Source code for qiskit_ionq.ionq_job

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# Copyright 2020 IonQ, Inc. (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""IonQ's Job implementation.

.. NOTE::
   IonQ job status names are slightly different than those of the standard
   :class:`JobStatus <qiskit.providers.JobStatus>` enum values.

   As such, the :meth:`IonQJob.status` method on the IonQJob class attempts to
   perform a mapping between these status values for compatibility with
   :class:`BaseJob <qiskit.providers.BaseJob>`.

import warnings
import numpy as np

from qiskit.providers import JobV1, jobstatus
from qiskit.providers.exceptions import JobTimeoutError
from .ionq_result import IonQResult as Result
from .helpers import decompress_metadata_string_to_dict

from . import constants, exceptions

def map_output(data, clbits, num_qubits):
    """Map histogram according to measured bits"""

    if not clbits:
        return {}

    mapped_output = {}

    def get_bitvalue(bitstring, bit):
        if bit is not None and 0 <= bit < len(bitstring):
            return bitstring[bit]
        return "0"

    for value, probability in data.items():
        bitstring = bin(int(value))[2:].rjust(num_qubits, "0")[::-1]

        outvalue = int(
            "".join([get_bitvalue(bitstring, bit) for bit in clbits])[::-1], 2

        mapped_output[outvalue] = mapped_output.get(outvalue, 0) + probability

    return mapped_output

def _build_counts(
    data, num_qubits, clbits, shots, use_sampler=False, sampler_seed=None
    """Map IonQ's ``counts`` onto qiskit's ``counts`` model.

    .. NOTE:: For simulator jobs, this method builds counts using a randomly
        generated sampling of the probabilities returned from the API. Because
        this is a random process, rebuilding the results object (by e.g.
        restarting the kernel and getting the job again) without providing a
        sampler_seed in the run method may result in slightly different counts.

        data (dict): histogram as returned by the API.
        num_qubits (int): number of qubits
        clbits (List[int]): array of classical bits for measurements
        shots (int): number of shots
        use_sampler (bool): for counts generation, whether to use
            simple shots * probabilities (for qpu) or a sampler (for simulator)
        sampler_seed (int): ability to provide a seed for the randomness in the
            sampler for repeatable results. passed as
            `np.random.RandomState(seed)`. If none, `np.random` is used

        tuple(dict[str, float], dict[str, float]): A tuple (counts, probabilities),
            respectively a dict of qiskit compatible ``counts`` and a dict of
            the job's probabilities as a``Counts`` object, mostly relevant for
            simulator work.

        IonQJobError: In the event that ``result`` has missing or invalid job
    # Short circuit when we don't have all the information we need.
    if not data:
        raise exceptions.IonQJobError("Cannot remap counts without data!")

    # Grab the mapped output from response.
    output_probs = map_output(data, clbits, num_qubits)

    sampled = {}
    if use_sampler:
        rand = np.random.RandomState(sampler_seed)
        outcomes, weights = zip(*output_probs.items())
        weights = np.array(weights).astype(float)
        # just in case the sum isn't exactly 1 — sometimes the API returns
        #  e.g. 0.499999 due to floating point error
        weights /= weights.sum()
        outcomes = np.array(outcomes)

        rand_values = rand.choice(outcomes, shots, p=weights)

            {key: np.count_nonzero(rand_values == key) for key in output_probs}

    # Build counts.
    counts = {}
    for key, val in output_probs.items():
        bits = bin(int(key))[2:].rjust(num_qubits, "0")
        hex_bits = hex(int(bits, 2))
        count = sampled[key] if use_sampler else round(val * shots)
        counts[hex_bits] = count
    # build probs
    probabilities = {}
    for key, val in output_probs.items():
        bits = bin(int(key))[2:].rjust(num_qubits, "0")
        hex_bits = hex(int(bits, 2))
        probabilities[hex_bits] = val

