Source code for qiskit_aer.noise.noise_model

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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Noise model class for Aer simulators.
import copy
import json
import logging
from typing import Optional
from warnings import warn, catch_warnings, filterwarnings

import numpy as np

from qiskit.circuit import Instruction, Delay
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit import Reset
from qiskit.circuit.library.generalized_gates import PauliGate, UnitaryGate
from qiskit.providers import QubitProperties
from qiskit.providers.exceptions import BackendPropertyError
from qiskit.providers.models import BackendProperties
from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager
from qiskit.utils import apply_prefix
from .device.models import _excited_population, _truncate_t2_value
from .device.models import basic_device_gate_errors
from .device.models import basic_device_readout_errors
from .errors.quantum_error import QuantumError
from .errors.readout_error import ReadoutError
from .noiseerror import NoiseError
from .passes import RelaxationNoisePass
from ..backends.backend_utils import BASIS_GATES

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AerJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    JSON encoder for NumPy arrays and complex numbers.

    This functions as the standard JSON Encoder but adds support
    for encoding:
        complex numbers z as lists [z.real, z.imag]
        ndarrays as nested lists.

    # pylint: disable=method-hidden,arguments-differ
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            return obj.tolist()
        if isinstance(obj, complex):
            return [obj.real, obj.imag]
        if hasattr(obj, "to_dict"):
            return obj.to_dict()
        return super().default(obj)

class QuantumErrorLocation(Instruction):
    """Instruction for referencing a multi-qubit error in a NoiseModel"""

    _directive = True

    def __init__(self, qerror):
        """Construct a new quantum error location instruction.

            qerror (QuantumError): the quantum error to reference.
        super().__init__("qerror_loc", qerror.num_qubits, 0, [],

[docs]class NoiseModel: """Noise model class for Aer simulators. This class is used to represent noise model for the :class:`~qiskit_aer.QasmSimulator`. It can be used to construct custom noise models for simulator, or to automatically generate a basic device noise model for an IBMQ backend. See the :mod:`~qiskit_aer.noise` module documentation for additional information. **Example: Basic device noise model** An approximate :class:`NoiseModel` can be generated automatically from the properties of real device backends from the IBMQ provider using the :meth:`~NoiseModel.from_backend` method. .. code-block:: python from qiskit import IBMQ, Aer from qiskit_aer.noise import NoiseModel provider = IBMQ.load_account() backend = provider.get_backend('ibmq_vigo') noise_model = NoiseModel.from_backend(backend) print(noise_model) **Example: Custom noise model** Custom noise models can be used by adding :class:`QuantumError` to circuit gate, reset or measure instructions, and :class:`ReadoutError` to measure instructions. .. code-block:: python import qiskit_aer.noise as noise # Error probabilities prob_1 = 0.001 # 1-qubit gate prob_2 = 0.01 # 2-qubit gate # Depolarizing quantum errors error_1 = noise.depolarizing_error(prob_1, 1) error_2 = noise.depolarizing_error(prob_2, 2) # Add errors to noise model noise_model = noise.NoiseModel() noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_1, ['rz', 'sx', 'x']) noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error(error_2, ['cx']) print(noise_model) """ # Checks for standard 1-3 qubit instructions _1qubit_instructions = set( [ "u1", "u2", "u3", "u", "p", "r", "rx", "ry", "rz", "id", "x", "y", "z", "h", "s", "sdg", "sx", "sxdg", "t", "tdg", ] ) _2qubit_instructions = set( [ "swap", "cx", "cy", "cz", "csx", "cp", "cu", "cu1", "cu2", "cu3", "rxx", "ryy", "rzz", "rzx", "ecr", ] ) _3qubit_instructions = set(["ccx", "cswap"]) def __init__(self, basis_gates=None): """Initialize an empty noise model. Args: basis_gates (list[str] or None): Specify an initial basis_gates for the noise model. If None a default value of ['id', 'rz', 'sx', 'cx'] is used (Default: None). Additional Information: Errors added to the noise model will have their instruction appended to the noise model basis_gates if the instruction is in the :class:`~qiskit_aer.QasmSimulator` basis_gates. If the instruction is