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bind_schema(schema, **kwargs)

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Class decorator for adding schema validation to its instances.

The decorator acts on the model class by adding:

  • a class attribute schema with the schema used for validation
  • a class attribute shallow_schema used for validation during instantiation.

The same schema cannot be bound more than once. If you need to reuse a schema for a different class, create a new schema subclassing the one you want to reuse and leave the new empty:

class MySchema(BaseSchema):
    title = String()
class AnotherSchema(MySchema):
class MyModel(BaseModel):
class AnotherModel(BaseModel):

By default, models decorated with this decorator are validated during instantiation. If validate=False is passed to the constructor, this validation will not be performed.


  • schema (class) – the schema class used for validation.
  • **kwargs – Additional attributes for the marshmallow.Schema initializer.


ValueError – when trying to bind the same schema more than once.


the same class with validation capabilities.

Return type


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