Source code for qiskit_ibm_experiment.exceptions

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Exceptions related to the IBM Runtime service."""

from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError

class IBMError(QiskitError):
    """Base class for errors raised by the runtime service modules."""


class IBMAccountError(IBMError):
    """Account related errors."""


class IBMBackendApiProtocolError(IBMError):
    """Errors raised when an unexpected value is received from the server."""


class IBMInputValueError(IBMError):
    """Error raised due to invalid input value."""


class IBMNotAuthorizedError(IBMError):
    """Error raised when a service is invoked from an unauthorized account."""


class IBMApiError(IBMError):
    """Error raised when a server error encountered."""


class IBMProviderMissing(IBMError):
    """Error raised when provider is not passed when creating new experiment"""


[docs] class IBMExperimentError(IBMError): """Base class for errors raised by the experiment service modules.""" pass
[docs] class IBMExperimentEntryNotFound(IBMExperimentError): """Errors raised when an experiment entry cannot be found."""
[docs] class IBMExperimentEntryExists(IBMExperimentError): """Errors raised when an experiment entry already exists."""
class ApiError(IBMError): """Generic IBM Quantum API error.""" pass class RequestsApiError(ApiError): """Exception re-raising a RequestException.""" def __init__(self, message: str, status_code: int = -1): """RequestsApiError constructor. Args: message: Exception message. status_code: Response status code. -1 for unknown status code. """ super().__init__(message) self.status_code = status_code class WebsocketError(ApiError): """Exceptions related to websockets.""" pass class WebsocketIBMProtocolError(WebsocketError): """Exceptions related to IBM Quantum protocol error.""" pass class WebsocketAuthenticationError(WebsocketError): """Exception caused during websocket authentication.""" pass class WebsocketTimeoutError(WebsocketError): """Timeout during websocket communication.""" pass class WebsocketRetryableError(WebsocketError): """A websocket error that can be retried.""" pass class AuthenticationLicenseError(ApiError): """Exception due to user not having accepted the license agreement.""" pass class ApiIBMProtocolError(ApiError): """Exception related to IBM Quantum API protocol error.""" pass class UserTimeoutExceededError(ApiError): """Exceptions related to exceeding user defined timeout.""" pass