Código fuente para qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.symmetric_two_body

# This code is part of a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name

Symmetric 2-body electronic integrals (:mod:`qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.symmetric_two_body`)

.. currentmodule:: qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.symmetric_two_body

This module provides utilities to deal with symmetry-reduced 2-body electronic integrals.

Container classes

The classes provided here extend the ``numpy.ndarray`` interface and, thus, may be used as such

.. note::

   Some operations may not be available on the symmetry-reduced space in which case the instance
   will automatically be unfolded to the full 4-dimensional array. After a successful operation, the
   original symmetry will be attempted to be restored.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/


Unfolding methods

These methods can be used to unfold higher symmetries to lower ones.

.. note::

   This implies that the memory consumption **increases**.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/


Folding methods

These methods can be used to fold lower symmetries to higher ones.

.. note::

   This implies that the memory consumption **decreases**.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/



from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from itertools import takewhile
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any, Generator, Tuple, cast

import numpy as np

import qiskit_nature.optionals as _optionals

from .tensor import ARRAY_TYPE, Tensor
from .tensor_ordering import IndexType, find_index_order

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _contracted_indices(maximum: int) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
    for idx in range(maximum):
        yield (idx + 1) * (idx + 2) // 2

def _inflate_index(index: int, maximum: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
    p, q = 0, 0
    for _ in takewhile(lambda pq: pq <= index, _contracted_indices(maximum)):
        p += 1
    q = index - p * (p + 1) // 2
    return p, q

