Código fuente para qiskit_nature.second_q.hamiltonians.electronic_energy

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# (C) Copyright IBM 2021, 2023.
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"""The ElectronicEnergy property."""

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import copy
from typing import MutableMapping

import numpy as np

import qiskit_nature  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import ElectronicIntegrals, FermionicOp, PolynomialTensor

from .hamiltonian import Hamiltonian

[documentos]class ElectronicEnergy(Hamiltonian): r"""The electronic energy Hamiltonian. This class implements the following Hamiltonian: .. math:: \sum_{p, q} h_{pq} a^\dagger_p a_q + \sum_{p, q, r, s} g_{pqrs} a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_q a_r a_s , where :math:`h_{pq}` and :math:`g_{pqrs}` are the one- and two-body electronic integrals, stored in an :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.ElectronicIntegrals` container. When dealing with separate coefficients for the :math:`\alpha`- and :math:`\beta`-spin electrons, the unrestricted-spin Hamiltonian can be obtained from the one above in a straight-forward manner, following any quantum chemistry textbook. You can construct an instance of this Hamiltonian in multiple ways: 1. With an existing instance of :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.ElectronicIntegrals`: .. code-block:: python integrals: ElectronicIntegrals = ... from qiskit_nature.second_q.hamiltonians import ElectronicEnergy hamiltonian = ElectronicEnergy(integrals, constants={"nuclear_repulsion_energy": 1.0}) 2. From a raw set of integral coefficient matrices: .. code-block:: python # assuming, you have your one- and two-body integrals from somewhere h1_a, h2_aa, h1_b, h2_bb, h2_ba = ... hamiltonian = ElectronicEnergy.from_raw_integrals(h1_a, h2_aa, h1_b, h2_bb, h2_ba) hamiltonian.nuclear_repulsion_energy = 1.0 Note, how we specified the nuclear repulsion energy as a constant energy offset in the above examples. This term will not be included in the mapped qubit operator since it is a constant offset term and does not need to incur any errors from being measured on a quantum device. It is however possible to include constant energy terms inside of the :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.ElectronicIntegrals` container, if you want it to be included in the qubit operator, once mapping the second-quantized operator to the qubit space (see also :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.mappers.QubitMapper`). .. code-block:: python from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import PolynomialTensor e_nuc = hamiltonian.nuclear_repulsion_energy hamiltonian.electronic_integrals.alpha += PolynomialTensor({"": e_nuc}) hamiltonian.nuclear_repulsion_energy = None It is also possible to add other constant energy offsets to the :attr:`.constants` attribute of this Hamiltonian. All offsets registered in that dictionary will **not** be mapped to the qubit operator. .. code-block:: python hamiltonian.constants["my custom offset"] = 5.0 # be careful, the following overwrites the hamiltonian.nuclear_repulsion_energy value hamiltonian.constants["nuclear_repulsion_energy"] = 10.0 Attributes: electronic_integrals: The :class:`qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.ElectronicIntegrals`. constants: A mapping of constant energy offsets, not mapped to the qubit operator. """ def __init__( self, electronic_integrals: ElectronicIntegrals, *, constants: MutableMapping[str, float] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: electronic_integrals: The container with the one- and two-body coefficients. constants: A mapping of constant energy offsets. """ self.electronic_integrals = electronic_integrals self.constants = constants if constants is not None else {} @property def register_length(self) -> int | None: return self.electronic_integrals.register_length @property def nuclear_repulsion_energy(self) -> float | None: """The nuclear repulsion energy. This constant energy offset does **not** get included in the generated operator. Add it as a constant term to the :attr:`electronic_integrals` and remove it here, if you want to include it in the generated operator: .. code-block:: python from qiskit_nature.second_q.operators import PolynomialTensor hamiltonian = ElectronicEnergy(...) hamiltonian.electronic_integrals.alpha += PolynomialTensor({ "": hamiltonian.nuclear_repulsion_energy }) hamiltonian.nuclear_repulsion_energy = None """ return self.constants.get("nuclear_repulsion_energy", None) @nuclear_repulsion_energy.setter