Source code for qiskit_aer.noise.passes.relaxation_noise_pass

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
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Thermal relaxation noise pass.
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence, List

import numpy as np

from qiskit.circuit import Instruction, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.utils.units import apply_prefix
from .local_noise_pass import LocalNoisePass
from ..errors.standard_errors import thermal_relaxation_error
from ..noiseerror import NoiseError

[docs]class RelaxationNoisePass(LocalNoisePass): """Add duration dependent thermal relaxation noise after instructions.""" def __init__( self, t1s: List[float], t2s: List[float], dt: Optional[float] = None, op_types: Optional[Union[type, Sequence[type]]] = None, excited_state_populations: Optional[List[float]] = None, ): """Initialize RelaxationNoisePass. Args: t1s: List of T1 times in seconds for each qubit. t2s: List of T2 times in seconds for each qubit. dt: Backend sample time (resolution) in seconds. This is required for converting dt-unit op durations to times in scheduled circuits. op_types: Optional, the operation types to add relaxation to. If None relaxation will be added to all operations. excited_state_populations: Optional, list of excited state populations for each qubit at thermal equilibrium. If not supplied or obtained from the backend this will be set to 0 for each qubit. """ self._t1s = np.asarray(t1s) self._t2s = np.asarray(t2s) if excited_state_populations is not None: self._p1s = np.asarray(excited_state_populations) else: self._p1s = np.zeros(len(t1s)) self._dt = dt super().__init__(self._thermal_relaxation_error, op_types=op_types, method="append") def _thermal_relaxation_error(self, op: Instruction, qubits: Sequence[int]): """Return thermal relaxation error on each operand qubit""" if not op.duration: if op.duration is None: warnings.warn( "RelaxationNoisePass ignores instructions without duration," " you may need to schedule circuit in advance.", UserWarning, ) return None # Convert op duration to seconds if op.unit == "dt": if self._dt is None: raise NoiseError( "RelaxationNoisePass cannot apply noise to a 'dt' unit duration" " without a dt time set." ) duration = op.duration * self._dt else: duration = apply_prefix(op.duration, op.unit) t1s = self._t1s[qubits] t2s = self._t2s[qubits] p1s = self._p1s[qubits] # pylint: disable=invalid-name if op.num_qubits == 1: t1, t2, p1 = t1s[0], t2s[0], p1s[0] if t1 == np.inf and t2 == np.inf: return None return thermal_relaxation_error(t1, t2, duration, p1) # General multi-qubit case noise = QuantumCircuit(op.num_qubits) for qubit, (t1, t2, p1) in enumerate(zip(t1s, t2s, p1s)): if t1 == np.inf and t2 == np.inf: # No relaxation on this qubit continue error = thermal_relaxation_error(t1, t2, duration, p1) noise.append(error.to_instruction(), [qubit]) return noise