[documentos]class SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals(Tensor, ABC): """An abstract base class providing the interface for symmetry-reduced two-body electronic integral container classes. """ _HANDLED_FUNCTIONS = {np.kron, np.transpose, np.tensordot, np.einsum} def __init__(self, eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Args: eri: the actual two-body tensor. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. .. note:: Actual implementations of this abstract base class may raise a ``ValueError`` if ``eri`` does not fulfill the requirements imposed by that subclass. """ super().__init__(eri, label_template="+_{{0}} +_{{2}} -_{{3}} -_{{1}}")
[documentos] @classmethod @abstractmethod def zero(cls, norb: int) -> SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals: """Constructs an all-zero integral container of the requested size. Args: norb: the number of orbitals indicating the dimension of the integral container to be returned. Returns: An integral container of the requested size with all-zero terms. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def __array_wrap__(self, array: ARRAY_TYPE, context=None) -> Tensor: try: return self.__class__(array) except ValueError: # upon construction failure of the SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals instance we fall back to # using a plain Tensor return Tensor(array) def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs): if func in self._HANDLED_FUNCTIONS: return self._numpy_function_via_s1(func, types, args, kwargs) try: return super().__array_function__(func, types, args, kwargs) except np.AxisError: return fold(self._numpy_function_via_s1(func, types, args, kwargs)) def _numpy_function_via_s1(self, func, types, args, kwargs): uses_sparse = True if func is np.einsum: # TODO: figure out why not even opt_einsum can handle this case consistently uses_sparse = False new_args = [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals): s1 = unfold(a) if not uses_sparse: s1 = s1.to_dense() new_args.append(s1) else: new_args.append(a) new_types = [] for t in types: if issubclass(t, SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals): new_types.append(S1Integrals) else: new_types.append(t) kwargs["context"] = "_numpy_function_via_s1" return super().__array_function__(func, tuple(new_types), tuple(new_args), kwargs)
[documentos] def conjugate(self) -> SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals: """Returns the complex conjugate of itself.""" return self.__class__(self.array.transpose().conjugate())
[documentos]class S1Integrals(SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals): """A container for 1-fold symmetric 2-body electronic integrals in chemist ordering. This class is a utility subclass of the central :class:`.Tensor` used for storing n-dimensional arrays. This particular one holds 2-body electronic integrals when unfolded to 1-fold symmetry (or in other words the full 4-dimensional array). Even though this provides no reduced memory consumption over using a plain array, the benefit of this class is two-fold: 1. it simplifies the usage of chemist-ordered 2-body electronic integrals in the stack 2. it can interact with the sibling :class:`.S4Integrals` and :class:`.S8Integrals` classes """ def __init__(self, eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> None: """ Args: eri: the 4-dimensional array of the 2-body electronic integrals stored in chemist order. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Raises: ValueError: If ``eri`` is not 4-dimensional. """ if validate and len(eri.shape) != 4: raise ValueError( "Expected a 4-dimensional array but obtained one with shape: ", eri.shape ) super().__init__(eri)
[documentos] @classmethod def zero(cls, norb: int) -> S1Integrals: eri: ARRAY_TYPE if _optionals.HAS_SPARSE: _optionals.HAS_SPARSE.require_now("DOK") import sparse as sp # pylint: disable=import-error eri = sp.DOK((norb, norb, norb, norb)) else: eri = np.zeros((norb, norb, norb, norb)) return cls(eri)
[documentos]class S4Integrals(SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals): """A container for 4-fold symmetric 2-body electronic integrals in chemist ordering. This class is a utility subclass of the central :class:`.Tensor` used for storing n-dimensional arrays. This particular one holds 2-body electronic integrals when contracted to 4-fold symmetry. This means, that the full 4-dimensional integrals are contracted to a 2-dimensional representation of shape :math:`M x M` where :math:`M` is the number of orbital pairs given by :math:`M = N * (N + 1) / 2` where :math:`N` is the number of orbitals. """ def __init__(self, eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> None: """ Args: eri: the 2-dimensional array of the 4-fold symmetric 2-body electronic integrals stored in chemist order. The shape of this matrix must be :math:`M x M` where :math:`M = N * (N + 1) / 2` and :math:`N` is the number of orbitals. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Raises: ValueError: If ``eri`` is not 2-dimensional. """ if validate and len(eri.shape) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expected a 2-dimensional array but obtained one with shape: ", eri.shape ) super().__init__(eri) self._npair = eri.shape[0] self._norb = int(-0.5 + np.sqrt(0.25 + 2 * eri.shape[0])) @property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: return (self._norb,) * 4