def nuclear_repulsion_energy(self, e_nuc: float | None) -> None: if e_nuc is None: self.constants.pop("nuclear_repulsion_energy") else: self.constants["nuclear_repulsion_energy"] = e_nuc # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[documentos] @classmethod def from_raw_integrals( cls, h1_a: np.ndarray, h2_aa: np.ndarray, h1_b: np.ndarray | None = None, h2_bb: np.ndarray | None = None, h2_ba: np.ndarray | None = None, *, validate: bool = True, auto_index_order: bool = True, ) -> ElectronicEnergy: """Constructs a hamiltonian instance from raw integrals. This function simply calls :meth:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.operators.ElectronicIntegrals.from_raw_integrals`. See its documentation for more details. Args: h1_a: the alpha-spin one-body coefficients. h2_aa: the alpha-alpha-spin two-body coefficients. h1_b: the beta-spin one-body coefficients. h2_bb: the beta-beta-spin two-body coefficients. h2_ba: the beta-alpha-spin two-body coefficients. validate: whether or not to validate the coefficient matrices. auto_index_order: whether or not to automatically convert the matrices to physicists' order. Returns: The resulting ``ElectronicEnergy`` instance. """ return cls( ElectronicIntegrals.from_raw_integrals( h1_a, h2_aa, h1_b, h2_bb, h2_ba, validate=validate, auto_index_order=auto_index_order, ) )
[documentos] def second_q_op(self) -> FermionicOp: """Returns the second quantized operator constructed from the contained electronic integrals. Returns: A ``FermionicOp`` instance. """ return FermionicOp.from_polynomial_tensor(self.electronic_integrals.second_q_coeffs())
[documentos] def interpret( self, result: "qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.EigenstateResult" # type: ignore[name-defined] ) -> None: """Interprets an :class:`~qiskit_nature.second_q.problems.EigenstateResult`. In particular, this adds the constant energy shifts stored in this hamiltonian to the result object. Args: result: the result to add meaning to. """ result.extracted_transformer_energies = copy(self.constants) result.nuclear_repulsion_energy = result.extracted_transformer_energies.pop( "nuclear_repulsion_energy", None )
[documentos] def coulomb(self, density: ElectronicIntegrals) -> ElectronicIntegrals: r"""Computes the Coulomb term for the given reduced density matrix. .. math:: J_{qr} = \sum g_{pqrs} D_{ps} Args: density: the reduced density matrix. Returns: The Coulomb operator coefficients. Raises: NotImplementedError: when encountering :class:`.SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals` inside of :attr:`.ElectronicEnergy.electronic_integrals`. """ two_body_aa = self.electronic_integrals.alpha.get("++--", None) einsum = f"{''.join(two_body_aa._reverse_label_template('pqrs'))},ps->qr" coulomb = ElectronicIntegrals.einsum( {einsum: ("++--", "+-", "+-")}, self.electronic_integrals, density ) if self.electronic_integrals.beta_alpha.is_empty() and density.beta.is_empty(): coulomb *= 2.0 # type: ignore else: if self.electronic_integrals.beta_alpha.is_empty(): beta_alpha = self.electronic_integrals.two_body.alpha else: beta_alpha = self.electronic_integrals.beta_alpha coulomb.alpha += PolynomialTensor.einsum( {einsum: ("++--", "+-", "+-")}, beta_alpha, density.beta ) einsum = einsum[2:4] + einsum[:2] + einsum[4:] coulomb.beta += PolynomialTensor.einsum( {einsum: ("++--", "+-", "+-")}, beta_alpha, density.alpha ) return coulomb
[documentos] def exchange(self, density: ElectronicIntegrals) -> ElectronicIntegrals: r"""Computes the Exchange term for the given reduced density matrix. .. math:: K_{pr} = \sum g_{pqrs} D_{qs} Args: density: the reduced density matrix. Returns: The Exchange operator coefficients. Raises: NotImplementedError: when encountering :class:`.SymmetricTwoBodyIntegrals` inside of :attr:`.ElectronicEnergy.electronic_integrals`. """ two_body_aa = self.electronic_integrals.alpha.get("++--", None) einsum = f"{''.join(two_body_aa._reverse_label_template('pqrs'))},qs->pr" exchange = ElectronicIntegrals.einsum( {einsum: ("++--", "+-", "+-")}, self.electronic_integrals, density ) return exchange
[documentos] def fock(self, density: ElectronicIntegrals) -> ElectronicIntegrals: r"""Computes the Fock operator for the given reduced density matrix. .. math:: F_{pq} = h_{pq} + J_{pq} - K_{pq} where :math:`J` and :math:`K` are the :meth:`coulomb` and :meth:`exchange` terms, respectively. Args: density: the reduced density matrix. Returns: The Fock operator coefficients. """ return self.electronic_integrals.one_body + self.coulomb(density) - self.exchange(density)