    return counts, probabilities

[docs] class IonQJob(JobV1): """Representation of a Job that will run on an IonQ backend. .. IMPORTANT:: IonQ backends do not support multi-experiment jobs. Attempting to submit a multi-experiment job will raise an exception. It is not recommended to create Job instances directly, but rather use the :meth:`run <>` and :meth:`retrieve_job <IonQBackend.retrieve_job>` methods on sub-class instances of IonQBackend to create and retrieve jobs (both methods return a job instance). Attributes: circuit(:mod:`QuantumCircuit <qiskit.QuantumCircuit>`): A possibly ``None`` Qiskit quantum circuit. _result(:class:`Result <qiskit.result.Result>`): The actual Qiskit Result of this job when done. """ def __init__( self, backend, job_id, client=None, circuit=None, passed_args=None, ): super().__init__(backend, job_id) self._client = client or backend.client self._result = None self._status = None self._execution_time = None self._metadata = {} if passed_args is not None: self.extra_query_params = passed_args.pop("extra_query_params", {}) self.extra_metadata = { **passed_args.pop("extra_metadata", {}), **(circuit.metadata or {}), } self._passed_args = passed_args else: self.extra_query_params = {} self.extra_metadata = {} self._passed_args = {"shots": 1024, "sampler_seed": None} if circuit is not None: self.circuit = circuit self._status = jobstatus.JobStatus.INITIALIZING else: # retrieve existing job self.circuit = None self._status = jobstatus.JobStatus.INITIALIZING self._job_id = job_id self.status()
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel this job.""" self._client.cancel_job(self._job_id)
[docs] def submit(self): """Submit a job to the IonQ API. Raises: IonQJobError: If this instance's :attr:`qobj` was `None`. """ if self.circuit is None: raise exceptions.IonQJobError( "Cannot submit a job without a circuit. " "Please create a job with a circuit and try again." ) response = self._client.submit_job(job=self) self._job_id = response["id"]
[docs] def get_counts(self, circuit=None): """Return the counts for the job. .. ATTENTION:: Result counts for jobs processed by :class:`IonQSimulatorBackend <qiskit_ionq.ionq_backend.IonQSimulatorBackend>` are returned from the API as probabilities, and are converted to counts via simple statistical sampling that occurs on the cient side. To obtain the true probabilities, use the get_probabilties() method instead. Args: circuit (str or QuantumCircuit or int or None): Optional. The index of the experiment. Returns: dict: A dictionary of counts. """ return self.result().get_counts(circuit)
[docs] def get_probabilities(self, circuit=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Return the probabilities for the job. This is effectively a pass-through to :meth:`get_probabilities <qiskit_ionq.ionq_result.IonQResult.get_probabilities>` Args: circuit (str or QuantumCircuit or int or None): Optional. Returns: tuple(dict[str, float], dict[str, float]): A tuple counts, probabilities. """ return self.result().get_probabilities()
[docs] def result(self, sharpen: bool = None, extra_query_params: dict = None, **kwargs): """Retrieve job result data. .. NOTE:: :attr:`_result` is populated by :meth:`status`, when the job status has reached a "final" state. This method calls the :meth:`wait_for_final_state <qiskit.providers.BaseJob.wait_for_final_state>` method to poll for a completed job. Raises: IonQJobTimeoutError: If after the default wait period in :meth:`wait_for_final_state <qiskit.providers.BaseJob.wait_for_final_state>` elapses and the job has not reached a "final" state. IonQJobError: If the job has reached a final state but the job itself was never converted to a :class:`Result <qiskit.result.Result>`. Returns: Result: A Qiskit :class:`Result <qiskit.result.Result>` representation of this job. """ # TODO: cache results by sharpen if sharpen is not None and not isinstance(sharpen, bool): warnings.warn("Invalid sharpen type") # Wait for the job to complete. try: self.wait_for_final_state(**kwargs) except JobTimeoutError as ex: raise exceptions.IonQJobTimeoutError( "Timed out waiting for job to complete." ) from ex if self._status is jobstatus.JobStatus.DONE: response = self._client.get_results( job_id=self._job_id, sharpen=sharpen, extra_query_params=extra_query_params, ) self._result = self._format_result(response) return self._result
