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You are viewing the API reference for an old version of Qiskit SDK. Switch to latest version



deprecate_arguments(kwarg_map)Decorator to automatically alias deprecated argument names and warn upon use.
deprecate_function(msg[, stacklevel])Emit a warning prior to calling decorated function.
local_hardware_info()Basic hardware information about the local machine.
is_main_process()Checks whether the current process is the main one
apply_prefix(value, unit)Given a SI unit prefix and value, apply the prefix to convert to standard SI unit.
detach_prefix(value[, decimal])Given a SI unit value, find the most suitable prefix to scale the value.

Algorithm Utilities

summarize_circuitsSummarize circuits based on QuantumCircuit, and five metrics are summarized.
get_entangler_mapUtility method to get an entangler map among qubits.
validate_entangler_mapValidate a user supplied entangler map and converts entries to ints.
has_ibmqCheck if IBMQ is installed
has_aercheck if Aer is installed
name_argsDecorator to convert unnamed arguments to named ones.
algorithm_globalsClass for global properties.
QuantumInstanceQuantum Backend including execution setting.

A QuantumInstance holds the Qiskit backend as well as a number of compile and runtime parameters controlling circuit compilation and execution. Quantum algorithms are run on a device or simulator by passing a QuantumInstance setup with the desired backend etc.

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