[documentos] @classmethod def zero(cls, norb: int) -> S4Integrals: npair = norb * (norb + 1) // 2 eri = np.zeros((npair, npair)) return cls(eri)
def __array_wrap__(self, array: ARRAY_TYPE, context=None) -> Tensor: if len(array.shape) == 4: # NOTE: some operations may require implicit unfolding to S1Integrals return S1Integrals(array) if context is not None and context == "_numpy_function_via_s1": return Tensor(array) try: return self.__class__(array) except ValueError: # upon construction failure of the SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals instance we fall back to # using a plain Tensor return Tensor(array) def _reduced_dim_index(self, idx: tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> tuple[int, int]: i, j, k, l = idx if i < j: i, j = j, i if k < l: k, l = l, k ij = i * (i + 1) // 2 + j kl = k * (k + 1) // 2 + l return (ij, kl) def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 4: key = cast(Tuple[int, int, int, int], key) return self.__array__().__getitem__(self._reduced_dim_index(key)) return super().__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Number) -> Any: if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 4: key = cast(Tuple[int, int, int, int], key) self.array[self._reduced_dim_index(key)] = value else: self.array[key] = value def _full_index(self, idx: tuple[int, int]) -> Generator[tuple[int, int, int, int], None, None]: i, j = _inflate_index(idx[0], self._norb) k, l = _inflate_index(idx[1], self._norb) yield i, j, k, l if i > j: yield j, i, k, l if k > l: yield i, j, l, k if i > j and k > l: yield j, i, l, k
[documentos] def coord_iter(self) -> Generator[tuple[Number, tuple[int, ...]], None, None]: # PERF: the following matrix unpacking is a performance bottleneck! # We could consider using Rust in the future to improve upon this. if isinstance(self._array, np.ndarray): for index in np.ndindex(*self._array.shape): index = cast(Tuple[int, int], index) value = self._array[index] for full_idx in self._full_index(index): yield value, full_idx else: _optionals.HAS_SPARSE.require_now("SparseArray") import sparse as sp # pylint: disable=import-error if isinstance(self._array, sp.SparseArray): coo = sp.as_coo(self._array) for value, *idx in zip(coo.data, *coo.coords): index = cast(Tuple[int, int], tuple(idx)) for full_idx in self._full_index(index): yield value, tuple(full_idx)
[documentos]class S8Integrals(SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals): """A container for 8-fold symmetric 2-body electronic integrals in chemist ordering. This class is a utility subclass of the central :class:`.Tensor` used for storing n-dimensional arrays. This particular one holds 2-body electronic integrals when contracted to 8-fold symmetry. This means, that the full 4-dimensional integrals are contracted to a 1-dimensional representation of length :math:`M * (M + 1) / 2` where :math:`M` is the number of orbital pairs given by :math:`M = N * (N + 1) / 2` where :math:`N` is the number of orbitals. """ def __init__(self, eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> None: """ Args: eri: the 1-dimensional array of the 8-fold symmetric 2-body electronic integrals stored in chemist order. The length of this 1D matrix must be :math:`M * (M + 1) / 2` where :math:`M = N * (N + 1) / 2` and :math:`N` is the number of orbitals. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Raises: ValueError: If ``eri`` is not 1-dimensional. """ if validate and len(eri.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected a 1-dimensional array but obtained one with shape: ", eri.shape ) super().__init__(eri) self._npair = int(-0.5 + np.sqrt(0.25 + 2 * eri.shape[0])) self._norb = int(-0.5 + np.sqrt(0.25 + 2 * self._npair)) @property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: return (self._norb,) * 4
[documentos] @classmethod def zero(cls, norb: int) -> S8Integrals: npair = norb * (norb + 1) // 2 eri = np.zeros(npair * (npair + 1) // 2) return cls(eri)
