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QOTP(circ, num, two_qubit_gate='cx', coupling_map=None, seed=None)

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Performs a QOTP (or random compilation) on a generic circuit.

This is similar to randomized compiling, but follows the methods in [1].


  • circ (QuantumCircuit) – A generic quantum circuit
  • num (int) – the number of one-time pads to return
  • two_qubit_gate (string) – a flag as to which 2 qubit gate to compile with, can be cx or cz
  • coupling_map (list) – a particular device topology as a list of list (e.g. [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]])
  • seed (int) – seed to the random number generator


a tuple of type (qotp_circ, qotp_postp) where:

qotp_circs (list): a list of circuits with qotp applied qotp_postps (list): a list of arrays specifying the one time pads

Return type


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