not in the :class:`~qiskit_aer.QasmSimulator` basis_gates it is assumed to be a label for a standard gate, and that gate should be added to the `NoiseModel` basis_gates either using the init method, or the :meth:`add_basis_gates` method. """ if basis_gates is None: # Default basis gates is id, rz, sx, cx so that all standard # non-identity instructions can be unrolled to rz, sx, cx, # and identities won't be unrolled self._basis_gates = set(["id", "rz", "sx", "cx"]) else: self._basis_gates = set(name for name, _ in self._instruction_names_labels(basis_gates)) # Store gates with a noise model defined self._noise_instructions = set() # Store qubits referenced in noise model. # These include gate qubits in local quantum and readout errors. self._noise_qubits = set() # Default (all-qubit) quantum errors are stored as: # dict(str: QuantumError) # where they keys are the instruction str label self._default_quantum_errors = {} # Local quantum errors are stored as: # dict(str: dict(tuple: QuantumError)) # where the outer keys are the instruction str label and the # inner dict keys are the gate qubits self._local_quantum_errors = {} # Default (all-qubit) readout error is stored as a single # ReadoutError object since there may only be one defined. self._default_readout_error = None # Local readout errors are stored as: # dict(tuple: ReadoutError) # where the dict keys are the gate qubits. self._local_readout_errors = {} # Custom noise passes self._custom_noise_passes = [] @property def basis_gates(self): """Return basis_gates for compiling to the noise model.""" # Convert noise instructions to basis_gates string return sorted(self._basis_gates) @property def noise_instructions(self): """Return the set of noisy instructions for this noise model.""" return sorted(self._noise_instructions) @property def noise_qubits(self): """Return the set of noisy qubits for this noise model.""" return sorted(self._noise_qubits)
[docs] @classmethod def from_backend( cls, backend, gate_error=True, readout_error=True, thermal_relaxation=True, temperature=0, gate_lengths=None, gate_length_units="ns", warnings=None, ): """Return a noise model derived from a devices backend properties. This function generates a noise model based on: * 1 and 2 qubit gate errors consisting of a :func:`depolarizing_error` followed by a :func:`thermal_relaxation_error`. * Single qubit :class:`ReadoutError` on all measurements. The error (noise) parameters are tuned for each individual qubit based on the :math:`T_1`, :math:`T_2`, frequency and readout error parameters for each qubit, and the gate error and gate time parameters for each gate obtained from the device backend properties. Note that if un-physical parameters are supplied, they are internally truncated to the theoretical bound values. For example, if :math:`T_2 > 2 T_1`, :math:`T_2` parameter will be truncated to :math:`2 T_1`. **Additional Information** The noise model includes the following errors: * If ``readout_error=True`` include single qubit readout errors on measurements. * If ``gate_error=True`` and ``thermal_relaxation=True`` include: * Single-qubit gate errors consisting of a :func:`depolarizing_error` followed by a :func:`thermal_relaxation_error` for the qubit the gate acts on. * Two-qubit gate errors consisting of a 2-qubit :func:`depolarizing_error` followed by single qubit :func:`thermal_relaxation_error` on each qubit participating in the gate. * If ``gate_error=True`` is ``True`` and ``thermal_relaxation=False``: * An N-qubit :func:`depolarizing_error` on each N-qubit gate. * If ``gate_error=False`` and ``thermal_relaxation=True`` include single-qubit :func:`thermal_relaxation_errors` on each qubits participating in a multi-qubit gate. For best practice in simulating a backend make sure that the circuit is compiled using the set of basis gates in the noise module by setting ``basis_gates=noise_model.basis_gates`` and using the device coupling map with ``coupling_map=backend.configuration().coupling_map`` **Specifying custom gate times** The ``gate_lengths`` kwarg can be used to specify custom gate times to add gate errors using the :math:`T_1` and :math:`T_2` values from the backend properties. This should be passed as a list of tuples ``gate_lengths=[(name, value), ...]