Source code for qiskit_optimization.converters.linear_equality_to_penalty

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Converter to convert a problem with equality constraints to unconstrained with penalty terms."""

import logging
from typing import Optional, cast, Union, Tuple, List

import numpy as np

from .quadratic_program_converter import QuadraticProgramConverter
from ..exceptions import QiskitOptimizationError
from ..problems.constraint import Constraint
from ..problems.quadratic_objective import QuadraticObjective
from ..problems.quadratic_program import QuadraticProgram
from ..problems.variable import Variable

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LinearEqualityToPenalty(QuadraticProgramConverter): """Convert a problem with only equality constraints to unconstrained with penalty terms.""" def __init__(self, penalty: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """ Args: penalty: Penalty factor to scale equality constraints that are added to objective. If None is passed, a penalty factor will be automatically calculated on every conversion. """ self._src_num_vars: Optional[int] = None self._penalty: Optional[float] = penalty self._should_define_penalty: bool = penalty is None
[docs] def convert(self, problem: QuadraticProgram) -> QuadraticProgram: """Convert a problem with equality constraints into an unconstrained problem. Args: problem: The problem to be solved, that does not contain inequality constraints. Returns: The converted problem, that is an unconstrained problem. Raises: QiskitOptimizationError: If an inequality constraint exists. """ # create empty QuadraticProgram model self._src_num_vars = problem.get_num_vars() dst = QuadraticProgram( # If no penalty was given, set the penalty coefficient by _auto_define_penalty() if self._should_define_penalty: penalty = self._auto_define_penalty(problem) else: penalty = self._penalty # Set variables for x in problem.variables: if x.vartype == Variable.Type.CONTINUOUS: dst.continuous_var(x.lowerbound, x.upperbound, elif x.vartype == Variable.Type.BINARY: dst.binary_var( elif x.vartype == Variable.Type.INTEGER: dst.integer_var(x.lowerbound, x.upperbound, else: raise QiskitOptimizationError(f"Unsupported vartype: {x.vartype}") # get original objective terms offset = problem.objective.constant linear = problem.objective.linear.to_dict() quadratic = problem.objective.quadratic.to_dict() sense = problem.objective.sense.value # convert linear constraints into penalty terms for constraint in problem.linear_constraints: if constraint.sense != Constraint.Sense.EQ: raise QiskitOptimizationError( "An inequality constraint exists. " "The method supports only equality constraints." ) constant = constraint.rhs row = constraint.linear.to_dict() # constant parts of penalty*(Constant-func)**2: penalty*(Constant**2) offset += sense * penalty * constant**2 # linear parts of penalty*(Constant-func)**2: penalty*(-2*Constant*func) for j, coef in row.items(): # if j already exists in the linear terms dic, add a penalty term # into existing value else create new key and value in the linear_term dict linear[j] = linear.get(j, 0.0) + sense * penalty * -2 * coef * constant # quadratic parts of penalty*(Constant-func)**2: penalty*(func**2) for j, coef_1 in row.items(): for k, coef_2 in row.items(): # if j and k already exist in the quadratic terms dict, # add a penalty term into existing value # else create new key and value in the quadratic term dict # according to implementation of quadratic terms in OptimizationModel, # don't need to multiply by 2, since loops run over (x, y) and (y, x). tup = cast(Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[str, str]], (j, k)) quadratic[tup] = quadratic.get(tup, 0.0) + sense * penalty * coef_1 * coef_2 if problem.objective.sense == QuadraticObjective.Sense.MINIMIZE: dst.minimize(offset, linear, quadratic) else: dst.maximize(offset, linear, quadratic) # Update the penalty to the one just used self._penalty = penalty return dst
@staticmethod def _auto_define_penalty(problem: QuadraticProgram) -> float: """Automatically define the penalty coefficient. Returns: Return the minimum valid penalty factor calculated from the upper bound and the lower bound of the objective function. If a constraint has a float coefficient, return the default value for the penalty factor. """ default_penalty = 1e5 # Check coefficients of constraints. # If a constraint has a float coefficient, return the default value for the penalty factor. terms = [] for constraint in problem.linear_constraints: terms.append(constraint.rhs) terms.extend(constraint.linear.to_array().tolist()) if any(isinstance(term, float) and not term.is_integer() for term in terms): logger.warning( "Warning: Using %f for the penalty coefficient because " "a float coefficient exists in constraints. \n" "The value could be too small. " "If so, set the penalty coefficient manually.", default_penalty, ) return default_penalty lin_b = problem.objective.linear.bounds quad_b = problem.objective.quadratic.bounds return 1.0 + (lin_b.upperbound - lin_b.lowerbound) + (quad_b.upperbound - quad_b.lowerbound)
[docs] def interpret(self, x: Union[np.ndarray, List[float]]) -> np.ndarray: """Convert the result of the converted problem back to that of the original problem Args: x: The result of the converted problem or the given result in case of FAILURE. Returns: The result of the original problem. Raises: QiskitOptimizationError: if the number of variables in the result differs from that of the original problem. """ if len(x) != self._src_num_vars: raise QiskitOptimizationError( "The number of variables in the passed result differs from " "that of the original problem." ) return np.asarray(x)
@property def penalty(self) -> Optional[float]: """Returns the penalty factor used in conversion. Returns: The penalty factor used in conversion. """ return self._penalty @penalty.setter def penalty(self, penalty: Optional[float]) -> None: """Set a new penalty factor. Args: penalty: The new penalty factor. If None is passed, a penalty factor will be automatically calculated on every conversion. """ self._penalty = penalty self._should_define_penalty = penalty is None