment_plot_delete(experiment_id, figure_name) except RequestsApiError as api_err: if api_err.status_code == 404: logger.warning("Figure %s not found.", figure_name) else: raise IBMApiError(f"Failed to process the request: {api_err}") from None
[docs] def device_components( self, backend_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Union[Dict[str, List], List]: """Return the device components. Args: backend_name: Name of the backend whose components are to be retrieved. Returns: A list of device components if `backend_name` is specified. Otherwise a dictionary whose keys are backend names the values are lists of device components for the backends. Raises: IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ with map_api_error( f"Device components call for backend {backend_name} failed." ): raw_data = self._api_client.device_components(backend_name) components = defaultdict(list) for data in raw_data: components[data["device_name"]].append(data["type"]) if backend_name: return components[backend_name] return dict(components)
[docs] def files(self, experiment_id: str) -> str: """Retrieve the file list for an experiment Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. Returns: The file list metadata Raises: IBMExperimentEntryNotFound: If the experiment does not exist. IBMApiError: If the request to the server failed. """ with map_api_error(f"Experiment {experiment_id} file list not received."): data = self._api_client.experiment_files_get(experiment_id) return data
[docs] def file_upload( self, experiment_id: str, file_name: str, file_data: Union[Dict, str], json_encoder: Type[json.JSONEncoder] = json.JSONEncoder, ): """Uploads a data file to the DB Args: experiment_id: The experiment the data file belongs to file_name: The expected filename of the data file file_data: The dictionary of data to save, or JSON serialization of it json_encoder: Custom encoder to use to encode the experiment. Additional info: The filename is expected to end with ".json", ".yaml", or ".zip", otherwise ".json" will be added, and the data itself should be either a dictionary or a JSON serialization with the default encoder. """ # currently resultdb enforces files to end with .json, .yaml, or .zip # without suffix, we assume json formatting if not ( file_name.endswith(".json") or file_name.endswith(".yaml") or file_name.endswith(".zip") ): file_name += ".json" if isinstance(file_data, dict): # for now we avoid using custom encoder with yaml files if file_name.endswith(".yaml"): file_data = yaml.dump(file_data) elif file_name.endswith(".json"): file_data = json.dumps(file_data, cls=json_encoder) self._api_client.experiment_file_upload(experiment_id, file_name, file_data)
[docs] def file_download( self, experiment_id: str, file_name: str, json_decoder: Type[json.JSONDecoder] = json.JSONDecoder, ) -> Dict: """Downloads a data file from the DB and returns its deserialization Args: experiment_id: The experiment the data file belongs to file_name: The filename of the data file json_decoder: Custom decoder to use to decode the retrieved experiment. Returns: The JSON deserialization of the data file Additional info: The filename is expected to end with ".json", ".yaml", or ".zip", otherwise ".json" will be added. """ if not ( file_name.endswith(".json") or file_name.endswith(".yaml") or file_name.endswith(".zip") ): file_name += ".json" # for now we avoid using custom decoder with yaml files file_data = self._api_client.experiment_file_download( experiment_id, file_name, json_decoder ) return file_data
[docs] def experiment_has_file(self, experiment_id: str, file_name: str) -> bool: """Checks whether a specific expriment has a specific file Args: experiment_id: The experiment the data file belongs to file_name: The filename of the data file Returns: True if the file exists for the specified experiment """ files = self.files(experiment_id)["files"] for file_data in files: if file_data["Key"] == file_name: return True return False
@property def preferences(self) -> Dict: """Return saved experiment preferences. Note: These are preferences passed to the applications that use this service and have no effect on the service itself. It is up to the application, such as ``qiskit-experiments`` to implement the preferences. Returns: Dict: The experiment preferences. """ return self._account.preferences
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_account(name: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: """Delete a saved account from disk. Args: name: Name of the saved account to delete. Returns: True if the account was deleted. False if no account was found. """ return AccountManager.delete(name=name)
[docs] @staticmethod def dataframe_to_analysis_result_list(df: DataFrame) -> List[AnalysisResultData]: """Converts an analysis result dataframe to a list""" results = [] data_dict = df.replace({np.nan: None}).to_dict("records") for result in data_dict: results.append(IBMExperimentService._dataframe_to_analysis_result(result)) return results
[docs] @staticmethod def analysis_result_list_to_dataframe( result_list: List[AnalysisResultData], ) -> DataFrame: """Converts a list of analysis results to a pandas dataframe""" if len(result_list) == 0: return pd.DataFrame() result_dicts = [ IBMExperimentService._analysis_result_to_dataframe(result) for result in result_list ] columns = result_dicts[0].keys() pandas_dict = {key: [result[key] for result in result_dicts] for key in columns} df = DataFrame.from_dict(pandas_dict) return df