`` where ``name`` is the gate name string, and ``value`` is the gate time in nanoseconds. If a custom gate is specified that already exists in the backend properties, the ``gate_lengths`` value will override the gate time value from the backend properties. If non-default values are used gate_lengths should be a list Args: backend (Backend): backend. For BackendV2, `warnings` options are ignored, and their default values are used. gate_error (bool): Include depolarizing gate errors (Default: True). readout_error (Bool): Include readout errors in model (Default: True). thermal_relaxation (Bool): Include thermal relaxation errors (Default: True). temperature (double): qubit temperature in milli-Kelvin (mK) for thermal relaxation errors (Default: 0). gate_lengths (list): Custom gate times for thermal relaxation errors. Used to extend or override the gate times in the backend properties (Default: None)) gate_length_units (str): Time units for gate length values in gate_lengths. Can be 'ns', 'ms', 'us', or 's' (Default: 'ns'). warnings (bool): DEPRECATED, Display warnings (Default: None). Returns: NoiseModel: An approximate noise model for the device backend. Raises: NoiseError: If the input backend is not valid. """ if warnings is not None: warn( '"warnings" argument has been deprecated as of qiskit-aer 0.12.0 ' "and will be removed no earlier than 3 months from that release date. " "Use the warnings filter in Python standard library instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) else: warnings = True backend_interface_version = getattr(backend, "version", None) if not isinstance(backend_interface_version, int): backend_interface_version = 0 target = None if backend_interface_version == 2: if not warnings: warn( "When a BackendV2 is supplied, `warnings`" " are ignored, and their default values are used.", UserWarning, ) properties = None basis_gates = backend.operation_names target = if gate_lengths: # Update target based on gate_lengths and gate_length_units target = copy.deepcopy(target) for op_name, qubits, value in gate_lengths: prop = target[op_name][qubits] prop.duration = apply_prefix(value, gate_length_units) # convert to seconds target.update_instruction_properties(op_name, qubits, prop) all_qubit_properties = if not all_qubit_properties: warn( f"Qiskit backend {backend} has no QubitProperties, so the resulting" " noise model will not include any thermal relaxation errors.", UserWarning, ) dt = backend.dt elif backend_interface_version <= 1: properties = configuration = backend.configuration() basis_gates = configuration.basis_gates all_qubit_properties = [ QubitProperties( t1=properties.t1(q), t2=properties.t2(q), frequency=properties.frequency(q) ) for q in range(configuration.num_qubits) ] dt = getattr(configuration, "dt", 0) if not properties: raise NoiseError(f"Qiskit backend {backend} does not have a BackendProperties") else: raise NoiseError(f"{backend} is not a Qiskit backend") noise_model = NoiseModel(basis_gates=basis_gates) # Add single-qubit readout errors if readout_error: for qubits, error in basic_device_readout_errors(properties, target=target): noise_model.add_readout_error(error, qubits, warnings=warnings) # Add gate errors with catch_warnings(): filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="qiskit_aer.noise") gate_errors = basic_device_gate_errors( properties, gate_error=gate_error, thermal_relaxation=thermal_relaxation, gate_lengths=gate_lengths, gate_length_units=gate_length_units, temperature=temperature, warnings=warnings, target=target, ) for name, qubits, error in gate_errors: noise_model.add_quantum_error(error, name, qubits, warnings=warnings) if thermal_relaxation and all_qubit_properties: # Add delay errors via RelaxationNiose pass try: excited_state_populations = [ _excited_population(freq=q.frequency, temperature=temperature) for q in all_qubit_properties ] except BackendPropertyError: excited_state_populations = None try: t1s = [prop.t1 for prop in all_qubit_properties] t2s = [_truncate_t2_value(prop.t1, prop.t2) for prop in all_qubit_properties] delay_pass = RelaxationNoisePass( t1s=[np.inf if x is None else x for x in t1s], # replace None with np.inf t2s=[np.inf if x is None else x for x in t2s], # replace None with np.inf dt=dt, op_types=Delay, excited_state_populations=excited_state_populations, ) noise_model._custom_noise_passes.append(delay_pass) except BackendPropertyError: # Device does not have the required T1 or T2 information # in its properties pass return noise_model
