Source code for qiskit_ibm_experiment.client.experiment

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021, 2022.
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"""Client for accessing IBM Quantum experiment services."""

import logging
import json
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Type
from qiskit_ibm_experiment.client.session import RetrySession
from .experiment_rest_adapter import ExperimentRestAdapter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ExperimentClient: """Client for accessing IBM Quantum experiment services.""" def __init__(self, access_token, url, additional_params) -> None: """ExperimentClient constructor. Args: access_token: The session's access token url: The session's base url additional_params: additional session parameters """ self._session = RetrySession(url, access_token, **additional_params) self.api = ExperimentRestAdapter(self._session)
[docs] def devices(self) -> Dict: """Return the device list from the experiment DB.""" return self.api.devices()["devices"]
[docs] def experiments( self, limit: Optional[int], marker: Optional[str], backend_name: Optional[str], experiment_type: Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[List] = None, device_components: Optional[List[str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, hub: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, exclude_public: Optional[bool] = False, public_only: Optional[bool] = False, exclude_mine: Optional[bool] = False, mine_only: Optional[bool] = False, parent_id: Optional[str] = None, sort_by: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Retrieve experiments, with optional filtering. Args: limit: Number of experiments to retrieve. marker: Marker used to indicate where to start the next query. backend_name: Name of the backend. experiment_type: Experiment type. start_time: A list of timestamps used to filter by experiment start time. device_components: A list of device components used for filtering. tags: Tags used for filtering. hub: Filter by hub. group: Filter by hub and group. project: Filter by hub, group, and project. exclude_public: Whether or not to exclude experiments with a public share level. public_only: Whether or not to only return experiments with a public share level. exclude_mine: Whether or not to exclude experiments where I am the owner. mine_only: Whether or not to only return experiments where I am the owner. parent_id: Filter by parent experiment ID. sort_by: Sorting order. Returns: A list of experiments and the marker, if applicable. """ resp = self.api.experiments( limit=limit, marker=marker, backend_name=backend_name, experiment_type=experiment_type, start_time=start_time, device_components=device_components, tags=tags, hub=hub, group=group, project=project, exclude_public=exclude_public, public_only=public_only, exclude_mine=exclude_mine, mine_only=mine_only, parent_id=parent_id, sort_by=sort_by, ) return resp
[docs] def experiment_get(self, experiment_id: str) -> str: """Get a specific experiment. Args: experiment_id: Experiment uuid. Returns: Experiment data. """ return self.api.experiment(experiment_id)
[docs] def experiment_upload(self, data: str) -> Dict: """Upload an experiment. Args: data: Experiment data. Returns: Experiment data. """ return self.api.experiment_upload(data)
[docs] def experiment_update(self, experiment_id: str, new_data: str) -> Dict: """Update an experiment. Args: experiment_id: Experiment UUID. new_data: New experiment data. Returns: Experiment data. """ return self.api.experiment_update(experiment_id, new_data)
[docs] def experiment_delete(self, experiment_id: str) -> Dict: """Delete an experiment. Args: experiment_id: Experiment UUID. Returns: JSON response. """ return self.api.experiment_delete(experiment_id)
[docs] def experiment_plot_upload( self, experiment_id: str, plot: Union[bytes, str], plot_name: str, ) -> bool: """Upload an experiment plot. Args: experiment_id: Experiment UUID. plot: Plot file name or data to upload. plot_name: Name of the plot. Returns: Whether the upload succeeded """ response = self.api.upload_plot(experiment_id, plot, plot_name) return response.status_code == 200
[docs] def experiment_plot_update( self, experiment_id: str, plot: Union[bytes, str], plot_name: str, ) -> Dict: """Update an experiment plot. Args: experiment_id: Experiment UUID. plot: Plot file name or data to upload. plot_name: Name of the plot. Returns: JSON response. """ return self.api.update_plot(experiment_id, plot, plot_name)