[docs] def status(self): """Retrieve the status of a job Raises: IonQJobError: If the IonQ job status was unknown or otherwise unmappable to a qiskit job status. IonQJobFailureError: If the job fails IonQJobStateError: If the job was cancelled Returns: JobStatus: An enum value from Qiskit's :class:`JobStatus <qiskit.providers.JobStatus>`. """ # Return early if we have no job id yet. if self._job_id is None: return self._status # Return early if the job is already done. if self._status in jobstatus.JOB_FINAL_STATES: return self._status # Otherwise, look up a status enum from the response. response = self._client.retrieve_job(self._job_id) api_response_status = response["status"] try: status_enum = constants.APIJobStatus(api_response_status) except ValueError as ex: raise exceptions.IonQJobError( f"Unknown job status {api_response_status}" ) from ex # Map it to a qiskit JobStatus key try: status_enum = constants.JobStatusMap[] except ValueError as ex: raise exceptions.IonQJobError( f"Job status {status_enum} has no qiskit status mapping!" ) from ex # Get a qiskit status enum. try: self._status = jobstatus.JobStatus[status_enum.value] except KeyError as ex: raise exceptions.IonQJobError( f"Qiskit has no JobStatus named '{status_enum}'" ) from ex if self._status in jobstatus.JOB_FINAL_STATES: self._metadata = response.get("metadata") or {} if self._status == jobstatus.JobStatus.DONE: self._num_qubits = response.get("qubits") default_map = list(range(self._num_qubits)) self._clbits = (response.get("registers") or {}).get( "meas_mapped", default_map ) self._execution_time = response.get("execution_time") / 1000 if self._status == jobstatus.JobStatus.ERROR: failure = response.get("failure") or {} failure_type = failure.get("code", "") failure_message = failure.get("error", "") error_message = ( f"Unable to retreive result for job {self.job_id()}. " f'Failure from IonQ API "{failure_type}: {failure_message}"' ) raise exceptions.IonQJobFailureError(error_message) if self._status == jobstatus.JobStatus.CANCELLED: error_message = ( f'Unable to retreive result for job {self.job_id()}. Job was cancelled"' ) raise exceptions.IonQJobStateError(error_message) if "warning" in response and "messages" in response["warning"]: for warning in response["warning"]["messages"]: warnings.warn(warning) return self._status
def _format_result(self, data): """Translate IonQ's result format into a qiskit Result instance. TODO: If result is (failure, cancelled), this method may fail. Args: result (dict): A JSON body response from a REST API call. Returns: Result: A Qiskit :class:`Result <qiskit.result.Result>` representation of this job. Raises: IonQJobFailureError: If the remote job has an error status. IonQJobStateError: If the job was cancelled before this method fetches it. """ # Different backends can have differing result data: backend = self.backend() backend_name = backend_version = backend.configuration().backend_version is_ideal_simulator = ( backend_name == "ionq_simulator" and backend.options.noise_model == "ideal" ) # Format the inner result payload. success = self._status == jobstatus.JobStatus.DONE metadata = self._metadata sampler_seed = ( int(metadata.get("sampler_seed", "")) if metadata.get("sampler_seed", "").isdigit() else None ) qiskit_header = decompress_metadata_string_to_dict( metadata.get("qiskit_header", None) ) shots = int(metadata.get("shots") if metadata.get("shots").isdigit() else 1024) job_result = { "data": {}, "shots": shots, "header": qiskit_header or {}, "success": success, } if self._status == jobstatus.JobStatus.DONE: (counts, probabilities) = _build_counts( data, self._num_qubits, self._clbits, shots, use_sampler=is_ideal_simulator, sampler_seed=sampler_seed, ) job_result["data"] = { "counts": counts, "probabilities": probabilities, # Qiskit/experiments relies on this being present in this location in the # ExperimentData class. "metadata": qiskit_header or {}, } # Create a qiskit result to express the IonQ job result data. backend = self.backend() return Result.from_dict( { "results": [job_result], "job_id": self.job_id(), "backend_name": backend_name, "backend_version": backend_version, "qobj_id": metadata.get("qobj_id"), "success": success, "time_taken": self._execution_time, } )
__all__ = ["IonQJob"]