def __array_wrap__(self, array: ARRAY_TYPE, context=None) -> Tensor: if len(array.shape) == 4: # NOTE: some operations may require implicit unfolding to S1Integrals return S1Integrals(array) if context is not None and context == "_numpy_function_via_s1": return Tensor(array) try: return self.__class__(array) except ValueError: # upon construction failure of the SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals instance we fall back to # using a plain Tensor return Tensor(array) def _reduced_dim_index(self, idx: tuple[int, int, int, int]) -> int: i, j, k, l = idx if i < j: i, j = j, i if k < l: k, l = l, k ij = i * (i + 1) // 2 + j kl = k * (k + 1) // 2 + l if ij < kl: ij, kl = kl, ij ijkl = ij * (ij + 1) // 2 + kl return ijkl def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 4: key = cast(Tuple[int, int, int, int], key) return self.__array__().__getitem__(self._reduced_dim_index(key)) return super().__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Number) -> Any: if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 4: key = cast(Tuple[int, int, int, int], key) self.array[self._reduced_dim_index(key)] = value else: self.array[key] = value def _full_index(self, idx: int) -> Generator[tuple[int, int, int, int], None, None]: ij, kl = _inflate_index(idx, self._npair) i, j = _inflate_index(ij, self._norb) k, l = _inflate_index(kl, self._norb) yield i, j, k, l if i > j: yield j, i, k, l if k > l: yield i, j, l, k if i > j and k > l: yield j, i, l, k if ij > kl: i, j, k, l = k, l, i, j yield i, j, k, l if i > j: yield j, i, k, l if k > l: yield i, j, l, k if i > j and k > l: yield j, i, l, k
[documentos] def coord_iter(self) -> Generator[tuple[Number, tuple[int, ...]], None, None]: # PERF: the following matrix unpacking is a performance bottleneck! # We could consider using Rust in the future to improve upon this. if isinstance(self._array, np.ndarray): for index in np.ndindex(*self._array.shape): value = self._array[index] for full_idx in self._full_index(index[0]): yield value, full_idx else: _optionals.HAS_SPARSE.require_now("SparseArray") import sparse as sp # pylint: disable=import-error if isinstance(self._array, sp.SparseArray): coo = sp.as_coo(self._array) for value, *idx in zip(coo.data, *coo.coords): for full_idx in self._full_index(idx[0]): yield value, tuple(full_idx)
[documentos]def unfold(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> S1Integrals: """Unfolds an electronic integrals tensor to 1-fold symmetries (4-dimensional). This utility method combines :meth:`.unfold_s4_to_s1` and :meth:`.unfold_s8_to_s1`. Args: eri: a 4-, 2- or 1-dimensional array storing electronic integrals. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Returns: A 1-fold symmetric tensor. Raises: NotImplementedError: if ``eri`` is of an unsupported dimension. """ if isinstance(eri, S1Integrals): return eri if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if len(eri.shape) == 2: return unfold_s4_to_s1(eri, validate=validate) if len(eri.shape) == 1: return unfold_s8_to_s1(eri, validate=validate) raise NotImplementedError( "Expected either a 4-, 2- or 1-dimensional array. Instead, an array of the following shape " f"was encountered: {eri.shape}" )
[documentos]def fold(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals: """Folds an electronic integrals tensor. This utility method combines :meth:`.fold_s4_to_s8`, :meth:`.fold_s1_to_s8` and :meth:`.fold_s1_to_s4` and attempts to fold the provided tensor as much as possible given these folding methods. Any ``ValueError`` raised by the methods above is caught. When this happens, this utility will try the next folding method. Args: eri: a 4-, 2- or 1-dimensional array storing electronic integrals. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Returns: Either an instance of :class:`.S8Integrals`, :class:`.S4Integrals` or :class:`.S1Integrals` (in this order) depending on the first successful folding method. Raises: NotImplementedError: if ``eri`` is of an unsupported dimension. """ if isinstance(eri, S8Integrals): return eri if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if len(eri.shape) == 2: try: return fold_s4_to_s8(eri, validate=validate) except ValueError as err: LOGGER.warning( "The following error was encountered during the attempted conversion of the 4-fold " "to 8-fold symmetric integrals: %s", err, ) LOGGER.info("Returning 4-fold symmetric integrals as the lowest achievable folding.") return S4Integrals(eri, validate=validate) if len(eri.shape) == 4: try: return fold_s1_to_s8(eri, validate=validate) except ValueError as err: LOGGER.warning( "The following error was encountered during the attempted conversion of the 1-fold " "to 8-fold symmetric integrals: %s", err, ) try: return fold_s1_to_s4(eri, validate=validate) except ValueError: LOGGER.warning( "The following error was encountered during the attempted conversion of the " "1-fold to 4-fold symmetric integrals: %s", err, ) LOGGER.info("No folding was possible. Returing 1-fold symmetric integrals.") return S1Integrals(eri, validate=validate) raise NotImplementedError( "Expected either a 1-, 2- or 4-dimensional array. Instead, an array of the following shape " f"was encountered: {eri.shape}" )
def _get_norb_and_npair(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE) -> tuple[int, int]: if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if len(eri.shape) == 4: norb = eri.shape[0] npair = norb * (norb + 1) // 2 elif len(eri.shape) == 2: npair = eri.shape[0] norb = int(-0.5 + np.sqrt(0.25 + 2 * npair)) elif len(eri.shape) == 1: npair = int(-0.5 + np.sqrt(0.25 + 2 * eri.shape[0])) norb = int(-0.5 + np.sqrt(0.25 + 2 * npair)) return norb, npair