[docs] def experiment_plot_get(self, experiment_id: str, plot_name: str) -> bytes: """Retrieve an experiment plot. Args: experiment_id: Experiment UUID. plot_name: Name of the plot. Returns: Retrieved experiment plot. """ return self.api.get_plot(experiment_id, plot_name)
[docs] def experiment_plot_delete(self, experiment_id: str, plot_file_name: str) -> None: """Delete an experiment plot. Args: experiment_id: Experiment UUID. plot_file_name: Plot file name. """ self.api.delete_plot(experiment_id, plot_file_name)
[docs] def analysis_results( self, limit: Optional[int], marker: Optional[str], backend_name: Optional[str] = None, device_components: Optional[List[str]] = None, experiment_uuid: Optional[str] = None, result_type: Optional[str] = None, quality: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, verified: Optional[bool] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, created_at: Optional[List] = None, sort_by: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Return a list of analysis results. Args: limit: Number of analysis results to retrieve. marker: Marker used to indicate where to start the next query. backend_name: Name of the backend. device_components: A list of device components used for filtering. experiment_uuid: Experiment UUID used for filtering. result_type: Analysis result type used for filtering. quality: Quality value used for filtering. verified: Indicates whether this result has been verified. tags: Filter by tags assigned to analysis results. created_at: A list of timestamps used to filter by creation time. sort_by: Indicates how the output should be sorted. Returns: A list of analysis results and the marker, if applicable. """ resp = self.api.analysis_results( limit=limit, marker=marker, backend_name=backend_name, device_components=device_components, experiment_uuid=experiment_uuid, result_type=result_type, quality=quality, verified=verified, tags=tags, created_at=created_at, sort_by=sort_by, ) return resp
[docs] def analysis_result_create(self, result: str) -> Dict: """Upload an analysis result. Args: result: The analysis result to upload. Returns: Analysis result data. """ return self.api.analysis_result_create(result)
[docs] def analysis_result_update(self, result_id: str, new_data: str) -> Dict: """Update an analysis result. Args: result_id: Analysis result ID. new_data: New analysis result data. Returns: Analysis result data. """ return self.api.analysis_result_update(result_id, new_data)
[docs] def bulk_analysis_result_update(self, new_data: str) -> Dict: """Bulk updates analysis results. Args: new_data: New analysis result data. Returns: Analysis result data. """ return self.api.bulk_analysis_result_update(new_data)
[docs] def analysis_result_delete(self, result_id: str) -> Dict: """Delete an analysis result. Args: result_id: Analysis result ID. Returns: Analysis result data. """ return self.api.analysis_result_delete(result_id)
[docs] def analysis_result_get(self, result_id: str) -> str: """Retrieve an analysis result. Args: result_id: Analysis result ID. Returns: Analysis result data. """ return self.api.analysis_result(result_id)
[docs] def experiment_files_get(self, experiment_id: str) -> str: """Retrieve experiment related files. Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. Returns: Experiment files. """ return self.api.files(experiment_id)
[docs] def experiment_file_upload( self, experiment_id: str, file_name: str, file_data: str ): """Uploads a data file to the DB Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. file_name: The intended name of the data file file_data: The contents of the data file """ self.api.file_upload(experiment_id, file_name, file_data)
[docs] def experiment_file_download( self, experiment_id: str, file_name: str, json_decoder: Type[json.JSONDecoder] ) -> Dict: """Downloads a data file from the DB Args: experiment_id: Experiment ID. file_name: The name of the data file json_decoder: Custom decoder to use to decode the retrieved experiment. Returns: The Dictionary of contents of the file """ return self.api.file_download(experiment_id, file_name, json_decoder)
[docs] def device_components(self, backend_name: Optional[str]) -> List[Dict]: """Return device components for the backend. Args: backend_name: Name of the backend. Returns: A list of device components. """ resp = self.api.device_components(backend_name) return resp["device_components"]