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# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Account management related classes and functions."""

import os
from typing import Optional, Dict
from .exceptions import AccountNotFoundError
from .account import Account
from .configuration import ProxyConfiguration
from .storage import save_config, read_config, delete_config
from ..service.constants import (

[docs] class AccountManager: """Class that bundles account management related functionality."""
[docs] @classmethod def save( cls, token: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_NAME, proxies: Optional[ProxyConfiguration] = None, verify: Optional[bool] = None, overwrite: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: """Save account on disk.""" config_key = name or cls._get_default_account_name() return save_config( filename=DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_JSON_FILE, name=config_key, overwrite=overwrite, config=Account( token=token, url=url, channel=ACCOUNT_CHANNEL, proxies=proxies, verify=verify, ) # avoid storing invalid accounts .validate().to_saved_format(), )
[docs] @staticmethod def list( default: Optional[bool] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Account]: """List all accounts saved on disk.""" def _matching_name(account_name: str) -> bool: return name is None or name == account_name def _matching_default(account_name: str) -> bool: default_accounts = [ DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_NAME, ] if default is None: return True elif default is False: return account_name not in default_accounts else: return account_name in default_accounts # load all accounts all_accounts = map( lambda kv: (kv[0], Account.from_saved_format(kv[1])), read_config(filename=DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_JSON_FILE).items(), ) # filter based on input parameters filtered_accounts = dict( list( filter( lambda kv: _matching_default(kv[0]) and _matching_name(kv[0]), all_accounts, ) ) ) return filtered_accounts
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[Account]: """Read account from disk. Args: name: Account name. Returns: Account information. Raises: AccountNotFoundError: If the input value cannot be found on disk. """ if name: saved_account = read_config( filename=DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_JSON_FILE, name=name ) if not saved_account: raise AccountNotFoundError( f"Account with the name {name} does not exist on disk." ) return Account.from_saved_format(saved_account) env_account = cls._from_env_variables() if env_account is not None: return env_account all_config = read_config(filename=DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_JSON_FILE) account_name = cls._get_default_account_name() if account_name in all_config: return Account.from_saved_format(all_config[account_name]) raise AccountNotFoundError("Unable to find account.")
[docs] @classmethod def delete( cls, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: """Delete account from disk.""" config_key = name or cls._get_default_account_name() return delete_config(name=config_key, filename=DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_CONFIG_JSON_FILE)
@classmethod def _from_env_variables(cls) -> Optional[Account]: """Read account from environment variable.""" token = os.getenv("QISKIT_IBM_EXPERIMENT_TOKEN") url = os.getenv("QISKIT_IBM_EXPERIMENT_URL") if not (token and url): return None return Account(token=token, url=url) @classmethod def _get_default_account_name(cls) -> str: return DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_NAME