[documentos]def fold_s1_to_s4(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> S4Integrals: """Folds a 4-dimensional tensor to 4-fold symmetries (2-dimensional). Args: eri: the 4-dimensional tensor to fold. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Returns: A 4-fold symmetric tensor. Raises: ValueError: if ``eri`` is not 4-dimensional. ValueError: if ``eri`` does not satisfy the permutational symmetries dictated by the chemist' convention for the ordering of two-body electronic integrals. """ LOGGER.info("Attempting 1-fold to 4-fold symmetric folding.") if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if validate and len(eri.shape) != 4: raise ValueError( "Expected a 4-dimensional array. Instead, an array of the following shape was " f"encountered: {eri.shape}" ) index_order = find_index_order(eri) if validate and index_order != IndexType.CHEMIST: # TODO: relax this to allow complex integrals which only satisfy a subset of the # permutations tested in the `find_index_order` method raise ValueError( "Expected a tensor satisfying the permutational symmetries dictated by the chemist' " "convention for two-body electronic integral storage. Instead, the following index " f"ordering was determined: {index_order}" ) try: from pyscf.ao2mo.addons import restore LOGGER.info("Using PySCF's conversion routine") norb, _ = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) return S4Integrals(restore("4", eri, norb)) except ImportError: pass norb, npair = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) new_eri = np.zeros((npair, npair)) for ij, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(*np.tril_indices(norb))): for kl, (k, l) in enumerate(zip(*np.tril_indices(norb))): new_eri[ij, kl] = eri[i, j, k, l] return S4Integrals(new_eri)
[documentos]def fold_s1_to_s8(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> S8Integrals: """Folds a 4-dimensional tensor to 8-fold symmetries (1-dimensional). Args: eri: the 4-dimensional tensor to fold. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Returns: An 8-fold symmetric tensor. Raises: ValueError: if ``eri`` is not 4-dimensional. ValueError: if ``eri`` does not satisfy the permutational symmetries dictated by the chemist' convention for the ordering of two-body electronic integrals. """ LOGGER.info("Attempting 1-fold to 8-fold symmetric folding.") if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if validate and len(eri.shape) != 4: raise ValueError( "Expected a 4-dimensional array. Instead, an array of the following shape was " f"encountered: {eri.shape}" ) index_order = find_index_order(eri) if validate and index_order != IndexType.CHEMIST: # TODO: relax this to allow complex integrals which only satisfy a subset of the # permutations tested in the `find_index_order` method raise ValueError( "Expected a tensor satisfying the permutational symmetries dictated by the chemist' " "convention for two-body electronic integral storage. Instead, the following index " f"ordering was determined: {index_order}" ) try: from pyscf.ao2mo.addons import restore LOGGER.info("Using PySCF's conversion routine") norb, _ = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) return S8Integrals(restore("8", eri, norb)) except ImportError: pass norb, npair = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) new_eri = np.zeros(npair * (npair + 1) // 2) ijkl = 0 for ij, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(*np.tril_indices(norb))): for kl, (k, l) in enumerate(zip(*np.tril_indices(i + 1))): if ij >= kl: new_eri[ijkl] = eri[i, j, k, l] ijkl += 1 return S8Integrals(new_eri)
[documentos]def fold_s4_to_s8(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> S8Integrals: """Folds a 2-dimensional tensor to 8-fold symmetries (1-dimensional). Args: eri: the 2-dimensional tensor to fold. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Returns: An 8-fold symmetric tensor. Raises: ValueError: if ``eri`` is not 2-dimensional. ValueError: if ``eri`` is not a symmetric tensor. """ LOGGER.info("Attempting 4-fold to 8-fold symmetric conversion.") if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if validate and len(eri.shape) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expected a 2-dimensional array. Instead, an array of the following shape was " f"encountered: {eri.shape}" ) if validate and not np.allclose(eri, eri.T): raise ValueError("Expected a symmetric tensor.") try: from pyscf.ao2mo.addons import restore LOGGER.info("Using PySCF's conversion routine") norb, _ = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) return S8Integrals(restore("8", eri, norb)) except ImportError: pass return S8Integrals(eri[np.tril_indices_from(eri)])
