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detach_prefix(value, decimal=None)

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Given a SI unit value, find the most suitable prefix to scale the value.

For example, the value = 1.3e8 will be converted into a tuple of (130.0, "M"), which represents a scaled value and auxiliary unit that may be used to display the value. In above example, that value might be displayed as 130 MHz (unit is arbitrary here).


>>> value, prefix = detach_prefix(1e4)
>>> print(f"{value} {prefix}Hz")
10 kHz


  • value (float) – The number to find prefix.
  • decimal (Optional[int]) – Optional. An arbitrary integer number to represent a precision of the value. If specified, it tries to round the mantissa and adjust the prefix to rounded value. For example, 999_999.91 will become 999.9999 k with decimal=4, while 1.0 M with decimal=3 or less.

Return type

Tuple[float, str]


A tuple of scaled value and prefix.


This may induce tiny value error due to internal representation of float object. See in a new tab) for details.


  • ValueError – If the value is out of range.
  • ValueError – If the value is not real number.
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