[docs] @classmethod def from_backend_properties( cls, backend_properties: BackendProperties, gate_error: bool = True, readout_error: bool = True, thermal_relaxation: bool = True, temperature: float = 0, gate_lengths: Optional[list] = None, gate_length_units: str = "ns", dt: Optional[float] = None, ): """Return a noise model derived from a backend properties. This method basically generates a noise model in the same way as :meth:`~.NoiseModel.from_backend`. One small difference is that the ``dt`` option is required to be set manually if you want to add thermal relaxation noises to delay instructions with durations in ``dt`` time unit. Because it is not supplied by a :class:`BackendProperties` object unlike a :class:`Backend` object. Note that the resulting noise model is the same as described in :meth:`~.NoiseModel.from_backend` so please refer to it for the details. Args: backend_properties (BackendProperties): The property of backend. gate_error (Bool): Include depolarizing gate errors (Default: True). readout_error (Bool): Include readout errors in model (Default: True). thermal_relaxation (Bool): Include thermal relaxation errors (Default: True). If no ``t1`` and ``t2`` values are provided (i.e. None) in ``target`` for a qubit, an identity ``QuantumError` (i.e. effectively no thermal relaxation error) will be added to the qubit even if this flag is set to True. If no ``frequency`` is not defined (i.e. None) in ``target`` for a qubit, no excitation is considered in the thermal relaxation error on the qubit even with non-zero ``temperature``. temperature (double): qubit temperature in milli-Kelvin (mK) for thermal relaxation errors (Default: 0). gate_lengths (Optional[list]): Custom gate times for thermal relaxation errors. Used to extend or override the gate times in the backend properties (Default: None)) gate_length_units (str): Time units for gate length values in gate_lengths. Can be 'ns', 'ms', 'us', or 's' (Default: 'ns'). dt (Optional[float]): Backend sample time (resolution) in seconds (Default: None). Required to convert time unit of durations to seconds if including thermal relaxation errors on delay instructions. Returns: NoiseModel: An approximate noise model for the device backend. Raises: NoiseError: If the input backend properties are not valid. """ if not isinstance(backend_properties, BackendProperties): raise NoiseError( "{} is not a Qiskit backend or" " BackendProperties".format(backend_properties) ) basis_gates = set() for prop in backend_properties.gates: basis_gates.add(prop.gate) basis_gates = list(basis_gates) num_qubits = len(backend_properties.qubits) noise_model = NoiseModel(basis_gates=basis_gates) # Add single-qubit readout errors if readout_error: for qubits, error in basic_device_readout_errors(backend_properties): noise_model.add_readout_error(error, qubits) gate_errors = basic_device_gate_errors( backend_properties, gate_error=gate_error, thermal_relaxation=thermal_relaxation, gate_lengths=gate_lengths, gate_length_units=gate_length_units, temperature=temperature, ) for name, qubits, error in gate_errors: noise_model.add_quantum_error(error, name, qubits) if thermal_relaxation: # Add delay errors via RelaxationNiose pass try: excited_state_populations = [ _excited_population( freq=backend_properties.frequency(q), temperature=temperature ) for q in range(num_qubits) ] except BackendPropertyError: excited_state_populations = None try: delay_pass = RelaxationNoisePass( t1s=[backend_properties.t1(q) for q in range(num_qubits)], t2s=[ _truncate_t2_value(backend_properties.t1(q), backend_properties.t2(q)) for q in range(num_qubits) ], dt=dt, op_types=Delay, excited_state_populations=excited_state_populations, ) noise_model._custom_noise_passes.append(delay_pass) except BackendPropertyError: # Device does not have the required T1 or T2 information # in its properties pass return noise_model
[docs] def is_ideal(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements """Return True if the noise model has no noise terms.""" # Get default errors if self._default_quantum_errors: return False if self._default_readout_error: return False if self._local_quantum_errors: return False if self._local_readout_errors: return False if self._custom_noise_passes: return False return True
