Source code for qiskit_aer.library.save_instructions.save_unitary

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2021.
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Simulator instruction to save unitary matrix.

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from .save_data import SaveSingleData
from ..default_qubits import default_qubits

[docs]class SaveUnitary(SaveSingleData): """Save Unitary""" def __init__(self, num_qubits, label="unitary", pershot=False): """Create new instruction to save the unitary simulator state. Args: num_qubits (int): the number of qubits of the label (str): the key for retrieving saved data from results. pershot (bool): if True save a list of unitaries for each shot of the simulation rather than a single statevector [Default: False]. .. note:: This save instruction must always be performed on the full width of qubits in a circuit, otherwise an exception will be raised during simulation. """ super().__init__("save_unitary", num_qubits, label, pershot=pershot)
[docs]def save_unitary(self, label="unitary", pershot=False): """Save the current state of the unitary simulator. Args: label (str): the key for retrieving saved data from results. pershot (bool): if True save a list of unitaries for each shot of the simulation [Default: False]. Returns: QuantumCircuit: with attached instruction. .. note:: This instruction is always defined across all qubits in a circuit. """ qubits = default_qubits(self) instr = SaveUnitary(len(qubits), label=label, pershot=pershot) return self.append(instr, qubits)
QuantumCircuit.save_unitary = save_unitary