[documentos]def unfold_s8_to_s4(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> S4Integrals: """Unfolds an 8-fold symmetric tensor to 4-fold symmetries (2-dimensional). Args: eri: the 1-dimensional tensor to unfold. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Returns: A 4-fold symmetric tensor. Raises: ValueError: if ``eri`` is not 1-dimensional. """ LOGGER.info("Unfolding 8-fold to 4-fold symmetric integrals.") try: from pyscf.ao2mo.addons import restore LOGGER.info("Using PySCF's conversion routine") norb, _ = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) return S4Integrals(restore("4", eri, norb)) except ImportError: pass if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if validate and len(eri.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected a 1-dimensional array. Instead, an array of the following shape was " f"encountered: {eri.shape}" ) _, npair = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) new_eri = np.zeros((npair, npair)) new_eri[np.tril_indices(npair)] = eri new_eri[np.triu_indices(npair, k=1)] = new_eri.T[np.triu_indices(npair, k=1)] return S4Integrals(new_eri)
[documentos]def unfold_s4_to_s1(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> S1Integrals: """Unfolds an 4-fold symmetric tensor to 1-fold symmetries (4-dimensional). Args: eri: the 2-dimensional tensor to unfold. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Returns: A 1-fold symmetric tensor. Raises: ValueError: if ``eri`` is not 2-dimensional. """ LOGGER.info("Unfolding 4-fold to 1-fold symmetric integrals.") try: from pyscf.ao2mo.addons import restore LOGGER.info("Using PySCF's conversion routine") norb, _ = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) return S1Integrals(restore("1", eri, norb)) except ImportError: pass if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if validate and len(eri.shape) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expected a 2-dimensional array. Instead, an array of the following shape was " f"encountered: {eri.shape}" ) norb, _ = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) new_eri: ARRAY_TYPE is_sparse = False if _optionals.HAS_SPARSE: _optionals.HAS_SPARSE.require_now("DOK") import sparse as sp # pylint: disable=import-error new_eri = sp.DOK((norb, norb, norb, norb)) is_sparse = True else: new_eri = np.zeros((norb, norb, norb, norb)) for ij, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(*np.tril_indices(norb))): for kl, (k, l) in enumerate(zip(*np.tril_indices(norb))): new_eri[i, j, k, l] = eri[ij, kl] new_eri[i, j, l, k] = eri[ij, kl] if is_sparse and i > j: # NOTE: we cannot slice a sparse array so we need to write the symmetric values here new_eri[j, i, k, l] = eri[ij, kl] new_eri[j, i, l, k] = eri[ij, kl] if not is_sparse and i > j: # NOTE: when our array is dense, we avoid a lot of individual writes above and instead # exploit the slicing operation here new_eri[j, i, :, :] = new_eri[i, j, :, :] if is_sparse: new_eri = new_eri.to_coo() return S1Integrals(new_eri)
[documentos]def unfold_s8_to_s1(eri: Tensor | ARRAY_TYPE, *, validate: bool = True) -> S1Integrals: """Unfolds an 8-fold symmetric tensor to 1-fold symmetries (4-dimensional). Args: eri: the 1-dimensional tensor to unfold. validate: when set to ``False``, the requirements of ``eri`` are not validated. Returns: A 1-fold symmetric tensor. Raises: ValueError: if ``eri`` is not 1-dimensional. """ LOGGER.info("Unfolding 8-fold to 1-fold symmetric integrals.") try: from pyscf.ao2mo.addons import restore LOGGER.info("Using PySCF's conversion routine") norb, _ = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) return S1Integrals(restore("1", eri, norb)) except ImportError: pass if isinstance(eri, Tensor): eri = eri.array if validate and len(eri.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected a 1-dimensional array. Instead, an array of the following shape was " f"encountered: {eri.shape}" ) norb, npair = _get_norb_and_npair(eri) new_eri: ARRAY_TYPE is_sparse = False if _optionals.HAS_SPARSE: _optionals.HAS_SPARSE.require_now("DOK") import sparse as sp # pylint: disable=import-error new_eri = sp.DOK((norb, norb, norb, norb)) is_sparse = True else: new_eri = np.zeros((norb, norb, norb, norb)) for ij, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(*np.tril_indices(norb))): row = np.zeros(npair) idx = ij * (ij + 1) // 2 row[:ij] = eri[idx : idx + ij] for k in range(ij, npair): idx += k row[k] = eri[idx] idx = ij * (ij + 1) // 2 for kl, (k, l) in enumerate(zip(*np.tril_indices(norb))): if ij <= kl: idx += kl elif kl > 0: idx += 1 new_eri[i, j, k, l] = row[kl] new_eri[i, j, l, k] = row[kl] if is_sparse and i > j: # NOTE: we cannot slice a sparse array so we need to write the symmetric values here new_eri[j, i, k, l] = row[kl] new_eri[j, i, l, k] = row[kl] if not is_sparse and i > j: # NOTE: when our array is dense, we avoid a lot of individual writes above and instead # exploit the slicing operation here new_eri[j, i, :, :] = new_eri[i, j, :, :] if is_sparse: new_eri = new_eri.to_coo() return S1Integrals(new_eri)