def __repr__(self): """Noise model repr""" return "<NoiseModel on {}>".format(list(self._noise_instructions)) def __str__(self): """Noise model string representation""" # Check if noise model is ideal if self.is_ideal(): return "NoiseModel: Ideal" # Get default errors default_error_ops = [] for inst in self._default_quantum_errors: default_error_ops.append("{}".format(inst)) if self._default_readout_error is not None: if "measure" not in default_error_ops: default_error_ops.append("measure") # Get local errors local_error_ops = [] for inst, dic in self._local_quantum_errors.items(): for qubits in dic.keys(): local_error_ops.append((inst, qubits)) for qubits in self._local_readout_errors: tmp = ("measure", qubits) if tmp not in local_error_ops: local_error_ops.append(tmp) output = "NoiseModel:" output += "\n Basis gates: {}".format(self.basis_gates) if self._noise_instructions: output += "\n Instructions with noise: {}".format(list(self._noise_instructions)) if self._noise_qubits: output += "\n Qubits with noise: {}".format(list(self._noise_qubits)) if default_error_ops: output += "\n All-qubits errors: {}".format(default_error_ops) if local_error_ops: output += "\n Specific qubit errors: {}".format(local_error_ops) return output def __eq__(self, other): """Test if two noise models are equal.""" # This returns True if both noise models have: # the same basis_gates # the same noise_qubits # the same noise_instructions if ( not isinstance(other, NoiseModel) or self.basis_gates != other.basis_gates or self.noise_qubits != other.noise_qubits or self.noise_instructions != other.noise_instructions ): return False # Check default readout errors is equal if not self._readout_errors_equal(other): return False # Check quantum errors equal if not self._all_qubit_quantum_errors_equal(other): return False if not self._local_quantum_errors_equal(other): return False # If we made it here they are equal return True
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the noise model.""" self.__init__()
[docs] def add_basis_gates(self, instructions): """Add additional gates to the noise model basis_gates. This should be used to add any gates that are identified by a custom gate label in the noise model. Args: instructions (list[str] or list[Instruction]): the instructions error applies to. """ for name, _ in self._instruction_names_labels(instructions): # If the instruction is in the default basis gates for the # AerSimulator we add it to the basis gates. if name in BASIS_GATES["automatic"]: if name not in ["measure", "reset", "initialize", "kraus", "superop", "roerror"]: self._basis_gates.add(name)
[docs] def add_all_qubit_quantum_error(self, error, instructions, warnings=True): """ Add a quantum error to the noise model that applies to all qubits. Args: error (QuantumError): the quantum error object. instructions (str or list[str] or Instruction or list[Instruction]): the instructions error applies to. warnings (bool): Display warning if appending to an instruction that already has an error (Default: True). Raises: NoiseError: if the input parameters are invalid. Additional Information: If the error object is ideal it will not be added to the model. """ # Format input as QuantumError if not isinstance(error, QuantumError): try: error = QuantumError(error) except NoiseError as ex: raise NoiseError("Input is not a valid quantum error.") from ex # Check if error is ideal and if so don't add to the noise model if error.ideal(): return # Add instructions for name, label in self._instruction_names_labels(instructions): self._check_number_of_qubits(error, name) if label in self._default_quantum_errors: new_error = self._default_quantum_errors[label].compose(error) self._default_quantum_errors[label] = new_error if warnings: logger.warning( "WARNING: all-qubit error already exists for " 'instruction "%s", ' "composing with additional error.", label, ) else: self._default_quantum_errors[label] = error # Check if a specific qubit error has been applied for this instruction if label in self._local_quantum_errors: local_qubits = self._keys2str(self._local_quantum_errors[label].keys()) if warnings: logger.warning( "WARNING: all-qubit error for instruction " '"%s" will not apply to qubits: ' "%s as specific error already exists.", label, local_qubits, ) self._noise_instructions.add(label) self.add_basis_gates(name)
[docs] def add_quantum_error(self, error, instructions, qubits, warnings=True): """ Add a quantum error to the noise model. Args: error (QuantumError): the quantum error object. instructions (str or list[str] or Instruction or list[Instruction]): the instructions error applies to. qubits (Sequence[int]): qubits instruction error applies to. warnings (bool): Display warning if appending to an instruction that already has an error (Default: True). Raises: NoiseError: if the input parameters are invalid. Additional Information: If the error object is ideal it will not be added to the model. """ # Error checking if not isinstance(error, QuantumError): try: error = QuantumError(error) except NoiseError as ex: raise NoiseError("Input is not a valid quantum error.") from ex try: qubits = tuple(qubits) except TypeError