Source code for qiskit_metal.renderers.renderer_gds.make_cheese

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""" For GDS export, separate the logic for cheesing."""

import logging
from typing import Union
import gdspy
import shapely
import numpy as np

[docs] class Cheesing(): """Create a cheese cell based on input of no-cheese locations.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods # To be used by QGDSRenderer only. # Number of instance attributes is acceptable for this case. def __init__( self, multi_poly: shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon, all_nocheese_gds: list, lib: gdspy.GdsLibrary, minx: float, miny: float, maxx: float, maxy: float, chip_name: str, edge_nocheese: float, layer: int, is_neg_mask: bool, datatype_cheese: int, datatype_keepout: int, fab: bool, logger: logging.Logger, max_points: int, precision: float, cheese_shape: int = 0, # For rectangle shape_0_x: float = 0.000050, shape_0_y: float = 0.000050, # For Circle shape_1_radius: float = 0.000025, # delta spacing for holes delta_x: float = 0.00010, delta_y: float = 0.00010, ): """Create the cheesing based on the no-cheese multi_poly. Args: multi_poly (shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon): The area on chip per layer for no-cheese. all_nocheese_gds (list): The same as multi_poly, but a list to be used for gdspy. lib (gdspy.GdsLibrary): Holds all of the cells for export. minx (float): Chip minimum x location. miny (float): Chip minimum y location. maxx (float): Chip maximum x location. maxy (float): Chip maximum y location. chip_name (str): User defined chip name. edge_nocheese (float): Keep a buffer around the perimeter of chip, that will not need cheesing. layer (int): Layer number for calculating the cheese. is_neg_mask: Export a negative mask for chip and layer of init. If False, export a positive mask. datatype_cheese (int): User defined datatype, considered a sub-layer number for where to place the cheese output. datatype_keepout (int): User defined datatype, considered a sub-layer number for where to place the keepout of cheese. fab (bool): To determine if the cells are meant for fabrication versus showing iterative information used in a "developer" mode. If false, show the intermediate steps in the exported gds file. If true, show the geometries on either neg_datatype_fabricate or pos_datatype_fabricate. Example: # denotes the layer number delete for negative mask- TOP_main_#_NoCheese_99, TOP_main_#_one_hole delete for positive mask- TOP_main_#_NoCheese_99, TOP_main_#_one_hole, ground_main_# max_points (int): Used in gdspy to identify max number of points for a Polygon. precision (float): Used in gdspy to identify precision. logger (logging.Logger): Used to give warnings and errors. cheese_shape (int, optional): 0 is rectangle. 1 is circle. Defaults to 0. shape_0_x (float, optional): The width will be centered at (x=0,y=0). Defaults to 0.000050. shape_0_y (float, optional): The height will be centered at (x=0,y=0). Defaults to 0.000050. shape_1_radius (float, optional): The radius of circle. Defaults to 0.000025. delta_x (float, optional): The spacing between holes in x. delta_y (float, optional): The spacing between holes in y. """ # All the no-cheese locations. self.multi_poly = multi_poly self.nocheese_gds = all_nocheese_gds self.lib = lib # chip boundary, layer and datatype, buffer for perimeter self.minx = minx self.miny = miny self.maxx = maxx self.maxy = maxy self.chip_name = chip_name self.edge_nocheese = edge_nocheese self.layer = layer self.is_neg_mask = is_neg_mask self.datatype_cheese = datatype_cheese self.datatype_keepout = datatype_keepout self.max_points = max_points self.precision = precision self.fab = fab self.logger = logger # Expect to mostly cheese a square, but allow for expansion. self.cheese_shape = cheese_shape self.shape_0_x = shape_0_x self.shape_0_y = shape_0_y self.shape_1_radius = shape_1_radius # Create a shapely the size of chip. self.boundary = shapely.geometry.Polygon([(minx, miny), (minx, maxy), (maxx, maxy)]) self.delta_x = delta_x self.delta_y = delta_y self.cheese_cell = None # max dimension of grid is chip size reduced by self.edge_nocheese self.grid_minx = self.minx + self.edge_nocheese self.grid_miny = self.miny + self.edge_nocheese self.grid_maxx = self.maxx - self.edge_nocheese self.grid_maxy = self.maxy - self.edge_nocheese if self.grid_maxx <= self.grid_minx or self.grid_maxy <= self.grid_miny: self.logger.warning( 'When edge_nocheese is applied to decrease the chip size, of where cheesing ', 'will happen, the resulting size is not realistic.') self.one_hole_cell = None self.hole = None
[docs] def apply_cheesing(self) -> gdspy.GdsLibrary: """Prototype, not complete. Need to populate self.lib with cheese holes. """ if self._error_checking_hole_delta() == 0: # Place hole into self.hole self._make_one_hole_at_zero_zero() _ = self._hole_to_lib() self._cell_with_grid() else: self.logger.warning('Cheesing not implemented.') return self.lib
