Código fuente para qiskit_nature.second_q.transformers.basis_transformer

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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"""The basis transformer."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import cast

import numpy as np

from qiskit_nature.exceptions import QiskitNatureError
from qiskit_nature.second_q.hamiltonians import ElectronicEnergy, Hamiltonian
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import ElectronicIntegrals, PolynomialTensor, Tensor
from qiskit_nature.second_q.problems import BaseProblem, ElectronicBasis, ElectronicStructureProblem
from qiskit_nature.second_q.properties import (

from .base_transformer import BaseTransformer

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[documentos]class BasisTransformer(BaseTransformer): """A transformer to map from one basis to another. Since problems have a basis associated with them (e.g. the :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.ElectronicBasis` in the case of the :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.ElectronicStructureProblem`), this transformer can be used to map from one :attr:`initial_basis` to another :attr:`final_basis`. For example, this is how you can create an AO-to-MO transformer for an :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.ElectronicStructureProblem`: .. code-block:: python # assuming you have the transformation coefficients from somewhere ao2mo_coeff, ao2mo_coeff_b = ... from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import ElectronicIntegrals from qiskit_nature.second_q.problems import ElectronicBasis from qiskit_nature.second_q.transformers import BasisTransformer transformer = BasisTransformer( ElectronicBasis.AO, ElectronicBasis.MO, ElectronicIntegrals.from_raw_integrals(ao2mo_coeff, h1_b=ao2mo_coeff_b), ) problem_MO = transformer.transform(problem_AO) Attributes: initial_basis: the initial basis from which to map away from. final_basis: the final basis into which to map into. coefficients: the coefficients which transform from the initial to the final basis. """ # TODO: figure out how we can make its interface non-electronic specific def __init__( self, initial_basis: ElectronicBasis, final_basis: ElectronicBasis, coefficients: PolynomialTensor | ElectronicIntegrals, ) -> None: """ Args: initial_basis: the initial basis from which to map away from. final_basis: the final basis into which to map into. coefficients: the coefficients which transform from the initial to the final basis. """ self.initial_basis = initial_basis self.final_basis = final_basis self.coefficients = coefficients
[documentos] def invert(self) -> BasisTransformer: """Invert the transformer to do the reversed transformation. Returns: A new ``BasisTransformer`` mapping from :attr:`final_basis` to :attr:`initial_basis`. """ return BasisTransformer( self.final_basis, self.initial_basis, self.coefficients.__class__.apply( # type: ignore[arg-type] np.transpose, self.coefficients, validate=False ), )
[documentos] def transform(self, problem: BaseProblem) -> BaseProblem: if isinstance(problem, ElectronicStructureProblem): return self._transform_electronic_structure_problem(problem) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"The problem of type, {type(problem)}, is not supported by this transformer." )
def _transform_electronic_structure_problem( self, problem: ElectronicStructureProblem ) -> ElectronicStructureProblem: """Transforms an :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.ElectronicStructureProblem`. .. note:: This function will log warnings, when encountering unsupported/unknown properties in the :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.ElectronicPropertiesContainer`. Args: problem: the ``ElectronicStructureProblem`` to transform. Raises: QiskitNatureError: if the basis of the supplied `ElectronicStructureProblem` does not match the :attr:`initial_basis`. Returns: The transformed ``ElectronicStructureProblem``. """ if problem.basis != self.initial_basis: raise QiskitNatureError( f"The problems' basis, {problem.basis}, does not match the