as ex: raise NoiseError("Qubits must be convertible to a tuple of integers") from ex # Check if error is ideal and if so don't add to the noise model if error.ideal(): return # Add noise qubits for qubit in qubits: self._noise_qubits.add(qubit) # Add instructions for name, label in self._instruction_names_labels(instructions): self._check_number_of_qubits(error, name) if not isinstance(label, str): raise NoiseError("Qobj invalid instructions.") # Check number of qubits is correct for standard instructions self._check_number_of_qubits(error, name) if label in self._local_quantum_errors: qubit_dict = self._local_quantum_errors[label] else: qubit_dict = {} # Convert qubits list to hashable string if error.num_qubits != len(qubits): raise NoiseError( "Number of qubits ({}) does not match " " the error size ({})".format(len(qubits), error.num_qubits) ) if qubits in qubit_dict: new_error = qubit_dict[qubits].compose(error) qubit_dict[qubits] = new_error if warnings: logger.warning( "WARNING: quantum error already exists for " 'instruction "%s" on qubits %s ' ", appending additional error.", label, qubits, ) else: qubit_dict[qubits] = error # Add updated dictionary self._local_quantum_errors[label] = qubit_dict # Check if all-qubit error is already defined for this instruction if label in self._default_quantum_errors: if warnings: logger.warning( 'WARNING: Specific error for instruction "%s" ' "on qubits %s overrides previously defined " "all-qubit error for these qubits.", label, qubits, ) self._noise_instructions.add(label) self.add_basis_gates(name)
[docs] def add_all_qubit_readout_error(self, error, warnings=True): """ Add a single-qubit readout error that applies measure on all qubits. Args: error (ReadoutError): the quantum error object. warnings (bool): Display warning if appending to an instruction that already has an error (Default: True) Raises: NoiseError: if the input parameters are invalid. Additional Information: If the error object is ideal it will not be added to the model. """ # Error checking if not isinstance(error, ReadoutError): try: error = ReadoutError(error) except NoiseError as ex: raise NoiseError("Input is not a valid readout error.") from ex # Check if error is ideal and if so don't add to the noise model if error.ideal(): return # Check number of qubits is correct for standard instructions if error.number_of_qubits != 1: raise NoiseError("All-qubit readout errors must defined as single-qubit errors.") if self._default_readout_error is not None: if warnings: logger.warning( "WARNING: all-qubit readout error already exists, " "overriding with new readout error." ) self._default_readout_error = error # Check if a specific qubit error has been applied for this instruction if self._local_readout_errors: local_qubits = self._keys2str(self._local_readout_errors.keys()) if warnings: logger.warning( "WARNING: The all-qubit readout error will not " "apply to measure of qubits qubits: %s " "as specific readout errors already exist.", local_qubits, ) self._noise_instructions.add("measure")
[docs] def add_readout_error(self, error, qubits, warnings=True): """ Add a readout error to the noise model. Args: error (ReadoutError): the quantum error object. qubits (list[int] or tuple[int]): qubits instruction error applies to. warnings (bool): Display warning if appending to an instruction that already has an error [Default: True] Raises: NoiseError: if the input parameters are invalid. Additional Information: If the error object is ideal it will not be added to the model. """ # Error checking if not isinstance(error, ReadoutError): try: error = ReadoutError(error) except NoiseError as ex: raise NoiseError("Input is not a valid readout error.") from ex try: qubits = tuple(qubits) except TypeError as ex: raise NoiseError("Qubits must be convertible to a tuple of integers") from ex # Check if error is ideal and if so don't add to the noise model if error.ideal(): return # Add noise qubits for qubit in qubits: self._noise_qubits.add(qubit) # Check error matches qubit size if error.number_of_qubits != len(qubits): raise NoiseError( "Number of qubits ({}) does not match the readout " "error size ({})".format(len(qubits), error.number_of_qubits) ) # Check if we are overriding a previous error if qubits in self._local_readout_errors: if warnings: logger.warning( "WARNING: readout error already exists for qubits " "%s, overriding with new readout error.", qubits, ) self._local_readout_errors[qubits] = error # Check if all-qubit readout error is already defined if self._default_readout_error is not None: if warnings: logger.warning( "WARNING: Specific readout error on qubits " "%s overrides previously defined " "all-qubit readout error for these qubits.", qubits, ) self._noise_instructions.add("measure")