def _error_checking_hole_delta(self) -> int: """Check ratio of hole size vs hole spacing. Returns: int: Observation based on hole size and spacing. * 0 No issues detected. * 1 Delta spacing less than or equal to hole * 2 cheese_shape is unknown to Cheesing class. """ observe = -1 if self.cheese_shape == 0: observe = 1 if self.delta_x <= self.shape_0_x or self.delta_y <= self.shape_0_y else 0 elif self.cheese_shape == 1: diameter = 2 * self.shape_1_radius return 1 if self.delta_x <= diameter or self.delta_y <= diameter else 0 else: self.logger.warning( f'The cheese_shape={self.cheese_shape} is unknown in Cheesing class.' ) return 2 if observe == 1: self.logger.warning( 'The size of delta spacing is same as or smaller than hole.') return observe def _make_one_hole_at_zero_zero(self): """This method will create just one hole used for cheesing defined by a shapely object. It will be placed in self.hole. """ if self.cheese_shape == 0: width, height = self.shape_0_x, self.shape_0_y self.hole = / 2, -height / 2, width / 2, height / 2) elif self.cheese_shape == 1: self.hole = shapely.geometry.Point(0, 0).buffer(self.shape_1_radius) else: self.logger.warning( f'The cheese_shape={self.cheese_shape} is unknown in Cheesing class.' ) def _hole_to_lib(self) -> gdspy.polygon.Polygon: """Convert the self.hole to a gds cell and add to self.lib. Put the hole on datatype_cheese +2. This is expected to change when we agree to some convention. Returns: gdspy.polygon.Polygon: The gdspy polygon for single hole for cheesing. None is not made. """ a_poly = None if isinstance(self.hole, shapely.geometry.Polygon): exterior_poly = gdspy.Polygon(list(self.hole.exterior.coords), layer=self.layer, datatype=self.datatype_cheese + 2) # If polygons have a holes, need to remove (subtract) it for gdspy. all_interiors = list() geom = self.hole if geom.interiors: for inside in geom.interiors: interior_coords = list(inside.coords) all_interiors.append(interior_coords) a_poly_set = gdspy.PolygonSet(all_interiors, layer=self.layer, datatype=self.datatype_cheese + 2) a_poly = gdspy.boolean(exterior_poly, a_poly_set, 'not', max_points=self.max_points, precision=self.precision, layer=self.layer, datatype=self.datatype_cheese + 2) else: a_poly = exterior_poly.fracture(max_points=self.max_points, precision=self.precision) else: hole_type = type(self.hole) self.logger.warning(f'The self.hole was not converted to gdspy; ' f'the type \'{hole_type}\' was not handled.') #convert a_poly to cell, then use cell reference to add to all the cheese in chip_rect_gds chip_layer_only_top_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' cheese_one_hole_cell_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}_one_hole' self.one_hole_cell = self.lib.new_cell(cheese_one_hole_cell_name, overwrite_duplicate=True) self.one_hole_cell.add(a_poly) if self.one_hole_cell.get_bounding_box() is not None: self.lib.cells[chip_layer_only_top_name].add( gdspy.CellReference(self.one_hole_cell)) else: self.lib.remove(self.one_hole_cell) return a_poly def _cell_with_grid(self): """Use the hole at self.one_hole_cell to create a grid. Then use the no_cheese cell to remove the holes from grid. The difference will be used subtract from the ground layer with geometry. The cells are added to the Top_<chip_name>. """ gather_holes_cell = self._get_all_holes() diff_holes_cell = self._subtract_keepout_from_hole_grid( gather_holes_cell) self.lib.remove(gather_holes_cell) cell_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' cell_layer = self.lib.cells[cell_name] if self.is_neg_mask: #negative mask for given chip and layer self._move_to_under_top_chip_layer_name(diff_holes_cell) if self.fab: self._both_pos_and_neg_mask_fab() #Need the diff cell for negative mask. #self._remove_cheese_diff_cell() else: #positive mask for given chip and layer if self.fab: self._subtract_from_ground_and_move_under_top_chip_layer( diff_holes_cell) self._both_pos_and_neg_mask_fab() # This is something special still to do. self._remove_cheese_diff_cell() self._remove_ground_chip_layer() else: self._subtract_from_ground_and_move_under_top_chip_layer( diff_holes_cell) def _both_pos_and_neg_mask_fab(self): """For both positive and negative mask need to have this cell removed when user has fabricate.fab=True. """ self._remove_cell_one_hole() def _remove_cell_one_hole(self): """Remove cell with just one hole. """ cheese_one_hole_cell_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}_one_hole' if cheese_one_hole_cell_name in self.lib.cells: self.lib.remove(cheese_one_hole_cell_name) def _subtract_from_ground_and_move_under_top_chip_layer( self, diff_holes_cell: gdspy.library.Cell): """Get the existing chip_only_top_name cell, then add the holes to it. Also, add ground_cheesed_cell under chip_only_top_name Args: diff_holes_cell (gdspy.library.Cell): New cell with cheesed ground """ #chip_only_top_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}' chip_only_top_layer_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' #if chip_only_top_name in self.lib.cells: if chip_only_top_layer_name in self.lib.cells: if diff_holes_cell.get_bounding_box() is not None: self.lib.cells[chip_only_top_layer_name].add( gdspy.CellReference(diff_holes_cell)) ground_cheese_cell = self._subtract_holes_from_ground( diff_holes_cell) #Move to under Top_main_layer (Top_chipname_#) self._move_to_under_top_chip_layer_name(ground_cheese_cell) else: self.lib.remove(diff_holes_cell) def _subtract_keepout_from_hole_grid( self, gather_holes_cell: gdspy.library.Cell) -> gdspy.library.Cell: """Given a cell with all the holes, subtract the keepout region. Then return a new cell with the result. Args: gather_holes_cell (gdspy.library.Cell): Holds a grid of all the holes for cheesing. Returns: gdspy.library.Cell: Newly created cell that holds the difference of holes minus the keep=out region. """ # subtact the keepout, note, Based on user options, # the keepout (no_cheese) cell may not be in self.lib. temp_keepout_chip_layer_cell = f'temp_keepout_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' temp_keepout_cell = self.lib.new_cell(temp_keepout_chip_layer_cell, overwrite_duplicate=True) temp_keepout_cell.add(self.nocheese_gds) diff_holes = gdspy.boolean(gather_holes_cell.get_polygonsets(), temp_keepout_cell.get_polygonsets(), 'not', max_points=self.max_points, precision=self.precision, layer=self.layer, datatype=self.datatype_cheese + 1) diff_holes_cell_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}_Cheese_diff' diff_holes_cell = self.lib.new_cell(diff_holes_cell_name, overwrite_duplicate=True) diff_holes_cell.add(diff_holes) self.lib.remove(temp_keepout_chip_layer_cell) return diff_holes_cell def _get_all_holes(self) -> gdspy.library.Cell: """Return a cell with a grid of holes. The keepout has not been applied yet. Returns: gdspy.library.Cell: Cell containing all the holes. """ gather_holes_cell_name = f'Gather_holes_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' gather_holes_cell = self.lib.new_cell(gather_holes_cell_name, overwrite_duplicate=True) x_holes = np.arange(self.grid_minx, self.grid_maxx, self.delta_x, dtype=float).tolist() y_holes = np.arange(self.grid_miny, self.grid_maxy, self.delta_y, dtype=float).tolist() if self.one_hole_cell is not None: for x_loc in x_holes: for y_loc in y_holes: gather_holes_cell.add( gdspy.CellReference(self.one_hole_cell, origin=(x_loc, y_loc))) return gather_holes_cell def _subtract_holes_from_ground( self, diff_holes_cell) -> Union[gdspy.library.Cell, None]: """Get reference to ground cell and then subtract the holes from ground. Place the difference into a new cell, which will eventually be added under Top. Args: diff_holes_cell ([type]): Cell which contains all the holes. Returns: Union[gdspy.library.Cell, None]: If worked, the new cell with cheesed ground, otherwise, None. """ # Still need to 'not' with Top_main_1 (ground) top_chip_layer_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' ground_cell_name = f'ground_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' if top_chip_layer_name in self.lib.cells.keys(): ground_cell = self.lib.cells[ground_cell_name] # Need to keep the depth at 0, otherwise all the # cell references (junctions) will be added for boolean. ground_cheese = gdspy.boolean(ground_cell.get_polygons(depth=0), diff_holes_cell.get_polygonsets(), 'not', max_points=self.max_points, precision=self.precision, layer=self.layer, datatype=self.datatype_cheese) ground_cheese_cell_name = (f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' f'_Cheese_{self.datatype_cheese}') ground_cheese_cell = self.lib.new_cell(ground_cheese_cell_name, overwrite_duplicate=True) return ground_cheese_cell.add(ground_cheese) self.logger.warning( f'The cell:{top_chip_layer_name} was not found in self.lib. ' f'Cheesing not implemented.') return None def _move_to_under_top_chip_layer_name(self, a_cell: gdspy.library.Cell): """Move the cell to under TOP_<chip name>_<layer number>. Args: a_cell (gdspy.library.Cell): A GDSPY cell. """ chip_only_top_chip_layer_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' if chip_only_top_chip_layer_name in self.lib.cells: if a_cell.get_bounding_box() is not None: self.lib.cells[chip_only_top_chip_layer_name].add( gdspy.CellReference(a_cell)) else: self.lib.remove(a_cell) def _remove_cheese_diff_cell(self): """ For a lib, chip and layer, remove the Cheese_diff cell. """ cell_name = f'TOP_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}_Cheese_diff' if cell_name in self.lib.cells: self.lib.remove(cell_name) def _remove_ground_chip_layer(self): """[For a lib, chip and layer, remove the ground cell which is created for positive mask. """ cell_name = f'ground_{self.chip_name}_{self.layer}' if cell_name in self.lib.cells: self.lib.remove(cell_name)