initial basis of this " f"transformer, {self.initial_basis}." ) new_problem = ElectronicStructureProblem( cast(ElectronicEnergy, self.transform_hamiltonian(problem.hamiltonian)) ) new_problem.basis = self.final_basis new_problem.molecule = problem.molecule new_problem.reference_energy = problem.reference_energy new_problem.num_particles = problem.num_particles new_problem.num_spatial_orbitals = problem.num_spatial_orbitals for prop in problem.properties: if isinstance(prop, ElectronicDipoleMoment): new_problem.properties.electronic_dipole_moment = ( self._transform_electronic_dipole_moment(prop) ) elif isinstance(prop, ElectronicDensity): new_problem.properties.electronic_density = self.transform_electronic_integrals( prop ) elif isinstance(prop, AngularMomentum): if prop.overlap is None: # nothing needs to be changed new_problem.properties.add(prop) continue if isinstance(self.coefficients, ElectronicIntegrals): coeff_alpha = self.coefficients.alpha["+-"] coeff_beta: Tensor if self.coefficients.beta.is_empty(): coeff_beta = coeff_alpha else: coeff_beta = self.coefficients.beta["+-"] new_problem.properties.angular_momentum = AngularMomentum( prop.num_spatial_orbitals, coeff_alpha.transpose() @ prop.overlap @ coeff_beta, ) elif isinstance(prop, (Magnetization, ParticleNumber)): new_problem.properties.add(prop) else: LOGGER.warning("Encountered an unsupported property of type '%s'.", type(prop)) return new_problem
[documentos] def transform_electronic_integrals(self, integrals: ElectronicIntegrals) -> ElectronicIntegrals: """Transforms an :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.ElectronicIntegrals` instance. Args: integrals: the ``ElectronicIntegrals`` to transform. Raises: QiskitNatureError: when using this method on a ``BasisTransformer`` that does not store its :attr:`coefficients` as ``ElectronicIntegrals``, too. Returns: The transformed ``ElectronicIntegrals``. """ if not isinstance(self.coefficients, ElectronicIntegrals): raise QiskitNatureError( "You cannot transform ElectronicIntegrals with a BasisTransformer containing " f"coefficients of type, {type(self.coefficients)}, rather than ElectronicIntegrals." ) prsq = "prsq" iklj = "iklj" two_body_aa = integrals.alpha.get("++--", None) if two_body_aa is not None: prsq = "".join(two_body_aa._reverse_label_template(prsq)) iklj = "".join(two_body_aa._reverse_label_template(iklj)) einsum_map = { "jk,ji,kl->il": ("+-",) * 4, f"{prsq},pi,qj,rk,sl->{iklj}": ("++--", *("+-",) * 4, "++--"), } transformed_integrals = ElectronicIntegrals.einsum( einsum_map, integrals, *(self.coefficients,) * 4 ) if not self.coefficients.beta.is_empty() and transformed_integrals.beta_alpha.is_empty(): transformed_integrals.beta_alpha = PolynomialTensor.einsum( {f"{prsq},pi,qj,rk,sl->{iklj}": ("++--", *("+-",) * 4, "++--")}, integrals.alpha if integrals.beta_alpha.is_empty() else integrals.beta_alpha, *(self.coefficients.beta,) * 2, *(self.coefficients.alpha,) * 2, ) return transformed_integrals
[documentos] def transform_hamiltonian(self, hamiltonian: Hamiltonian) -> Hamiltonian: if isinstance(hamiltonian, ElectronicEnergy): integrals = hamiltonian.electronic_integrals hamiltonian.electronic_integrals = self.transform_electronic_integrals(integrals) return hamiltonian else: raise NotImplementedError( f"The hamiltonian of type, {type(hamiltonian)}, is not supported by this " "transformer." )
def _transform_electronic_dipole_moment( self, dipole_moment: ElectronicDipoleMoment ) -> ElectronicDipoleMoment: """Transforms an :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.properties.ElectronicDipoleMoment`. Args: dipole_moment: the ``ElectronicDipoleMoment`` to transform. Returns: The transformed ``ElectronicDipoleMoment``. """ new_dipole_moment = ElectronicDipoleMoment( self.transform_electronic_integrals(dipole_moment.x_dipole), self.transform_electronic_integrals(dipole_moment.y_dipole), self.transform_electronic_integrals(dipole_moment.z_dipole), ) new_dipole_moment.reverse_dipole_sign = dipole_moment.reverse_dipole_sign new_dipole_moment.nuclear_dipole_moment = dipole_moment.nuclear_dipole_moment return new_dipole_moment