[docs] def to_dict(self, serializable=False): """ Return the noise model as a dictionary. Args: serializable (bool): if `True`, return a dict containing only types that can be serializable by the stdlib `json` module. Returns: dict: a dictionary for a noise model. """ error_list = [] # Add default quantum errors for name, error in self._default_quantum_errors.items(): error_dict = error.to_dict() error_dict["operations"] = [name] error_list.append(error_dict) # Add specific qubit errors for name, qubit_dict in self._local_quantum_errors.items(): for qubits, error in qubit_dict.items(): error_dict = error.to_dict() error_dict["operations"] = [name] error_dict["gate_qubits"] = [qubits] error_list.append(error_dict) # Add default readout error if self._default_readout_error is not None: error_dict = self._default_readout_error.to_dict() error_list.append(error_dict) # Add local readout error for qubits, error in self._local_readout_errors.items(): error_dict = error.to_dict() error_dict["gate_qubits"] = [qubits] error_list.append(error_dict) ret = {"errors": error_list} if serializable: ret = json.loads(json.dumps(ret, cls=AerJSONEncoder)) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(noise_dict): """ Load NoiseModel from a dictionary. Args: noise_dict (dict): A serialized noise model. Returns: NoiseModel: the noise model. Raises: NoiseError: if dict cannot be converted to NoiseModel. """ warn( "from_dict has been deprecated as of qiskit-aer 0.10.0" " and will be removed no earlier than 3 months from that release date.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) def inst_dic_list_to_circuit(dic_list): num_qubits = max([max(dic["qubits"]) for dic in dic_list]) + 1 circ = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits) for dic in dic_list: if dic["name"] == "reset": circ.append(Reset(), qargs=dic["qubits"]) elif dic["name"] == "kraus": circ.append( Instruction( name="kraus", num_qubits=len(dic["qubits"]), num_clbits=0, params=dic["params"], ), qargs=dic["qubits"], ) elif dic["name"] == "unitary": circ.append(UnitaryGate(data=dic["params"][0]), qargs=dic["qubits"]) elif dic["name"] == "pauli": circ.append(PauliGate(dic["params"][0]), qargs=dic["qubits"]) else: with catch_warnings(): filterwarnings( "ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module="qiskit_aer.noise.errors.errorutils", ) circ.append( UnitaryGate( label=dic["name"], data=_standard_gate_unitary(dic["name"]) ), qargs=dic["qubits"], ) return circ # Return noise model noise_model = NoiseModel() # Get error terms errors = noise_dict.get("errors", []) for error in errors: error_type = error["type"] # Add QuantumError if error_type == "qerror": circuits = [inst_dic_list_to_circuit(dics) for dics in error["instructions"]] noise_ops = tuple(zip(circuits, error["probabilities"])) qerror = QuantumError(noise_ops) qerror._id = error.get("id", None) or instruction_names = error["operations"] all_gate_qubits = error.get("gate_qubits", None) if all_gate_qubits is not None: for gate_qubits in all_gate_qubits: # Add local quantum error noise_model.add_quantum_error( qerror, instruction_names, gate_qubits, warnings=False ) else: # Add all-qubit quantum error noise_model.add_all_qubit_quantum_error( qerror, instruction_names, warnings=False ) # Add ReadoutError elif error_type == "roerror": probabilities = error["probabilities"] all_gate_qubits = error.get("gate_qubits", None) roerror = ReadoutError(probabilities) # Add local readout error if all_gate_qubits is not None: for gate_qubits in all_gate_qubits: noise_model.add_readout_error(roerror, gate_qubits, warnings=False) # Add all-qubit readout error else: noise_model.add_all_qubit_readout_error(roerror, warnings=False) # Invalid error type else: raise NoiseError("Invalid error type: {}".format(error_type)) return noise_model
