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Collection of circuits and gates that may be used to build quantum algorithms and components.


As of Aqua 0.7.0 Gates that were formerly here such as mct etc., that were initially built out to facilitate the development of Aqua algorithms, have been moved into Terra.

Likewise there are Circuits here, that are now deprecated, which have been moved and have updated versions in Terra qiskit.circuit.library which should be used for any future work. The circuit documentation here indicates the corresponding replacement circuit in the library.


CNFClass for constructing circuits for Conjunctive Normal Forms
DNFClass for constructing circuits for Disjunctive Normal Forms
ESOPClass for constructing circuits for Exclusive Sum of Products
PhaseEstimationCircuitQuantum Phase Estimation Circuit.
StateVectorCircuitArbitrary State-Vector Circuit.
FixedValueComparatorDEPRECATED. Fixed Value Comparator
LinearRotationDEPRECATED. Linearly-controlled X, Y or Z rotation.
PiecewiseLinearRotationDEPRECATED. Piecewise-linearly-controlled rotation.
PolynomialRotationDEPRECATED. Polynomial rotation.
WeightedSumOperatorAdds q^T * w to separate register for non-negative integer weights w.
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