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Circuit Library

Circuit Library


Standard Gates

Barrier(num_qubits)Barrier instruction.
C3XGate([angle, label, ctrl_state])The 3-qubit controlled X gate.
C4XGate([label, ctrl_state])The 4-qubit controlled X gate.
CCXGate([label, ctrl_state])CCX gate, also known as Toffoli gate.
DCXGate()Double-CNOT gate.
CHGate([label, ctrl_state])Controlled-Hadamard gate.
CRXGate(theta[, label, ctrl_state])Controlled-RX gate.
CRYGate(theta[, label, ctrl_state])Controlled-RY gate.
CRZGate(theta[, label, ctrl_state])Controlled-RZ gate.
CSwapGate([label, ctrl_state])Controlled-X gate.
CU1Gate(theta[, label, ctrl_state])Controlled-U1 gate.
CU3Gate(theta, phi, lam[, label, ctrl_state])Controlled-U3 gate (3-parameter two-qubit gate).
CXGate([ctrl_state, label])Controlled-X gate.
CYGate([label, ctrl_state])Controlled-Y gate.
CZGate([label, ctrl_state])Controlled-Z gate.
HGate([label])Single-qubit Hadamard gate.
IGate([label])Identity gate.
Measure()Quantum measurement in the computational basis.
MSGate(num_qubits, theta, *[, n_qubits, label])Global Mølmer–Sørensen gate.
RCCXGate([label])The simplified Toffoli gate, also referred to as Margolus gate.
RC3XGate([label])The simplified 3-controlled Toffoli gate.
Reset()Qubit reset.
RXGate(theta[, label])Single-qubit rotation about the X axis.
RXXGate(theta)A parameteric 2-qubit XXX \otimes X interaction (rotation about XX).
RYGate(theta[, label])Single-qubit rotation about the Y axis.
RYYGate(theta)A parameteric 2-qubit YYY \otimes Y interaction (rotation about YY).
RZGate(phi[, label])Single-qubit rotation about the Z axis.
RZZGate(theta)A parameteric 2-qubit ZZZ \otimes Z interaction (rotation about ZZ).
RZXGate(theta)A parameteric 2-qubit ZXZ \otimes X interaction (rotation about ZX).
SGate([label])Single qubit S gate (Z**0.5).
SdgGate([label])Single qubit S-adjoint gate (~Z**0.5).
SwapGate([label])The SWAP gate.
iSwapGate()iSWAP gate.
TGate([label])Single qubit T gate (Z**0.25).
TdgGate([label])Single qubit T-adjoint gate (~Z**0.25).
U1Gate(theta[, label])Single-qubit rotation about the Z axis.
U2Gate(phi, lam[, label])Single-qubit rotation about the X+Z axis.
U3Gate(theta, phi, lam[, label])Generic single-qubit rotation gate with 3 Euler angles.
XGate([label])The single-qubit Pauli-X gate (σx\sigma_x).
YGate([label])The single-qubit Pauli-Y gate (σy\sigma_y).
ZGate([label])The single-qubit Pauli-Z gate (σz\sigma_z).

Generalized Gates

Diagonal(diag)Diagonal circuit.
MCMT(gate, num_ctrl_qubits, num_target_qubits)The multi-controlled multi-target gate, for an arbitrary singly controlled target gate.
MCMTVChain(gate, num_ctrl_qubits, …)The MCMT implementation using the CCX V-chain.
Permutation(num_qubits[, pattern, seed])An n_qubit circuit that permutes qubits.
GMS(num_qubits, theta)Global Mølmer–Sørensen gate.

Boolean Logic Circuits

AND(num_variable_qubits[, flags, mcx_mode])A circuit implementing the logical AND operation on a number of qubits.
OR(num_variable_qubits[, flags, mcx_mode])A circuit implementing the logical OR operation on a number of qubits.
XOR(num_qubits[, amount, seed])An n_qubit circuit for bitwise xor-ing the input with some integer amount.
InnerProduct(num_qubits)An n_qubit circuit that computes the inner product of two registers.

Basis Change Circuits

QFT([num_qubits, approximation_degree, …])Quantum Fourier Transform Circuit.

Arithmetic Circuits

Functional Pauli Rotations

FunctionalPauliRotations([num_state_qubits, …])Base class for functional Pauli rotations.
LinearPauliRotations([num_state_qubits, …])Linearly-controlled X, Y or Z rotation.
PolynomialPauliRotations([num_state_qubits, …])A circuit implementing polynomial Pauli rotations.
PiecewiseLinearPauliRotations([…])Piecewise-linearly-controlled Pauli rotations.


WeightedAdder([num_state_qubits, weights, name])A circuit to compute the weighted sum of qubit registers.


IntegerComparator([num_state_qubits, value, …])Integer Comparator.

Particular Quantum Circuits

FourierChecking(f, g)Fourier checking circuit.
GraphState(adjacency_matrix)Circuit to prepare a graph state.
HiddenLinearFunction(adjacency_matrix)Circuit to solve the hidden linear function problem.
IQP(interactions)Instantaneous quantum polynomial (IQP) circuit.
QuantumVolume(num_qubits[, depth, seed, …])A quantum volume model circuit.

N-local circuits

NLocal([num_qubits, rotation_blocks, …])The n-local circuit class.
TwoLocal([num_qubits, rotation_blocks, …])The two-local circuit.
RealAmplitudes([num_qubits, entanglement, …])The RealAmplitudes 2-local circuit.
EfficientSU2([num_qubits, su2_gates, …])The hardware efficient SU(2) 2-local circuit.
ExcitationPreserving([num_qubits, mode, …])The heurisitic excitation-preserving wave function ansatz.

Data encoding circuits

PauliFeatureMap([feature_dimension, reps, …])The Pauli Expansion circuit.
ZFeatureMap(feature_dimension[, reps, …])The first order Pauli Z-evolution circuit.
ZZFeatureMap(feature_dimension[, reps, …])Second-order Pauli-Z evolution circuit.
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