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Counts and State Visualizations

plot_histogram(data[, figsize, color, ...])Plot a histogram of data.
plot_bloch_vector(bloch[, title, ax, ...])Plot the Bloch sphere.
plot_bloch_multivector(state[, title, ...])Plot a Bloch sphere for each qubit.
plot_state_city(state[, title, figsize, ...])Plot the cityscape of quantum state.
plot_state_hinton(state[, title, figsize, ...])Plot a hinton diagram for the density matrix of a quantum state.
plot_state_paulivec(state[, title, figsize, ...])Plot the paulivec representation of a quantum state.
plot_state_qsphere(state[, figsize, ax, ...])Plot the qsphere representation of a quantum state.

Device Visualizations

plot_gate_map(backend[, figsize, ...])Plots the gate map of a device.
plot_error_map(backend[, figsize, ...])Plots the error map of a given backend.
plot_circuit_layout(circuit, backend[, ...])Plot the layout of a circuit transpiled for a given target backend.
plot_coupling_map(num_qubits, ...[, ...])Plots an arbitrary coupling map of qubits (embedded in a plane).

Circuit Visualizations

circuit_drawer(circuit[, scale, filename, ...])Draw the quantum circuit.
DefaultStyle()Creates a Default Style dictionary

DAG Visualizations

dag_drawer(dag[, scale, filename, style])Plot the directed acyclic graph (dag) to represent operation dependencies in a quantum circuit.

Pass Manager Visualizations

pass_manager_drawer(pass_manager[, ...])Draws the pass manager.

Pulse Visualizations

draw(program[, style, backend, time_range, ...])Generate visualization data for pulse programs.
IQXStandard(**kwargs)Standard pulse stylesheet.
IQXSimple(**kwargs)Simple pulse stylesheet without channel notation.
IQXDebugging(**kwargs)Pulse stylesheet for pulse programmers.

Timeline Visualizations

timeline_drawer(program[, style, ...])Generate visualization data for scheduled circuit programs.
draw(program[, style, time_range, ...])Generate visualization data for scheduled circuit programs.

Single Qubit State Transition Visualizations

visualize_transition(circuit[, trace, ...])Creates animation showing transitions between states of a single qubit by applying quantum gates.

Array/Matrix Visualizations

array_to_latex(array[, precision, prefix, ...])Latex representation of a complex numpy array (with dimension 1 or 2)


VisualizationError(*message)For visualization specific errors.
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