def _instruction_names_labels(self, instructions): """Return two lists of instruction name strings and label strings.""" if not isinstance(instructions, (list, tuple)): instructions = [instructions] names_labels = [] for inst in instructions: # If instruction does not have a label we use the name # as the label if isinstance(inst, Instruction): name = label = getattr(inst, "label", names_labels.append((name, label)) elif isinstance(inst, str): names_labels.append((inst, inst)) else: raise NoiseError("Invalid instruction type {}".format(inst)) return names_labels def _check_number_of_qubits(self, error, name): """ Check if error is corrected number of qubits for standard instruction. Args: error (QuantumError): the quantum error object. name (str): qobj instruction name to apply error to. Raises: NoiseError: If instruction and error qubit number do not match. """ def error_message(gate_qubits): msg = ( "{} qubit QuantumError".format(error.num_qubits) + " cannot be applied to {} qubit".format(gate_qubits) + ' instruction "{}".'.format(name) ) return msg if name in self._1qubit_instructions and error.num_qubits != 1: raise NoiseError(error_message(1)) if name in self._2qubit_instructions and error.num_qubits != 2: raise NoiseError(error_message(2)) if name in self._3qubit_instructions and error.num_qubits != 3: raise NoiseError(error_message(3)) def _keys2str(self, keys): """Convert dicitonary keys to comma seperated print string.""" tmp = "".join(["{}, ".format(key) for key in keys]) return tmp[:-2] def _readout_errors_equal(self, other): """Check two noise models have equal readout errors""" # Check default readout error is equal if self._default_readout_error != other._default_readout_error: return False # Check local readout errors are equal if sorted(self._local_readout_errors.keys()) != sorted(other._local_readout_errors.keys()): return False for key in self._local_readout_errors: if self._local_readout_errors[key] != other._local_readout_errors[key]: return False return True def _all_qubit_quantum_errors_equal(self, other): """Check two noise models have equal local quantum errors""" if sorted(self._default_quantum_errors.keys()) != sorted( other._default_quantum_errors.keys() ): return False for key in self._default_quantum_errors: if self._default_quantum_errors[key] != other._default_quantum_errors[key]: return False return True def _local_quantum_errors_equal(self, other): """Check two noise models have equal local quantum errors""" if sorted(self._local_quantum_errors.keys()) != sorted(other._local_quantum_errors.keys()): return False for key in self._local_quantum_errors: inner_dict1 = self._local_quantum_errors[key] inner_dict2 = other._local_quantum_errors[key] if sorted(inner_dict1.keys()) != sorted(inner_dict2.keys()): return False for inner_key in inner_dict1: if inner_dict1[inner_key] != inner_dict2[inner_key]: return False if self._local_quantum_errors[key] != other._local_quantum_errors[key]: return False return True def _pass_manager(self) -> Optional[PassManager]: """ Return the pass manager that add custom noises defined as noise passes (stored in the _custom_noise_passes field). Note that the pass manager does not include passes to add other noises (stored in the different field). """ passes = [] passes.extend(self._custom_noise_passes) if len(passes) > 0: return PassManager(passes) return None
def _standard_gate_unitary(name): # To be removed with from_dict unitary_matrices = { ("id", "I"): np.eye(2, dtype=complex), ("x", "X"): np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=complex), ("y", "Y"): np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]], dtype=complex), ("z", "Z"): np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=complex), ("h", "H"): np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]], dtype=complex) / np.sqrt(2), ("s", "S"): np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1j]], dtype=complex), ("sdg", "Sdg"): np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1j]], dtype=complex), ("t", "T"): np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.exp(1j * np.pi / 4)]], dtype=complex), ("tdg", "Tdg"): np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.exp(-1j * np.pi / 4)]], dtype=complex), ("cx", "CX", "cx_01"): np.array( [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]], dtype=complex ), ("cx_10",): np.array( [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]], dtype=complex ), ("cz", "CZ"): np.array( [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1]], dtype=complex ), ("swap", "SWAP"): np.array( [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=complex ), ("ccx", "CCX", "ccx_012", "ccx_102"): np.array( [ [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], ], dtype=complex, ), ("ccx_021", "ccx_201"): np.array( [ [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], ], dtype=complex, ), ("ccx_120", "ccx_210"): np.array( [ [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], ], dtype=complex, ), } return next((value for key, value in unitary_matrices.items() if name in key), None)